Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

So spray whole tent and plants down? Everyday? 2xs a day. I guess if I sprayed them, I’d leave them outside while they dry so no burning from lights occurs? See what I did there? ...LEAVE them their LEAVES don’t get burned. Probably have to wait to inspect them early tommorrow as kids home and ....ahem....neighbors can see in backyard. “Is that a pot plant he’s got out there??” Lol. What’s all those colorful things on that weird cloth pot?
If those are indeed pollen sacks,....which I posted pics & asked on 420 grow support forum, and 3 people have responded to me with a yes..& their condolences...I’m going to see how to collect & store it (if possible), & if I can get some photos in flower soon, pollinate them with it.
Hey dab! Good morning to u as brother man. You getting your grow on?
Lights on in a few mins . I'll have to go mist the clone. Mix a diluted batch of nutes for preflush. Just cruising threads sipping joe and hanging with my beautiful baby girl . Doesn't get much better
Lights on in a few mins . I'll have to go mist the clone. Mix a diluted batch of nutes for preflush. Just cruising threads sipping joe and hanging with my beautiful baby girl . Doesn't get much better

U got that right man! Hey are u the member that posted pics of coffe, joint & stream surrounded by mountains and babygirl camping too? That just melted my heart & made me want to be there too
U got that right man! Hey are u the member that posted pics of coffe, joint & stream surrounded by mountains and babygirl camping too? That just melted my heart & made me want to be there too
No.... But that sounds wonderful! We're just watching Disney movies. She loves her music
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