Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Hey moonshine I was doing some reading and I noticed you were questioning how to stabalize your rh.
This is multifaceted-
So rh is a calculation of how much water the air can hold AT that temp. So 80° with 75%rh is the air holding 75 percent of what it could hold at 80°. But if your temps rise the rh can now hold more water so it will show your rh going down even though your actual water in the air hasn't changed..
So first thing is getting the temps stable in the green zone. After that its trial and error seeing how often it needs to be tampered with. I.e. opening zippers to go down or ill foilerspray my hydro plants(they don't ever need that) but all that water evaporates and raises rh. Bowl of water on the floor.. Easy to raise hard to lower.. I use a dehumidifier to go down. Anyway I hope this helps. Great journal bro I'm subbed!!

Thanks for the info, & for tagging along. I really appreciate that. Makes it more fun in here, and the more eyes the better. Peace have a journal going?
This rh goes so much deeper ... Like how and why the plants need it. And when. The more of the BIG PICTURE you underatand the easier it gets. Humidity can fix or create defficiencies. The coolest of all in my opinion being able to move the immobile minerals !!! Like calcium. If you want me to explain more id love to just hit me up.

Absolutely, I’d love to hear more. “ The more you know........”. :thumb:
Thanks for the info, & for tagging along. I really appreciate that. Makes it more fun in here, and the more eyes the better. Peace have a journal going?
Quick's First Everything Grow - Hydro Journal here is my journal. I'm a new grower but I feel like I read the whole internet before I but mj is really one of those things like flying a plane.. Doesnt matter how many books you read.. Its about the experience. id love to have you swing by and help me out too. I'm 2 weeks I to flower now about to post an update
This rh goes so much deeper ... Like how and why the plants need it. And when. The more of the BIG PICTURE you underatand the easier it gets. Humidity can fix or create defficiencies. The coolest of all in my opinion being able to move the immobile minerals !!! Like calcium. If you want me to explain more id love to just hit me up.

Hey dank, feel free to post any and all info you wish here my man! Can’t speak for these “cheekey munkies” , but That’s why I’m here.:thumb: wishing you Prosperous growing my friend.
P.s. I used to be named quick89.. It was just something I typed to get in to the forum .. Not realizing I would LOVE this forum. And I cant change the name of my
Quick's First Everything Grow - Hydro Journal here is my journal. I'm a new grower but I feel like I read the whole internet before I but mj is really one of those things like flying a plane.. Doesnt matter how many books you read.. Its about the experience. id love to have you swing by and help me out too. I'm 2 weeks I to flower now about to post an update

Cool man!! Going over to sub now. Wish our plants were closer in age. I've had about 1-1/2 grows, so I don't know how much help I'll be!!
Well hell.. maybe you will think this is as cool as I do.. So my plants that I am currently growing almost died.. None of us could figure out what was going on.. It was crazy you can read up on it in my journal.. Well finally I just guessed it was a lockout or deficient in minerals that are "immobile" meaning the plant cant just pull it from somewhere else in the plant . like it would nitrogen ( when you see the lower leaves turning yellow and dying) its the plant "eating" them.. Because nitrogen IS mobile..
So when your deficiencies are immobile ....its a problem. So after researching I decided to lower my r.h. to a dangerously low 20% to rapidly increase the transpiration in the leaves(evaporation basically) well the water getting pulled out of the leaves creates a vacuum and pulls the immobile minerals up the plant!!!! It worked.. And saved my ladies. Well one turned out to be a dude. But I felt like a million dollars for fixing it.I love growing!!! Growing is a simple or as complex as you want it to be. Set it and forget it or do a hydro farm and make your own liquid nutes.
Looks like she didnt root well into the soil and she may not make it.. maybe use less perlite in the seedlings soil so she has softer soil to root into.

First I've heard about a problem with seedlings and perlite, but it might explain why mine are growing slowly as well. I upped the % of perlite in my second grow and they are taking their sweet time, which is a problem because they're autos! Not sure which is worse at this point though, slowing them down by transplanting or leaving them alone to sort themselves out.
I am just now gonna try messing with autos. From what I hear you only want to transplant once. Ever. And something else to think about for the future. When I begin doing my autos I'm going to do them in SIPS. Its a hydro soil hybrid. Where a soil pot with a "net" bottom sits on top of a hydro reservoir. So it grows nice and slow with the soil protecting the roots early on in the delicate stage. And then when the roots go through the bottom and hit the hydro nutes. They explode!! So for an auto I think this will be perfect.
Moon the tap doesnt need to be straight down.. it will find its way if its a strong seed. I plant my seeds straight into the dirt and i have never had a problem like that. I would say its definitely the perlite getting in the way of the weaker roots. My plants seem to start well and have a rough life once they start to flower lol.
I am just know gomna try messing with autos. From what I hear you only want to transplant once. Ever. And something else to think about for the future. When I begin doing my autos I'm going to do them in SIPS. Its a hydro soil hybrid. Where a soil pot with a "net" bottom sits on top of a hydro reservoir. So it grows nice and slow with the soil protecting the roots early on in the delicate stage. And then when the roots go through the bottom and hit the hydro nutes. They explode!! So for an auto I think this will be perfect.

i am so gonna follow that journal my friend hydro and autos is the easiest path to monster indoor harvests
I mean perlite is more for drainage than air. Imo. Coco naturally has a strong wicking power where as perlite less so. I swear by perlite in the bottom of any container. I had issues with drainage personally. Just my 2 cents :)
Went to bed last night wondering wth I did wrong with Luna. Her top half’s leaves were all wilted and fell down to her sides like a soldier standing at attention. They felt course & looked wrinkled. I had just watered the other day it seemed. I watered again anyways, (with a touch of that pirahna in there..1ml to a liter). Fearful that I just overwatered her, I went to bed and dreamt for the best.

SHE WAS THIRSTY! Holy cow!! Talk about a diva! She gonna act all sweet & normal & cute, but when she don’t get a bit of water for a minute, she get all pouty, & act all crazy! Lol. I wish I’d taken before pics, but didn’t have phone with me , & I hate peeking in so much...slows the growth down. (Wink). I’ve never seen anything but my wife’s gerber daisy get so bad looking, & bounce back so fast & look so beautiful! Thank the heavens, because sadly, ww is really really done. I just haven’t pulled her yet, as I wanted to take pics & see what you guys think it could have been. And I was curious if it’s ok to re use that soil, or is it bad idea, since a seedling died in it! Lol

Great morning to you!!
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