Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Maybe get a lil temp induced purple ;) It's effin 83 degrees at my place right now wish it would cool down again
off today and cant stop wanting to look at and smell those branches....flower noses are smelling like a citrusy, sweet pine, with a hint of diesel.....i know its dubbed "blueberry", but im just calling it like i see it un but its early for sure....and i know shed said his didnt smell blueberry ish until after drying. and of course, citrusy, piney, clean fresh diesely sweet!!!!! I aint HATIN!!!
off today and cant stop wanting to look at and smell those branches....flower noses are smelling like a citrusy, sweet pine, with a hint of diesel.....i know its dubbed "blueberry", but im just calling it like i see it un but its early for sure....and i know shed said his didnt smell blueberry ish until after drying. and of course, citrusy, piney, clean fresh diesely sweet!!!!! I aint HATIN!!!

It was nothing but skunky dope smell all through grow and sweet blueberries after drying (for the 99 day LST version). As a matter of fact I just aired out the jars this weekend, about 10 seconds each (been at least a month), and the shed smelled of blueberries for a few hours!
It was nothing but skunky dope smell all through grow and sweet blueberries after drying (for the 99 day LST version). As a matter of fact I just aired out the jars this weekend, about 10 seconds each (been at least a month), and the shed smelled of blueberries for a few hours!

I just skipped across my house!!!! No! Really....I did!:high-five:
Some pics cause I’m taking night off from making dinner!! :thumb:
sorry for dupes!!! I’ll try & edit later. Later bud! How’s your clones & grow going? I need to swing by tonite when I have the time. Then & early morning. Trying to head over now if not later! Peace my brother! I pretty much owe this grow to you pimpin! I wish we were all neighbors in our own island, or portion of America or Canada or wherever, & we could all meet up at least ONCE a damn year or something!!

Who’s playing football tonight !??
Good morning all! Wishing you all a great day! Gave the girls 3 liters ea plain water yesterday. Luna seemed not too happy with it. She was drooling before & after a bit, but this am is sexy again! Wan to see her start getting mor buttontops, she’s growing fennel looking flowers.
Goodmorning Moonshine! All looks well :circle-of-love: they'll get to where they can handle the drinks a lot better soon
I forgot to post this photo I took for you and MadDab of the full moonshine bright behind the cool clouds on his birthday.


Hey bro! Just getting to see this. Going to bed without even seeing the babies! Thanks for the pic bro. That’s bad ass... fear n loathing kinda! :thumb:
Morning boss! My rise n shine began with a full body Charlie horse at 4:20 am. Lol

Oh yes I DID! I’ve got to learn .....I’m almost 50 with a major health problem....I can’t be going at this manual labor thing like a “bull goat” anymore. Maybe like a little lamb! Ha! NEVER! I know it’s outdated, but I bet $$ that I could outwork a truck of young bucks!
goodmornin moonshine! how ya doing today?
Hey good morning all! Thanks for all you faithful supporters & friends. Hope you’re lives are filled with all the gentle love, happiness, peace, and prosperity that you all deserve. I appreciate everyone here. And “there” for that matter. Lol. Anyway....been busy as heck. Which I love. It’s nice to only see plants to once over, which I really do just peek in & try to only focus if they are growing/stretching too close to the light, or if they’re thirsty.

Fed /watered the usual minus the grow. Used half recommended dose for base nutes , & for some of the additives as I’m running low. Luna got 1 gallon & dos got 1.5 g. They both were super light, so they could have taken more. I’ve seen several successful growers here let them get dry before watering, so I’m giving it a shot. Plus I’m trying to plan a watering right before I go out of town ....IF I go. It’s be for 3 days, so if I water , even a tad excessive so they won’t need more until I’m back. Took restraints of Luna to water , & left them off. One side of the plant is growing taller than the other side. It’s the side that’s in the middle of tent. Where it gets its light above, & also the light from the other lights spread! Wonder if that’s why. Either way, I rotated to try & even out. Smells super piney, clean & sweet. Pics when I can. I’ve been posting sooooo many pics, like everyday, I thought I’d give it a rest. It’s also cool to see how much they change in a week. Later all! God bless & great day to ya’s. :thumb:
I made it moonshine...down on me! Hahahahaha I heard your call and my plants pointed the way.


Ahhhhh Sweet! Glad to have you’re up lifting spirit & humor, as well as you’re knowledge & advice! You are an inspiration to us all ! Thanks for stopping by and tagging along! As a good friend says......beep..beep! Lol. Great beautiful sun shiny day to u all! :thumb:
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