Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Hahaha! You better have your boy scout salute while you types that .

I find if I lst and mix nutes and THEN smoke, I do okay at pouring the water medicated... just don't handle them (I do stare and caress them some ).

Hope your mornings off to a great Start! Well it's probably noon there but either way!

Ps plants look awesome duder. Keep giving them that moonshine love buddy!!!
Rule of thumb once those leafs start going out of pot or cup it’s in let it go another two days pass that. What I’ve been taught and learned from 420

i was about to advice something similar... i was to suggest to wait for the next set of true leafs as she didnt looked ready to me ... i didnt consiously think of that rule of thumb Kingjoe gave ...

can you run the lights at night without turning the neighborhood pink ?? that could mitigate the could hours temp drop and humidity spike ...

and they get 2 gallons (5liter) every how many days ?? they in soil right ??
Thanks joe! With keeping busy, & looking at Luna & dos, I honestly forget she's in there covered by fan leaves. I've knocked her off her perch a couple of times now. I don't know why I continue to smoke BEFORE maintaining them. From now on.....I vow to never feed, lst, water, spray, trim, or otherwise handle my plants , seedlings, or seeds if I'm high! Scouts honor!!

Always medicate before interacting with the ladies bro...
Sounds like solid advice to me :). That's why I swear by the clear cups to start. When she grows out over the edge I notice it's only a few days until the roots hit bottom. Granted your container shape has a lot to do with this . Just keep am eye moon won't be long now!

The more roots development the smoother the transfer imo also. The roots hold the medium in place and it's less likely to have a chunk fall and take half the root mass with it. If that makes any sense. Again just my 2cents! The more you can condense the root mass by a few good transplants the better for uptake of nutes

Exactly dab! Spot on mate. It’s getting only mammoth p, because I forgot pirahna until just this exact moment. Dammit!!
Hahaha! You better have your boy scout salute while you types that .

I find if I lst and mix nutes and THEN smoke, I do okay at pouring the water medicated... just don't handle them (I do stare and caress them some ).

Hope your mornings off to a great Start! Well it's probably noon there but either way!

Ps plants look awesome duder. Keep giving them that moonshine love buddy!!!

Thanks dab! You da man bro. :thumb:
i was about to advice something similar... i was to suggest to wait for the next set of true leafs as she didnt looked ready to me ... i didnt consiously think of that rule of thumb Kingjoe gave ...

can you run the lights at night without turning the neighborhood pink ?? that could mitigate the could hours temp drop and humidity spike ...

and they get 2 gallons (5liter) every how many days ?? they in soil right ??

Hey pt. What’s up brother! Yeah bro, ffof & perlite 60/40-70/30, and yeah it was every 3 -4 days seems like last week, but Luna was Light last night & more light today & I water/fed night before last (two days ago) 6liters. So today I watered again with 6 liters. It’s been awhile now, and she doesn’t look happy yet. Usually she has shaken it off by now. Last night I watered dos the same. They’re a day apart do to me wanting to try some nutes on Luna first before messing with dos. But yes, 1.5-2g a day they are asking it. :thumb: mammoth p baby!!
i was about to advice something similar... i was to suggest to wait for the next set of true leafs as she didnt looked ready to me ... i didnt consiously think of that rule of thumb Kingjoe gave ...

can you run the lights at night without turning the neighborhood pink ?? that could mitigate the could hours temp drop and humidity spike ...

and they get 2 gallons (5liter) every how many days ?? they in soil right ??

Oh and I just keep everything on 24/7 for now when necessary!
Luna still looking unhappy. I’m hoping I didn’t over do it with the nutes. By the way.....what do you guys do with the runoff water? I used to water my regular plants that looked like hell with it, but I’m interested in knowing if it would be ok to re use on my autoflowers? Any one know off hand? Salt build up a problem? Thanks if you know it off the top of your head, I can forget to look it up later probably! Lol:thumb:
Hey guys...
ohhhhh man. I hope I didn’t get Carried away with the bloom nutes. She looks bad yes? Cmon tommorrow, ...........& show me some love plants!
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