Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash


go figure hehehe
Haven't seen Luna's stem lately but she doesn't seem crippled from above. Maybe a bit behind Dos but still healthy green and growing. LST will be delayed until they're tall enough to have some spacing to grab and pull over. If that doesn't look like it's going to happen shortly after raising the lights then your best bet is probably topping, which will get you more bud sites and doesn't require the same height for LST. Compact plants are tough to LST, at least the main stem. If you top and get good side stretch you can pull those back and get more harvest.

Your tent -> outdoor-finish strategy can be risky because what if it's not big enough for you by the time you want to send it into flower, or what if it takes longer in flower than you have days left before the vernal equinox? You don't want to have to harvest early. Unless putting it back in the tent on a 12/12 is an option at that point.

Just tossing thoughts out there as they come to me.

Right on bro. That’s my plan b, especially since I have timers now, & it’ll still be cool enough for tent! If they’re not big enough, I’d veg another 2 weeks, then throw it outside anyway!! Lol. I’m hoping I can harvest before the change because I wanted to put two more autos & another photo in March!! Hoping to have los ready by then, & try sip that growant is doing in his journal!! Great day to y’all!
Just noticed that on Luna’s 2nd or 3rd set of leaves, one leaf has three fingers & the other side 4 fingers. Also, the growth on the sides of the third node is different. On side has new leaves about 3-4 x’s the size of the other side. I thought I’d been rotating them enough. I was trying to do so, as I’ve been having to leave door open due to heat, & that meant no reflection of light from that side meant less intensity, which means less growth. Just makes sense to me. Or maybe could be the kid that grew 4 fingers on one hand!!!! Lol. Oh boy!!!
No light at night if putting outside bring back to complete darkness or that pant will stress maybe in veg your okay but flower idk?
Pic before lollipop
the great gazoo (any of you old folks out there remember gazoo)???
and ww

Mixed up 1 ml pirahna to 1-1-1/2 liters of distilled water at tent temp...well, at least it is sitting in the tent with plants. Then watered all plants. About 250ml for Luna, 500 ml for dos, and hopefully not too much for the photos!! All were watered in a ring about 1/4 inch further out from edges/tips of leaves. That’s about it here from the ghetto grow in the swamp!! Great day all!!

So about 9 hours for the lollipop yes?? Do these look about right? Sorry....not much science going on here. Just plants, water, lights, love & devotion, big dreams!! Speaking of dreams, I’d love to have a “super blue dream “ going!!
Moon Grow!! I like it...we had a harvest moon the other night. :thumb: This is a cfl bulb over Luna!! Looks like a moon right!
decided to try lollipop pop to see what it accomplishes...

Lollipop is great for opened up main so those bud branches can get exposed :)

No more then 9 hrs a day bro they say .

But good job on the lolly pop i mean pony tail lol dang names they come
Up with lol
Lollipop is great for opened up main so those bud branches can get exposed :)

No more then 9 hrs a day bro they say .

But good job on the lolly pop i mean pony tail lol dang names they come
Up with lol

I call it an “uplifting hug aka,....”hug”. :thumb::slide:
Had them chilling at the beach earlier.....
when I saw the sharks showed up....

Oh well....back inside you go mates!! Shocks in they woe ta!!! That’s an English accent there mates!!!! Spider mites? There is a clear wet, sticky film on some of the puselane’s leaves. They seem to be feasting on the buds I’ve been working so hard to get blooming like they were at the nursery back in March! It is/was so full, I was wondering why the buds weren’t exploding and now I think I know why!!
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