Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Luna 21 days...
dos....16 days
and gazoo & ww both @ 7 today.....
ww is the problem child now. Purslane still has bugs, but I thought I might have overwatered & stuck them out in sun to try & dry out a bit faster I thought? Sprayed them with neem, so well see!! Great day to all you motor scooters!!
Luna 21 days...
dos....16 days
and gazoo & ww both @ 7 today.....
ww is the problem child now. Purslane still has bugs, but I thought I might have overwatered & stuck them out in sun to try & dry out a bit faster I thought? Sprayed them with neem, so well see!! Great day to all you motor scooters!!

I think you can ponytail them more then once just not more then nine hrs they say? Hmm.
I think you can ponytail them more then once just not more then nine hrs they say? Hmm.

Yeah you can, I’m just not sure if I’m going to. I get freaked when they start pouting on me. Lol. I may put em up in a bit, now that the sun is making them perk up. It’s giving them my lights aren’t, cause they’re lifting towards the heavens and healthy like a plant body builder. They looked very droopy this am.
Yeah you can, I'm just not sure if I'm going to. I get freaked when they start pouting on me. Lol. I may put em up in a bit, now that the sun is making them perk up. It's giving them my lights aren't, cause they're lifting towards the heavens and healthy like a plant body builder. They looked very droopy this am.

No wait til they start to reach again for sure. Too much can stress bit by bit bro
Ok...good morning all. Opinions & corrective advice needed? What you guys think is going on here. Magnesium def, nitrogen def...anything else. This is ww at 8 days, way smaller than alien at same age & much less healthy looking. I’ve got room now for 3 in my tent for now. This one has been placed outside tent with CFLs (3) over it. This pic from this am...
I’m thinking of just going with the 3 if this one doesn’t do much soon. She’s going to the yard to see what will happen naturally. Thanks!!
Looks like she didnt root well into the soil and she may not make it.. maybe use less perlite in the seedlings soil so she has softer soil to root into.

Maybe transplant into plain ffof w/o perlite added. She’s in equal parts ffof / perlite. Firs time I e gone with that much perlite. So I could def believe that is the cause. After plundering carefully in soil around the base, I discovered her root was also like a j curve under soil. She stands straight on her own though. I’ve just read that seed should go in tap pointing down. I have been just dropping it in & going with how it lands. I’m just limited on funds , so I don’t want to waste nutes leftover from first grow. Maybe transplant today, and see how she does.
I tried to get mammoth P a couple months back.
Told me they would only ship to a local shop. I could pick it up there.
Good luck with that....LOCAL!
I've just read that seed should go in tap pointing down. I have been just dropping it in & going with how it lands. I'm just limited on funds , so I don't want to waste nutes leftover from first grow. Maybe transplant today, and see how she does.

Yes Moon not the preferred method of "just dropped them in"
I tried to get mammoth P a couple months back.
Told me they would only ship to a local shop. I could pick it up there.
Good luck with that....LOCAL!

Weird I emailed them and then spoke to a rep on Facebook they said they were almost out of samples and backed up

Bit got mine about a month or so after I chatted with the rep on FB .

I'm trying to save my last 30 ml for my next grow so I don't waste it.
Hey moonshine I was doing some reading and I noticed you were questioning how to stabalize your rh.
This is multifaceted-
So rh is a calculation of how much water the air can hold AT that temp. So 80° with 75%rh is the air holding 75 percent of what it could hold at 80°. But if your temps rise the rh can now hold more water so it will show your rh going down even though your actual water in the air hasn't changed..
So first thing is getting the temps stable in the green zone. After that its trial and error seeing how often it needs to be tampered with. I.e. opening zippers to go down or ill foilerspray my hydro plants(they don't ever need that) but all that water evaporates and raises rh. Bowl of water on the floor.. Easy to raise hard to lower.. I use a dehumidifier to go down. Anyway I hope this helps. Great journal bro I'm subbed!!
This rh goes so much deeper ... Like how and why the plants need it. And when. The more of the BIG PICTURE you underatand the easier it gets. Humidity can fix or create defficiencies. The coolest of all in my opinion being able to move the immobile minerals !!! Like calcium. If you want me to explain more id love to just hit me up.
Weird I emailed them and then spoke to a rep on Facebook they said they were almost out of samples and backed up

Bit got mine about a month or so after I chatted with the rep on FB .

I’m trying to save my last 30 ml for my next grow so I don’t waste it.

Another member recently (like a week ago) pm’d me , & gave me an email contact. They responded, & after a few days they shipped, & I have a tracking #. Supposed to arrive today, but didn’t. Just FYI for anyone who cares.
That proves it see!! He's got food left to photograph!! Mines so good, ain't nuttin laft!! My lavell Crawford voice. :slide:
That was before anyone on could get their paws on my sticks ;) I would have loved a pic. Love me some food porn
Ok...good morning all. Opinions & corrective advice needed? What you guys think is going on here. Magnesium def, nitrogen def...anything else. This is ww at 8 days, way smaller than alien at same age & much less healthy looking. I've got room now for 3 in my tent for now. This one has been placed outside tent with CFLs (3) over it. This pic from this am...
I'm thinking of just going with the 3 if this one doesn't do much soon. She's going to the yard to see what will happen naturally. Thanks!!

give her some more time this plants are fighters and to me she looks like shes gonna make it ... beside the babyleafs and the first pair of true leafs she looks green
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