Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Keep the N as close to 0 going forward and toss that soil after this grow. It's obv way too hot. Get something neutral or coco for next time!

You can even skip the cal mag for a few waterings if it's got N in it.

oh and i can really attest to coco ...its amazing stuff if you take a good brand ... it is super PH stable it has zero chance for overwatering and it takes more then a week to get it to dry out and you can either use a hydro or a soil watering regime and plants get a lot bigger cause of the oxygen in the rootzone
Damn you guys are almost convincing me to go coco with the clones (if they survive)!
Looks like I'm gonna lose the second Lilly cutting . And found bugs. Ahhh what a day!!!
Bugs! This is what happens when you bring an outsider into our bathroom!!!

You could take 10 clones off Lily and no one would notice on that bush :)
Yeah now I have AB all worried he gave them to me. I told him I'd take a small tree in exchange for a few days of spraying NEEM any day. Maybe should have sprayed Lilly before she came in the room but I can't find any of the little shits on her. Meh bugs. A part of life and shit. I'm not stressed just keeping at it!!! Mites would have my panties in a bundle! But killing thripes is a pastime I enjoy. . Sinister as it may be .

Any one think some fly traps will help? These fckers fly right? I just happened to throw some in the cart yesterday. That was the universe throwing me a bone
Hey moon. Hope the gals perked up for you! Have a great Friday!
Hope u all are having a great day. Had a crazy last 30 or so hours, but early this am had a chance to run 4 gallons of water through Luna, & also, I pulled some outer branches that are growing way taller than their opposite side of the plant .....away from the middle...& so the inner bud sites could get more light. Also, not sure if I should have done this, but I took 3 problem child branches and pulled them down, secured them just a bit over the other tops of plant, then I took that excess height, & pulled down, & curved around pot till tops all uniform! Did same to dos, but she is much more advanced in flower than Luna, so didn’t do too much on him. I’m pretty happy with her check out the horizontal branch in’s the main top going around in a this ok to do now. 3 weeks of first pistils.....
the other pic is how they look in tent after adjustments & water.....switched light schedule for the cold weather in dec. lights off from 2-6pm!
Girls are looking really good!

Thanks P dub! Had some unbelievable help from all of you! Thanks everyone by the way! I’d like to see Luna perk up & start doing something a lil faster. She’s at ...57 days now & looking like a twig! Lol. You think it was/is ok to have pulled down the tallest branches & worked them horizontally, like around the pot ?
Thanks P dub! Had some unbelievable help from all of you! Thanks everyone by the way! I’d like to see Luna perk up & start doing something a lil faster. She’s at ...57 days now & looking like a twig! Lol. You think it was/is ok to have pulled down the tallest branches & worked them horizontally, like around the pot ?

Yes. Also, at 57 days she still has over 5 weeks to go. Come up with a standard nute solution, feed when the pots get light, and relax!
Yea been a crasy week. I had 10 degree temps. in my pool house with make shift tent and heater she is going to make it but wont be the best looking girl but will be able to dance.

happy growing
Yes. Also, at 57 days she still has over 5 weeks to go. Come up with a standard nute solution, feed when the pots get light, and relax!

Yeah, def leaving grow out as I have so far, very little micro, & no cal mag plus, ....I’ll figure something else out if it’s needed. Hope alls well bro. Bout to check your clones out.

Oh, remember the question I asked about the feeding schedule for the advanced nutes? I was wondering if the recommended dose for Week one (4ml per liter) was to be spread out over the waterings (however many) in that week. I thought I’d been giving way too much nutes since I was giving 3/4 that amount 2-3 x’s per week. But the rep said I was doing it right. Just an FYI for any who may have been wondering. Happy day everyone! :thumb:
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