Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Awwww shucks, thank you soooo much. Wow your plants are rockin'! So you must be rollin'. Thanks for having me here. .✌️.

Thanks grow! It's great to have your knowledge & spirit here! You are one of the pillars of this community! Great day to ya grow!:thumb:
Your ladies have the curves in all the right places Moonshine. Really healthy and lush green. It was good to sit and stare at them.

Hope the game isn't STEELing your buzz. Have a great day.

Thanks very much for the kind words grow! Luna is so lanky & barely any meat on she that way because she’s a week behind in flower?
one expresses indica style flowering and the other sativa style if ye ask me ... and i think dos looks further into flower aswell ...

Yeah bud, dos started flowering about a week or so before Luna. So I would say Luna looks more sativa out of the pair? What say he mate? Ok.....that was a little creepy. But what the hell........”ARRRGGHHH!!” Lol:thumb:
Gorgeous plants Moonshine! definitely well on their way, nice to see different expressions from the phenos!
Hope all is well folks. Taking a sec to post some of Luna....she’s a bit behind....still stretching I suppose. Tightened her back to where the tops were more even. Luna was gettin crazy!!!
Considering that pinched little stem Luna started with I will not hear ANY complaining, OK?

You tell em shed! But seriously I'm really glad you stuck it out with her she's looking great!!! Happy MONDAY moonshine. Hope your weeks off to an awesome start
Well good morning my few followers! Thanks for hanging in there with me. Last night I gave dos a feed with the usual suspects, minus the bud ignitor, because they’re past that point now. However, I did introduce the pk 13-14, (albeit, from what I’ve read Week 5 is best, & only for the one week at 1/2 recommended dose). I used 2.5-3ml into 6 liters of distilled tap water. My tap water has a ph of 8. Using Advanced Nutrients is the lazy mans noob proof way to go boys. My ph after adding nutes & additives.....anyone care to take a guess.......we’ll it goes down to 6ish. Nice urine color, which according to my ph testing liquid bottle spot on....”6”. Although my favorite # is 7! Anyways. That’s what they’re getting. Introduced canna pk 13-14 the night before last night on Luna.

Now....this morning I spotted this in trash!
Works. Little noisy, but who cares! Trying to think of how to use it as an exhaust fan. Any of you diy’s have any ideas? Lol. Great day all!!
Oh! The other night, I left Luna at 11”s under day, her highest point was 9”s under light. Whewwwww. Glad she didn’t burn. Begs the question, how close could I get these lights to tops, before reaching a point of diminishing returns, or experience adverse effects....light burn?:thumb:
Ok, so Luna is looking thirsty again already, & pot feels light as it did 2 days ago. She never looks “satisfied” like dos seems to. Dos may sag a bit at night & after watering/feeding, but not for long. Luna’s either too thirsty, or looks over watered. Trying to find her sweet spot. Going to give her 2 gallons today, or tonight. Here are some pics of tent this am with lights off! Day 49 for dos & day 54 for Luna! Oh, & can’t forget Mrs. Claus...she’s 14 days today.
and here is this volcano brand heater/fan with temp gauge to display current tent temp...about 2 degrees higher than my hygrometer reads, so close enough to mathematically calculate the desired room temps.) And also it has an option to set the desired temp to keep the room at. Man Life is easy when temps are stable...and here is the hygrometer reading. I still need to set up the heater and another fan to stay on when timer shuts everything down. If I were inside, this is piece of cake do it in your sleep kinda thing I think. But when it dips to the 40s &50s it gets a little hairy scurrying around changing things up in that tiny space. So many plugs and so little electrical outlets. The microwave running trips the circuit while lights on, so that’s a pain making sure no one trips it & doesn’t mention it. Then they’d be sitting out there in the cold dark. Because of high humidity, I have fans a blowing baby...anti pw & bud rot mechanisms along with the heater helping to keep air a little dryer it seems. So I have two floor box fans blowing in from left & right sides, a clip fan positioned between the lights & tops of plants from right to left, & a 6” desk fan blowing from floor upward, but not exactly pointed straight up , about 3/4 of the way straight up, & it circulates the air well. I have all flaps open, including back flap at bottom, and the tent unzipped about 4”s to Ben, otherwise the tent gets all puffy looking. Lol. Ok. Here’s the rest of pics.
laters!!! Great day everyone!
Little one is almost ready for transplant moon?

Man, I honestly have no idea. Gut would say no, & I don’t see any signs of roots at bottom. I check every day, & don’t ask me why, but for some reason I’ve noticed my transplants go better when it’s done when I can see roots about 1/8-1/4” coming out the bottom. This is speaking of regular plants and flowers.
Rule of thumb once those leafs start going out of pot or cup it's in let it go another two days pass that. What I've been taught and learned from 420
Rule of thumb once those leafs start going out of pot or cup it's in let it go another two days pass that. What I've been taught and learned from 420
Sounds like solid advice to me :). That's why I swear by the clear cups to start. When she grows out over the edge I notice it's only a few days until the roots hit bottom. Granted your container shape has a lot to do with this . Just keep am eye moon won't be long now!

The more roots development the smoother the transfer imo also. The roots hold the medium in place and it's less likely to have a chunk fall and take half the root mass with it. If that makes any sense. Again just my 2cents! The more you can condense the root mass by a few good transplants the better for uptake of nutes
Rule of thumb once those leafs start going out of pot or cup it’s in let it go another two days pass that. What I’ve been taught and learned from 420

Thanks joe! With keeping busy, & looking at Luna & dos, I honestly forget she’s in there covered by fan leaves. I’ve knocked her off her perch a couple of times now. I don’t know why I continue to smoke BEFORE maintaining them. From now on.....I vow to never feed, lst, water, spray, trim, or otherwise handle my plants , seedlings, or seeds if I’m high! Scouts honor!!
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