Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Wish I’d have left phone with wife. I just didn’t want to be sitting on side of road in case something happened otw here. Falling asleep here, I think someone just heard me snore or something, cause they were eyeballin me hard! Lol. Mind your business gramps! Lol. Kiddin....I always respect elders. Forgot food too. Ahhh. Sleep for this pulmonary treadmill test coming up. Then a visit with the doc saying my fat behind needs to make better food choices. Hey.....speaking of food. This I heard for plants, (regular kind) hehe. Guy told me he takes food waste such as potato skin after peeling taters, and any fruit or vegetable remenants of raw unseasoned Nature, & boils it. Once strained & cooled appropriately, he waters as a tonic. Wonder how beneficial it is for cannabis. Actually, I think he was passing along info he had heard in a gardening forum, & hasn’t actually tried it yet.
Damn...if I can't sit in front of a computer for a bit all hell breaks loose in Florida! Let's see if I can remember what I wanted to say after reading the last 3 pages(!)...

If they say 24ml total then that's what they mean, but you prob know that by now.

I got up to around 750 PPM in flower (can't remember exactly and don't feel like searching the journal ;)) but probably could have gone higher. I'm going to shoot for 900 this time with more TigerBloom (not OpenSesame, which I'm keeping at 1/2 tsp/gal). Also, the BigBloom is added after PPM calculations because it completely throws the numbers out of whack.

Don't count on nutes upping your harvest without flirting with danger (like last night). More light is the only guaranteed way to get more bud.

I like Furcifer's advice on keeping the photos small (thanks! I'll be using your suggestion for my clones and seed) and if you can do that you can put them outside in the spring like I'll be doing and harvest in the Fall. And then you can use the tent for another couple of rounds of autos!
Damn...if I can't sit in front of a computer for a bit all hell breaks loose in Florida! Let's see if I can remember what I wanted to say after reading the last 3 pages(!)...

If they say 24ml total then that's what they mean, but you prob know that by now.

I got up to around 750 PPM in flower (can't remember exactly and don't feel like searching the journal ;)) but probably could have gone higher. I'm going to shoot for 900 this time with more TigerBloom (not OpenSesame, which I'm keeping at 1/2 tsp/gal). Also, the BigBloom is added after PPM calculations because it completely throws the numbers out of whack.

Don't count on nutes upping your harvest without flirting with danger (like last night). More light is the only guaranteed way to get more bud.

I like Furcifer's advice on keeping the photos small (thanks! I'll be using your suggestion for my clones and seed) and if you can do that you can put them outside in the spring like I'll be doing and harvest in the Fall. And then you can use the tent for another couple of rounds of autos!

Yes sir. That dude will straight square ya away. I’m going to try as well. I have until maybe mid May with tent. Probably more like April.
Checked Luna this am. Looked bad, can’t tell her color with lights on, but no time to deal with her until later this am. But she looked bad. I picked up pot to see if it was still soaked, thinking she was way overwatered. Well she is dry as a bone. Prolly pissed at me. Brought some water in from the porch. Probably about 50f out there, so I’ll be warming it up in tub later. Can’t wait to run plain water through her.
Yikes 50f is low temps man good luck moon

Thanks joe, but I mean outside , my tent is in the outside 50f weather, but inside my tent is hamming bro! I can keep this exactly where I want it, IF the outside weather co operates, (stays like this). I my set up only raises temps 6 degrees with lights, and I have a heater in there with a digital display of both the “room temp” & and my desired room temp, it has a built in thermostat, freaking I can set whatever damn temp I want as long as it stays in 60’s-72deg highs here. Lows don’t matter with this heater. Talk bout dialed in. It ain’t perfect, but as close as I could possibles ever do outdoors. Now I know my tent grow zone times of the year. :thumb: it was 98% rh outside the other night/morning. You wanna guess the rh of the tent at that same time???......52%:thumb: temps were set at 70. Sometimes I set temps as low as 65deg f. It’s awesome dude. Now I need a bad ass light. I’ll only need to grow 1 at a time! Lol. Nah. Never!!!!!
So here's Luna before gallon of water....
So here's Luna before gallon of water....

Give her a bit more time if you have water give her a it and leave her alone easy on stressing her buddy

many inner leafs here are very dark green and cupped inwards and clawed

Ya know dude, I think you’re right, but I’m using only 2.5 ml per gallon of an micro, & 2.5-3 ml of cal mag plus per gallon. Apparently I need to scale those 2 back a bit. I was thinking high in N again a couple of pages ago or somewhere round this site, & I remember posting how I don’t want to have to flush her AGAIN....she is absent of a heavy scent except on stems, but flowers smell a little, but she is a bit behind due to her rough beginning. I wonder if that’s a symptom of nitrogen toxicity...:thumb:
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