Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

She just looks thirsty. Her roots must be rockin down there!!

Sweet! That's what I was hoping!! Had to guess when I would need to water earlier this week, so that I could water wed. Night/thurs morning before I leave thurs & fri. I'll be back late fri/sat morning a couple hours past midnight! So it should be bout right.
Yeah, my blueberries started flowering about day 38, but I wasn't looking that close!

Water please...looking pretty wilty there! And in agreement on the no nitrogen. Also, I've never heard of cutting leaves to allow more light. Is that a thing?

I agree 100% with this, give her some water and cut out N for now. Also, pruning/defol isn't necessary in outdoor grows - the sun doesn't follow the inverse square law that limits our indoor lighting.
Don’t want to over water but seems like 1l isn’t enough. It’s impossible to tell from you guys perspective right?

It'd be hard to tell from our perspective, just water until you have about 20% runoff, even more - everything looks good though Shine :) these babies can be a bit fickle - what are temps/weather like where you're at? Whats your sunlight schedule?
pruning/defol isn't necessary in outdoor grows - the sun doesn't follow the inverse square law that limits our indoor lighting.

This ^

Go with leaf tucking and branch spreading (not the same as LST) outside and even indoors if you can get away with just that. Check out Pterostychus' excellent use of gentle pulling to get great light penetration without defol in his tent.

Yeah, my blueberries started flowering about day 38, but I wasn't looking that close!

Water please...looking pretty wilty there! And in agreement on the no nitrogen. Also, I've never heard of cutting leaves to allow more light. Is that a thing?

Yeah bro, I’ve seen it lots here during my endless hours of collecting tons of semi knowledge that I knew I would never remember, and just left the window open for future reference & continued reading or what have you, & then I can’t remember what each of the windows are for, and paranoid my kids are gonna get ahold of daddies phone, & ask me difficult questions. What the hell was I even supposed to be talking bout here?

Oh, ....I think it’s ok to wait until tonight? Or should I water now & stress it less than it may already be from the excess N. I still can’t believe I didn’t flush water through the soil a couple times before using it!
I agree 100% with this, give her some water and cut out N for now. Also, pruning/defol isn't necessary in outdoor grows - the sun doesn't follow the inverse square law that limits our indoor lighting.

Thanks horti. Do you think it can wait until tonight to water? Or now??

It’s mostly led grow now.....if I feel like it, I’ll throw them out for a bit
It'd be hard to tell from our perspective, just water until you have about 20% runoff, even more - everything looks good though Shine :) these babies can be a bit fickle - what are temps/weather like where you're at? Whats your sunlight schedule?

Currently temps in tent are 70-80 deg f. Rh from 45-80%. Lights led 600 w ( 2 x 300w) 20/4 light

Just get a small cup of water, pour it in a small ring around her to let her take a sip :) tonight when you water, flush her a bit - or tomorrow if you want, but she definitely needs some water, her leafies are looking a bit sad
Currently temps in tent are 70-80 deg f. Rh from 45-80%. Lights led 600 w ( 2 x 300w) 20/4 light

In the def of ffof soil, I just remembered info I read about my lights during a search I did before purchasing....ahemmmm. It said it was a great light for price , good for both veg & flower, but it went on & on about it particular made plants much darker green, veg faster & bigger in a shorter amount of time. But these seem small to me for their age. But guess it could be normal for the strain. Could more likely be I have p envy.....plant envy & want a big plant. Marketing ?? Or could be another possibility.
So the goal will be getting her to take 1gal (3.78l). We'll work up to it though.
Go to 1.5l and see how it goes.

You could water with .5l now and 1.5l tonight and I'm sure she'll suck it up like you slipped her a Benjamin in the alley.

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