Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Ok moonshine relax!
Burple light....cant tell crap!
Looks like you just watered them.
There resilient plants. Let her dry up a little. She'll perk right back up.
Your in SOIL! Give it a chance.
A little bit of pouting is ok. If she straight up....started turning brown...curling into a fetal position...tapping out like she was in a rear-naked-choke-hold...
I would be worried!!!!
Don't try to force her to produce. Feed her right...without a ppm meter...dont go over half strength unless she is HUGE.
You've got this!
Makes you wish you knew the PPM of the solution!

Yeah, can't wait to get one of those things. That's my next $20 I get for myself. Sorry about the blurple pics last night. I know it's hard to tell what's goin on, but I couldn't take it out at the time. :thumb:
Hey Moonshine just dropping by, I can't give you advice on your grow it's over my head. But I'm still here to cheer you on. Looking forward to some more green pics. You'll get this nailed down, you have official experts here.

Thanks for the encouragement grow. I know these guys will be here, & if not.....then I’ve got some “big boy” pants in my closet. Lol. They’re just so heavy! Lol. Anyways friend, hope you and the hubby are doing well and wishes for a great day are heading yalls way!

I took her out this am a few seconds ago. Color looks good. Leaves feel a little dry/coarse. Pics coming. Apologies for the pink ones last night, but I couldn’t take em out for photos at that time, & was wanting any comfort before bed! Lol. Great day!!
Ok moonshine relax!
Burple light....cant tell crap!
Looks like you just watered them.
There resilient plants. Let her dry up a little. She'll perk right back up.
Your in SOIL! Give it a chance.
A little bit of pouting is ok. If she straight up....started turning brown...curling into a fetal position...tapping out like she was in a rear-naked-choke-hold...
I would be worried!!!!
Don't try to force her to produce. Feed her right...without a ppm meter...dont go over half strength unless she is HUGE.
You've got this!

Ahhhh. Searg!!! You’re always that calming voice in the corner. Virges Merideth.....kinda sorta! Thanks & great day bro. I have an all day dr appt today, & was thinking I should flush, but I’d be gone all day. Plus too cold to flush outside, so I was hoping to know if I should flush this am inside before kids got up. I checked in reg Light this morn. Color is good. Maybe overwatered like I was hoping & like u said. Thanks bro...& great day to ya top! Wish I was at “tops” House this weekend! Lol
So here is Luna this morning in reg light....color looks good right. Hoping it’s just overwatered. Like you said Fur....never again will I push so hard if I get another chance at her. I’m really hoping for 2 ozs each. Or more of course!:thumb:
Looks like she was thirsty for some fresh water.. once she drinks it up she will be good to go man.

Thanks toast! I fed /watered yesterday afternoon, so maybe this evening she’ll be perky again. Just was checking your journal earlier man, you got me wanting to pop a seed with ya. I love starting one at the same time & watching them grow together, but my lil tent is maxed withers two autos. I have that one xmas cookie in there at 2-1/2 weeks old, but it’s a photo. I want to start 2 more autos so they’ll be on their way when these are done, but my light schedule will be messed up with this photo in there. Hate to wast it, so I’m trying to decide if I should just grow it out in tent by itself when these 2 autos are done in January, and greenhouse it when necessary, or just keep in tent vegging till March, & just keep one auto growing at a time. Or if I were to grow 2 more autos in there with it vegging, if I put the two autos in 2 gal pots, would that help to keep them small enough fit?
I don’t have any extra $$$ for any more equipment. I’m thinking bout trying my hand at making (gasp) a small cabinet for sprouting/vegging with some light cords, with the two bulb socket attachments , and get a bunch of cfl’s in there. And use this window fan I found in trash, and another heater I got around here somewhere.
2545BF41-E0A0-4987-9B3A-E475C05A9EAB.png looking at this chart, I had a scary realization. I’m now reading this as , or I should say, “understanding this to say....only 4 ml per liter for the entire week each week of flower, (in this ex. 6 weeks of flower), for a total of only 24 ml of g/m/b for the entire flower cycle. I’m embarrassed to say, bt if it will help someone else to not make this mistake then here goes.....I’ve been watering at half to 3/4 strength every watering which would be 3xs a week. And here’s what I THINK I’ve been doing wrong....going to call Andy at advanced nutrients later today to clarify, unless I hear from anyone else regarding this. I’ve been going like this....chart says 4ml per liter, so I’ve been mixing up 2 ml per liter (1/2 dosage), but for 3xs a week makes, so for 6 liters of water Im giving 12 ml per 6 liters is 36 ml for the 6 day period. Is this making sense.

Like was I supposed to take the 4ml per liter, & split that over the 3 watering per week. Or over 2 watering s per week & give one plain watering per week
Is that too green (n) again? Or is it just me? Dam cal mag +. That "plus" is hard to judge.

What is the n content in the cal mag plus she looks a bit dark green but what is your new growth looking like ?

Just look at what happened to hope when I have her to much nitro she got stunted a bit foliage became weak to bring pest.

So your looking for a nice green I like bright green weed when I grind it up in grinder verses darker . Remember. Moon less is more bro.
Goodmorning Moonshine!
I think it's just the extra N and possibly overwatering. That calmag+ is 4-0-0

They'll be fine! just listen to them and act fast if issues get worse :thumb:
2545BF41-E0A0-4987-9B3A-E475C05A9EAB.png looking at this chart, I had a scary realization. I'm now reading this as , or I should say, "understanding this to say....only 4 ml per liter for the entire week each week of flower, (in this ex. 6 weeks of flower), for a total of only 24 ml of g/m/b for the entire flower cycle. I'm embarrassed to say, bt if it will help someone else to not make this mistake then here goes.....I've been watering at half to 3/4 strength every watering which would be 3xs a week. And here's what I THINK I've been doing wrong....going to call Andy at advanced nutrients later today to clarify, unless I hear from anyone else regarding this. I've been going like this....chart says 4ml per liter, so I've been mixing up 2 ml per liter (1/2 dosage), but for 3xs a week makes, so for 6 liters of water Im giving 12 ml per 6 liters is 36 ml for the 6 day period. Is this making sense.

Like was I supposed to take the 4ml per liter, & split that over the 3 watering per week. Or over 2 watering s per week & give one plain watering per week

I think your over thinking it .

Your goal on autos is to stay around. 600-900 ppm in bloom tops on an auto .

Here I can tell you this .

I'll take my tap water 150 ppm

I'll add 2 ml cal mag first and 1.25 ml voodoo juice 1ml grow 1ml micro .5 bloom from my an. Nutes ph perfect trio. This bring ii to around 300-340 ppm with that mix

Then every week I'll be bringing my ppm up a bit depending on how plants are reacting.

But let's say I want to mix up and get around 700 ppms in flowering for an auto

I would mix about 1 ml mammoth p
3-4 ml cal mag
No grow unless needed

And use 2-3 ml micro and seamen with bloom.

Does that help you at all buddy.?
What is the n content in the cal mag plus she looks a bit dark green but what is your new growth looking like ?

Just look at what happened to hope when I have her to much nitro she got stunted a bit foliage became weak to bring pest.

So your looking for a nice green I like bright green weed when I grind it up in grinder verses darker . Remember. Moon less is more bro.

Cal mag plus hat 2 n content. So what do you think of my comment about the an nutrient calculator, & my understanding of it? How do you interpret the schedule bud? Thanks! Great day joe!
I think your over thinking it .

Your goal on autos is to stay around. 600-900 ppm in bloom tops on an auto .

Here I can tell you this .

I'll take my tap water 150 ppm

I'll add 2 ml cal mag first and 1.25 ml voodoo juice 1ml grow 1ml micro .5 bloom from my an. Nutes ph perfect trio. This bring ii to around 300-340 ppm with that mix

Then every week I'll be bringing my ppm up a bit depending on how plants are reacting.

But let's say I want to mix up and get around 700 ppms in flowering for an auto

I would mix about 1 ml mammoth p
3-4 ml cal mag
No grow unless needed

And use 2-3 ml micro and seamen with bloom.

Does that help you at all buddy.?

Yeah bro....if I'd have asked a lot sooner. Lol. I been putting 9-10 ml of bloom in per 1.5 gal, or more accurately in 6 liters of water. No grow, & about 3 ml of micro, about 2.5 ml of cal mag + into that also, as well as all the additives. I've been putting in mammoth every watering at 1/2 recommended dose at first, but now full dose. Think I put 2ml into 6 liters lately.
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