Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

For hope I'm giving here two water that comes out at 150 ppm

Then it's sits in 5 gal buckets for over a day to three before used.

Water is slightly above room
Temps not to worried

Then I am adding 1.25 ml mammoth p per gal

1.25 ml per gal over drive

Then my 2.5-3 ml micro and 2.5 ml bloom currently

Oh and cal mag I'm about 4 ml per gal

And that put my ppm to about 760 ish
Not a crazy defoil but a few here and there I heard promotes new growth . I also think it is Strain sensitive from my readings.

And far as lollipop it's the same but I've seen autos lollipop before here on 420. Demonic angel used to if not mistake .

I've seen it too, but don't remember who. I wonder about doing one & leaving the other the way it is. Also I'd like to see who does best , either releasing the restraints, or restraining to harvest
Hey joe...sorry just now getting chance to snap a few pics this am. I'll post more in a sec. I'm pretty sure Luna showing signs of cal mag issue. But i just fed her so I guess I'll have to wait n see what new growth looks like? Reddish brownish spots on leaves. I think sloppy watering would be a lighter burn color wouldn't it pimpin? Dayum.....I'm stttttttttonned and hungry! Here's them both together!
They look good, Moonshine! Definitely keep a close eye on the leaf spotting and act very quick if it gets worse.
I've only had issues with cal-mag using RO water, so now I just use my tap :thumb: Florida water very high in Cal and Mag Carbonates.
It could be ph fluctuation. Just keep a close eye on em. They looks stellar to Mr moon. I really want me some of those.cookies furci looks aweaome!!!
They are looking good moonshine!
Some strains just love N more than others. Keep an eye on it.
The couple of leaves showing spots....were they tucked under other leaves?
Where are they on the plant...low, middle, top?
They are looking good moonshine!
Some strains just love N more than others. Keep an eye on it.
The couple of leaves showing spots....were they tucked under other leaves?
Where are they on the plant...low, middle, top?

Yes & low to middle. Thanks. Could be from tucking them. Ahhhhh. Maybe burned by sitting in the soil during & after watering/feeding.
YES, looks more phosphorus def or sweat burn than CAL.
One actually looks like a thumb print......wash yo hands....befo yo tuch me ladies!

Hey bro, looking at my top view of the canopy of these two plants. Should I clean it up, defoil a bit these autos to direct growth to top growth?? Thanks!
Hey joe...sorry just now getting chance to snap a few pics this am. I'll post more in a sec. I'm pretty sure Luna showing signs of cal mag issue. But i just fed her so I guess I'll have to wait n see what new growth looks like? Reddish brownish spots on leaves. I think sloppy watering would be a lighter burn color wouldn't it pimpin? Dayum.....I'm stttttttttonned and hungry! Here's them both together!

They look good buddy but yeah I believe your right on the cal mag brown spots
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