Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Hey all....I took off restraints to flush last night. Should I leave them off now? & raise lights, or Should I re-attach them? I’m thinking reattaching them?

I'd go with keeping them restrained at least to keep them out of each other's way when they stretch. Kinda like a scog without the screen. It's best if each bud site has complete access to light without every being covered by another one, regardless of which is the bigger bud. Take a look at the way BWaff kept his spread (or even my Blue 2) so no buds blocked any others, and they all got huge!
Good morning ....hope y’all are having a fine day! Here is Luna a bit ago after her flush, & before being put back in her restraint chair...
and here she is all tied down again....

Ok...this is 5 g pot....about 3/4 full, so I’d say...3-3 1/4 gallons in pot. I flushed with over double the pot last night. No way she’s getting thirsty right, bc pot feels much lighter?????? Wth
when in doubt stick your index finger in the soil ... if the soil is dry and doesnt stick to your finger she can use water if not dry an inch deep then she doesnt

beside that she looks mighty healthy ... many terminal buds forming .. .good ... lst is the way hehe ... i was scared at first to apply it to my auto but it works like a charm ... im released from my scepticism
when in doubt stick your index finger in the soil ... if the soil is dry and doesnt stick to your finger she can use water if not dry an inch deep then she doesnt

beside that she looks mighty healthy ... many terminal buds forming .. .good ... lst is the way hehe ... i was scared at first to apply it to my auto but it works like a charm ... im released from my scepticism

Yeas me too. I def was making it out to be way harder than it was/is!:thumb:
Sweet kicks!

First thing is there are a lot of roots and leaves and stems and flowers to support so it's not a surprise that the pot is getting lighter. And the difference between the two plants may have to do with how the fans blow across the pots when they are in the tent or even the perlite content of the soil.

The plant will take some time to heal from the excess N so give it time before worrying about the stem flex issue.

And with the fans blowing in there I wouldn't defol if you aren't seeing a moisture retention issue where the leaves are touching. I don't think you will. Anyway, taking off leaves will SLOW transpiration of moisture, not speed it up.
Haha I was gonna say the same thing Shed! I like the shoes lol

Also everything else he said.
Other than that, looking good
Im really liking dos!

Thanks shed, & blaze. I was wondering where you had gone waffle! How u been bro.

Yeah meant to crop those out, as there def aren’t another pair around my area that I’ve seen. I love my neon green!! (Wink). Don’t we all!! Peace my brothers & sisters.....and also the undecided. Peace n prosperity to all this am.
Goodmorning Moonshine!! woo is your plant looking sweet :) Such thick stems!! should produce some beautiful bud for you ;) have a great day
Goodmorning Moonshine!! woo is your plant looking sweet :) Such thick stems!! should produce some beautiful bud for you ;) have a great day

Good morning hs!! Thanks bro! Yeah I hope they do, bc I sure could use some pressure right now.....I’d bitch, piss n moan, feel all sorry for myself, but who cares right! Lol. How much good would it do really, when I could just say fuck it & man up n shut up. Geeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz. Ha! Yep been a challenging past couple days with rainbow buckets full of rainbow opportunities/challenges.

And, as far as the plants....they’re looking great! Wish I could take credit, but there are a couple people here I’d have to get behind in the line for credit for getting them where they are. Great people here!!! Great day y’all!!!
59f & rh =98% outside this am.....but inside zipped tent with lights n fans......
humidity a bit higher than I’d like, but ok I reckon. If only it would stay this way consistently.......what could I do......oh....bring it inside & barely have to ever unzip the tent! Brilliant!!! Uhhhh. Nope. Not an option! Hurry up & grow .....I’m getting cranky! Lol
59f & rh =98% outside this am.....but inside zipped tent with lights n fans......
humidity a bit higher than I'd like, but ok I reckon. If only it would stay this way consistently.......what could I do......oh....bring it inside & barely have to ever unzip the tent! Brilliant!!! Uhhhh. Nope. Not an option! Hurry up & grow .....I'm getting cranky! Lol

If your in veg it's okay for a bit of high humidity as long as there is adequate ventilation around the plants ..

Those temps seem okay of flower lower that humidity .
If your in veg it’s okay for a bit of high humidity as long as there is adequate ventilation around the plants ..

Those temps seem okay of flower lower that humidity .

Ya I’m loving the temps & hoping that’s the cause of the purpling of stalk & stems. Or maybe genetics. No time to research atm.....errrrrr.

But rh I’m at mercy of Mother Nature.....sold my dehumidifier after first harvest. That thing was a huge monstrosity anyway. Lol. Rh will go down quickly as ambient temps rise :thumb: great day joe. Glad your off for winter. I have a bull skating partner when I don’t have work. Dealing with car now. Ahhhhhhh! Peace my brother!
Ya I'm loving the temps & hoping that's the cause of the purpling of stalk & stems. Or maybe genetics. No time to research atm.....errrrrr.

But rh I'm at mercy of Mother Nature.....sold my dehumidifier after first harvest. That thing was a huge monstrosity anyway. Lol. Rh will go down quickly as ambient temps rise :thumb: great day joe. Glad your off for winter. I have a bull skating partner when I don't have work. Dealing with car now. Ahhhhhhh! Peace my brother!

The purple can be genetics or from stress so monitor her closely half temps are better now.

Good luck with the car today moon.
Yeah I would say the same. Led lights should come with their own bottle as another member once said ( I think it was penny.)

Mine have it but I am certain it's genetic only on the top of my fan leaf stems and right near where the off shoots occur from the main arm.

I upped my cal mag as well. It can also be caused by overwatering and cold temps. I experienced the latter at the beginning of my grow. Part of why Goldie stayed a budsicle. But I think we can eliminate those possibilities just up your cal mag 50% and hold their until further notice Mr. Moon.

Hope your having an awesome week!!!
Thanks guys. Y’all r awesome. You know it’s not cold temps when a feller yells “y’all!” Lol. Actually was pretty cool out for Florida this past week. But like an old ass radio personality used to say......Now back to 80’s! Pics from today coming. FYI though....she’d u r hint of blueberry....just a skunky bung hole musk! Ugggghhhh. ....gagging.....when I rubbed her stalk & smelled my fingers, it was like I missed when wiping & raked fingertips across a bad part of human anatomy. YIKES!!
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