Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Has anyone grown or known anyone who's successfully grown sativa don autoflowers, & if so, what strains & seed banks were they from. Looking for a friend as well as myself. Thanks!!

i did Blue dream auto from Humboldt Seed Organisation ... i can vouch for them ... it was my first auto in soil with bio nutes and she yielded 3 Oz ... 3 Oz in soil with bio nutes !!!
Go to your thread. Then copy the address bar up top.....then click on your edit profile from options under your profile pic.....then select edit paste what you copied there & save. Next time u post, you should see it in the bottom of your post. Lmk if something’s not going right! Peace & love everybody!!
Goodmorning Moon, hope all is well in your world bud have a happy sunday!
Hey jack, where did you get stuck. Sorry I disappeared on ya bro. Wife wasn't feeling well. Had to put on my nurse outfit. She likes to play naughty!!! Lol. Just kidding babe. :thumb:

Got it brotha
Goodmorning Moon, hope all is well in your world bud have a happy sunday!

Good morning shorti! Time to get up & grow....holy drooping dry plants horti!!!! It got down to 40 f last night, ....put space heater in, rh bottomed out, & dam they need water. Threw some water bottles in tent to warm up & water when I get home in a bit. This is dec weather, & I love it, just wasn’t prepared as I thought I was!! Great day sir!!:thumb:
Luna hot, dry & thirsty this am before a drink....
she seems to have caught up to, dare I say....”past” dos....will post pics later or when she bounces back. Watered 1 liter plain phd tap water (sitting uncovered 24hrs) to both dos & Luna last night. This morning I am watering/feeding them another 2 liters ea, with additives in. Need more bloom. Have a great day!!
Everything looks good Moon, have an awesome morning and day buddy
Dos this am....quite thirsty as well.
and this “jewel”. Lol. Came off when slightly touched.....pollen sac?
and why purplish bud color?? Oh wait, maybe it has blue ba?

Or is it a calyx? Just wanted to know before I go collecting as many as I can!
Yeah get rid of them asap that's a pollen sac for sure
Have about 10 in a zip lock. One fell into soil when I accidentally bumped it with my apeish knuckles. Lol. Oh well, at least it’s good & wet down there!

the worst thing that can happen is you end up with some seeds :) As long as the pod didn't open yet is all that matters, I'd say you're safe esp with the moisture
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