Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Oh. I just tested out of curiosity, & noticed it was same as what went in. So I thought that must mean that the soil is same too right?

Moon of your feeding til run off and able to test it no need to test exit run off only in:)

I'm pretty sure if your not watering feeding to run off salts have a chance of building up if not mistaken so it would be good to go feed feed flush .. but if your going to run off there is nothing sitting on medium it's been pushed out any salts that get built up? This is my thinking behind run off.
So if my in & out are same , (even though technically ph out doesn’t matter) my point is this... the two samples are the same, so either my ph kit is wrong, or the ph must be 6 ish ......yes? Does this even make sense. I guess what I’m saying is that my plants ph must be 6 ish as well right?
Do you have a pic of Luna?

Hey penny! Took internet , using phone at 128 kbps Lol. If it weren’t for needing advice bout Luna, I’d have chunked this phone in the yard by now! Lol. Here she goes. I’m pretty bummed...

How bad is it doc?
I’m not getting it I’m afraid. But if my ph is 6ish which is ideal range for soil....6-6.8, then how is it ph. If I water to runoff, then how could the salts build up and block plant from uptaking whatever nutes properly? So how do I monitor closely the ph besides water & check ph before doing so? The grow weed easy chart looks like for sure potassium with some phosphorus def as well? But how the hell do we know what it is ? Am I making sense or just rambling. Feels like calculus all over again. Oh I think I understand it!!! Yayyy. Oh wait....I don’t! Lol

You may have flushed enough. Probably time to up cal mag some more. Can you bring the Ph up a little in 6 out 6 is technically low. Bump her to 6.4 6.5 (your in soil right?) And I would up the cal mag a little more and use only cal mag and pk booster or bloom nutes as 1/4 strength
soil tends to drift down in Ph so i bet you 100 bucks the runoff is 5.5 or lower ... you really should aim for 6.8 imo ... i had a similar issue on my blue dream with similar leafdamage and that was casued by the soil dragging the Ph down to 5.0 and below ...

Run off is 6 ish. But I’m using a color chart to go by....not a meter. So what did u do & how did it work ? What happened with the blue dream broskie?
Yeah sorry thought you caught that post. And ptero is right. I would set the Ph higher. 6 is at the far end of the lower spectrum and likely the plants cannot absorb the different nutrients and supplements.

There are more accurate charts but here's an idea of what I'm getting at bud.
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