Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Hey Moon, sorry for the 3 hour time difference here! BWaff turned me on to an android version of a lux app so I tried it. Keep in mind it works off the screen-facing camera so that's where the "sensor" is for the app. Also, I've seen testing done on them compared to actual lux meters and they can be way off. Also, they aren't always accurate relative to their own readings, like if you're trying to compare the sun to the LEDs, so take any readings with a grain of salt. Also, they didn't test every lux app available so who knows, but start by cleaning the lens of the camera bc those readings are insanely low. I got 58,700 outside at noon and 7,000 under the 2 @ 32 watt T8s.

Also, here's a chart I got from BWaff that you can use as a complement to the Pt posted:


Also, Blue 2 still smells like blueberries 45 days into the cure, where Blue 1 doesn't at all (and never will) after 2 full months. Time difference...15 days and LST. Go figure.

Also, drop some new seeds but keep hope alive for the shriveled baby. Who knows as even my Blue 4 is starting to show signs of life!
Wth do I do with this thing! Her big as leaves have big ass leaves for such a small sucker. I know it’s highly frowned upon by many, but ok in others opinions, but is it too early or I’m-advised to take some big leafs off so they’re not blocking new shoots that I want to even out the top of my plant eventually. Sorry if this makes no sense, but worked late last night & had Wake n bake, then Van Halen’s “hot for the teacher” came on & it’s flipping intense man!! Uhhhh oh. They’re not playing “jump” now? Ahhhh hells yeas thay are !!! Lol. Misspelling intentional

Ok. What the hell was I talking bout here? Hold on....air keyboard solo!!!! should I clip some leafs or what. How are the new shoots going to get light? Man, I think I over did it this morn. Great day
Wth do I do with this thing! Her big as leaves have big ass leaves for such a small sucker. I know it's highly frowned upon by many, but ok in others opinions, but is it too early or I'm-advised to take some big leafs off so they're not blocking new shoots that I want to even out the top of my plant eventually. Sorry if this makes no sense, but worked late last night & had Wake n bake, then Van Halen's "hot for the teacher" came on & it's flipping intense man!! Uhhhh oh. They're not playing "jump" now? Ahhhh hells yeas thay are !!! Lol. Misspelling intentional

Ok. What the hell was I talking bout here? Hold on....air keyboard solo!!!! should I clip some leafs or what. How are the new shoots going to get light? Man, I think I over did it this morn. Great day
I don't do a while lot of defol but more people like penny and Vex are doing more and more of it and I'm on this next batch will to. So go for it
See what I mean dancers....I fromp got tru persed the pictures!! Here we go!
the last two pics are ....cranberry hibiscus (purple one). It is a clipping from a clipping given to me about 3months ago. That clipping grew too tall & leaned over, & was screaming at me one day to clip the top and stick in leftover weed grow soil. It looked bad for a long time but I just left it out there to adapt or die! Well looks to me it has chosen to adapt & live. Great! Lesson learned, & not to mention my first plant cutting success. The other pic is an avocado seedling, from seed (haha), and a Pepper plant behind it! And also, I found the 2 culprit pillars that were munching on dos, and they’re sleeping with the fishes. Is that the same as cloning. Do you really need all that cloning gels/powders stuff , or just drop it in water works.
Hope you're using the BT spray bc there is caterpillar damage all over that hibiscus and a few leaves in the 3rd pic down. I think it's too early to think about defoliation, but pulling them over is a great idea. Taller they get the further you lean them. That lets the light down where it needs to be. Once they're living mostly in the tent with a single non-moving light source you can think about defoliation of the fans that won't tuck. Tug and tuck first (;)), defol last.
I just couldn’t see where to tuck a few, so off they came!! Prob 4 off 2 plants , no boggy right? Hopefully not! :thumb: I also tried to (as I e read) take off the inner leafs & leave the outer ones. Trimmed a few tips that were blocking new growth. Continued lst a bit.

Watering advice needed. Do they look thirsty? If so, can it wait till tonight since it’s midday now? These plants are 27 days & 22 days old.
Ok, your learning!
Never a failure, just one more way that doesnt work!
Find your groove is a process...keep it rolling.
By the way...i was your in the kitchen.....wishing I was munching A PLATE OF RIBS along side you.
See the fans fingers at top of pic....blocking those two areas of growth below? Should I cut tips of those too? I also got some crates from my wife to get pots off ground for better air flow! They are 10” tall, so raised lights all the way, and now I’m back to 13-15” away from tops. Until I have time to get something else to work, I’m just going to go with it. Didn’t seem to hurt em before. So....... need water????
Forgot to post pic of dos....
Getting psyched about working Willie Nelson with my dream girl! If y’all are going, say hi to me! I’ll be the one sporting the pair of bloodshot eyes and big smile! :thumb:
she looks very dark green and clawed ... id be carefull with adding N ... she already has enough
she looks very dark green and clawed ... id be carefull with adding N ... she already has enough

Yeah, has to be ffof soil. I asked a few days ago somewhere if there was a way to lower n level in soil (besides flushing....or would THAT even help). I just decide I’d ride it out! Just been giving tap water with lid off 24 hours. Have rain water from yesterday, in 5g bucket, but looks a bit of debri in it. Is it ok use that?? I’ve heard it’s magic.
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