Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Holy crap I spend one Sunday out of the house and all hell breaks loose! Need a pic of your shriveled...
plant to see what it looks like rather than just comparing it to a Seinfeld episode! Dry that sucker out with a fan right on it and see if it helps. Dos looked fine to me in that pic, maybe new growth was a bit pale but the rest of that plant is green green green.

Keep in mind when comparing this to your first grow, you were reusing soil last time if I'm remembering right so completely different set of nute requirements for used and new soil. Factor that in!

Congrats on the Steeler win (got two close family friends from Pittsburgh!) and congrats on my Dodgers for going 2-0 against the Cubs. Now our drought is longer than theirs so GO BLUE!
Holy crap I spend one Sunday out of the house and all hell breaks loose! Need a pic of your shriveled...
plant to see what it looks like rather than just comparing it to a Seinfeld episode! Dry that sucker out with a fan right on it and see if it helps. Dos looked fine to me in that pic, maybe new growth was a bit pale but the rest of that plant is green green green.

Keep in mind when comparing this to your first grow, you were reusing soil last time if I'm remembering right so completely different set of nute requirements for used and new soil. Factor that in!

Congrats on the Steeler win (got two close family friends from Pittsburgh!) and congrats on my Dodgers for going 2-0 against the Cubs. Now our drought is longer than theirs so GO BLUE!

Oh yeah bro!! It’s on & poppin!! Steelers back in business!! They still aren’t firing on all cylinders, but hey....they’re a second half tam, & a nov/dec team. That may have been a preview of the afc title game later. I really think one of those teams are going to the big show.....barring any major injuries to key players. Juju is going to be a beast.
Congrats on dodgers win as well bro!

This past summer was used soil from my first grow ever. I got seeds from that harvest of autoflowers, which means I goofed it up especially But honestly, when I found the first one, I was stoked & wishing I’d find more. I found 7 viable ones & 1 albino one. I had like 12 plants going and I ended up giving most attention to the ones that looked the most promising. What a horrible dad. I mean, I kept them all alive, & ....growing weed is easy. Lol. I had 3 good plants, all in black fabric 5g pots. The rest just so happened to be in those cheap knock off beige imitation smart pots. I also transplanted all but the 3 good ones. The others started in 1 g, then transplanted & moved outside. Anyway, sorry bro...just realize I was running on there. I use the voice text as I hate typing on a cell phone keyboard.

Dos, looked so droopy to me. Outside the leaves raise to the sky, in tent under leds, they seem to droop. That’s all. And I’m clueless on what to do with these squats bushy things. Lol. Pretty as they are!! Your B.B. buds smelling any blueberrier? Lol

Hope you’re doing well shed. Take it easy.....
Here’s gadzoo this am.
It's ok it looks very wet from here a little overwatered might be the case? Other than that might still make it. Sometimes of course there are things practically beyond our control like nematode attacks in just the right spots deathstar style to transmitted diseases. So don't beat yourself up or worry about it. I bet it makes it. Let's see the rest of your plants!

It's very late here and my plants don't like photography!
It's ok it looks very wet from here a little overwatered might be the case? Other than that might still make it. Sometimes of course there are things practically beyond our control like nematode attacks in just the right spots deathstar style to transmitted diseases. So don't beat yourself up or worry about it. I bet it makes it. Let's see the rest of your plants!

It's very late here and my plants don't like photography!

Oh yeah it’s wet. Lol. It was wet, so put out in sun to dry better, then went off for errands, it rained hard briefly, but enough to beat it up, & get it even more wet. Might be a sign to just go with 2. I’d like to drop another B.B. auto, just in case something happens, or the harvest is small. Basically just trying to grow enough for personal use every 3 months. Once I get proficient enough, I should only need to grow 2 @ a time, possibly only 1. Peace! Rest well!
I'm sorry moon,
Looks overwatered. Sad brother.
They look good, next time crap,
Idk crappy soil.....???
They are resilient...but this seams to be a systemic issue.
What are you doing wrong?
Whish I could help more....
Standing on the sideline. And not on the playing field....makes it kind of tough to narrow it down.
Good vibes your way brother.

Don't make me drive over there and hold your hand through
Plants love rain water so much it's special. God is in the rain lol. Dissolved gasses like CO2 which is a plant hormone really kick them off. I'd just leave outside and let nature do its thing on that one lol see what happens if you're sick of it good experiment!
I'm sorry moon,
Looks overwatered. Sad brother.
They look good, next time crap,
Idk crappy soil.....???
They are resilient...but this seams to be a systemic issue.
What are you doing wrong?
Whish I could help more....
Standing on the sideline. And not on the playing field....makes it kind of tough to narrow it down.
Good vibes your way brother.

Don't make me drive over there and hold your hand through

Haha! That’d be a much welcomed visit my friend!
Plants love rain water so much it's special. God is in the rain lol. Dissolved gasses like CO2 which is a plant hormone really kick them off. I'd just leave outside and let nature do its thing on that one lol see what happens if you're sick of it good experiment!

My sentiments exactly. But it’s less than 12 hrs of light now? I’ve always noticed plants (all, not just pot) perk up with rain. I just never knew why. Thanks!!
Hahaha no problem! I can't wait. Less than 12 of light I thought it was an auto still doesn't matter you could put it outside to flower straight away!

I thought light might be a bit close but didn't appear burnt so I suggested you put outside to cover that ;)

Sincere regards
i found this on the interwebz:

On a clear summer day, the sun gives off something close to 32,000-130,000 lux in the direct sun. This is relative where you are located on a longitudinal axis. The closer you are to the equator, the more direct sun your plants are getting. 5,000 lux is minimal for life of a ‘high energy” plant. 90,000 lux is considered the max Lux and anything more would damage the plant. 25,000-50,000 lux is optimal for fast growth
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