Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

My lights are 15” from the soil, so about 13” from tops. Noticed some new growth at the nodes already. Can’t see it from the top. Here’s Luna this am...thanks to my beautiful wife, ....and also you guys (penny, dabber, waffle, pt, Joe, & of course she’d...)for encouraging me to keep nursing her. I think she’s going to grow out into a beautiful plant as penny said! She is 4” one way, and 3.5 “ the other way ...17 days for anyone keeping track
here’s “dos” @ 12 days...4” one way & 5” the other way...

Great day y’all!!!!

Any suggestions for lst on such tight nodes, or is this normal? Should I raise lights, will that stretch them out a bit? & if so, would that be beneficial for lst ing? Or anything else? Thanks y’all!!

i have&a suggestion ... ponytailing allows for lightpenetration whilst not bending the plant ... look it up
here is a pic to give you an idea

Any suggestions for lst on such tight nodes, or is this normal? Should I raise lights, will that stretch them out a bit? & if so, would that be beneficial for lst ing? Or anything else? Thanks y'all!!

I know no one has answered this question, and I'm not qualified being a non-tent grower, but I'd say raise them and see if they stretch! You can always bring them back down as they grow. And they look great btw. We may have our plants growing around the same ages but yours are way outpacing mine :thumb:

I am jealous of the tent-folk here while I battle bugs and clouds and lower yields. But then I look at my electric bill and the extra room in my house and I begin to feel a bit better!
My lights are 15" from the soil, so about 13" from tops. Noticed some new growth at the nodes already. Can't see it from the top. Here's Luna this am...thanks to my beautiful wife, ....and also you guys (penny, dabber, waffle, pt, Joe, & of course she'd...)for encouraging me to keep nursing her. I think she's going to grow out into a beautiful plant as penny said! She is 4" one way, and 3.5 " the other way ...17 days for anyone keeping track
here's "dos" @ 12 days...4" one way & 5" the other way...

Great day y'all!!!!

Any suggestions for lst on such tight nodes, or is this normal? Should I raise lights, will that stretch them out a bit? & if so, would that be beneficial for lst ing? Or anything else? Thanks y'all!!

Google ponytailing bro helps open up the main but no more then 9 hrs at a time they say . Or you can possibly raise those light so she stretches a little higher if you've got the room.
I think they're doing great! I wouldn't suggest closer than 15 inches but my lights have those secondary lenses and the girls didn't like my light too close. I just plan on letting them "grow into the light" until I notice stress and adjust accordingly. If you want them a little more spread out I suggest pulling the lights back another 15 inches and see if how that works. With leds every light has different requirements and every strain has it's own sweet spot. But heck, they look great to me. I wouldn't change much :)
I think they're doing great! I wouldn't suggest closer than 15 inches but my lights have those secondary lenses and the girls didn't like my light too close. I just plan on letting them "grow into the light" until I notice stress and adjust accordingly. If you want them a little more spread out I suggest pulling the lights back another 15 inches and see if how that works. With leds every light has different requirements and every strain has it's own sweet spot. But heck, they look great to me. I wouldn't change much :)

agreed ...the internodes will lengthen abit over time anyway
i have&a suggestion ... ponytailing allows for lightpenetration whilst not bending the plant ... look it up
here is a pic to give you an idea


How early can you safely start that training on an auto, or does it just depend on when it’s needed, can you combine it with lst, &/or topping? Oh wait,....I forgot I was sitting here tying & could’ve looked it up myself!! Lol
I think they're doing great! I wouldn't suggest closer than 15 inches but my lights have those secondary lenses and the girls didn't like my light too close. I just plan on letting them "grow into the light" until I notice stress and adjust accordingly. If you want them a little more spread out I suggest pulling the lights back another 15 inches and see if how that works. With leds every light has different requirements and every strain has it's own sweet spot. But heck, they look great to me. I wouldn't change much :)

Thanks dabber!! They grew 1/2” measuring across leaves tips in both north & south directions if that even makes sense. Dos was 5”x4” yesterday, today is 5-1/2”x4-1/2”. Luna did the same but is now 1/2” behind her brother at almost a week older. Her stalk seems to resemble stalks I’ve seen at a much later stage of development, so I’m hoping I didn’t cause her to mutate or something, & start flowering at 2-1/2 weeks. Lol. So here they are in sun today.....dos
and here is ww & alien in that order. Ww looks like something’s up with those catyldons(so ???).....
Looking good moonshine!
Some good advice going on.
With Lights? Just don't be to eager to put them to close. Damage done cannot be undone!
I use MARS HYDRO 48 Reflector.
I will never again put them closer than 18 inches from top of buds.
Coffee break over. Time to install a new water heater in the puppy house.
Sure thing moon! They look very healthy! Mine went flower early. Don't think yours is. The pistols will start popping first, and I can't spot any from your pics . Seems to be a healthy happy girl with a strong stalk is all :)
luna seems ready to get a ponytail

You sure Luna?? She’s the smaller one and crippled one. They both are on their 4th nodes already. I noticed a touch of burn on the tip of one of their leaves, but can’t remember which ones.... plus the ww cotlydons are pointing straight up. She’s the one that I had to remove the casing from around her lips for a day or so. When I get more blueberry auto seeds hopefully by Friday, I’ll feel better about playing around with one of them.

While I’m thinking of this, if you only plan on vegging a photo for 1-1/2 -2 months, would you think lst &/or would be a bad idea due to recovery time?
Haven't seen Luna's stem lately but she doesn't seem crippled from above. Maybe a bit behind Dos but still healthy green and growing. LST will be delayed until they're tall enough to have some spacing to grab and pull over. If that doesn't look like it's going to happen shortly after raising the lights then your best bet is probably topping, which will get you more bud sites and doesn't require the same height for LST. Compact plants are tough to LST, at least the main stem. If you top and get good side stretch you can pull those back and get more harvest.

Your tent -> outdoor-finish strategy can be risky because what if it's not big enough for you by the time you want to send it into flower, or what if it takes longer in flower than you have days left before the vernal equinox? You don't want to have to harvest early. Unless putting it back in the tent on a 12/12 is an option at that point.

Just tossing thoughts out there as they come to me.
You sure Luna?? She’s the smaller one and crippled one. They both are on their 4th nodes already. I noticed a touch of burn on the tip of one of their leaves, but can’t remember which ones.... plus the ww cotlydons are pointing straight up. She’s the one that I had to remove the casing from around her lips for a day or so. When I get more blueberry auto seeds hopefully by Friday, I’ll feel better about playing around with one of them.

While I’m thinking of this, if you only plan on vegging a photo for 1-1/2 -2 months, would you think lst &/or would be a bad idea due to recovery time?

they would be ideal for lst my friend ... and topping make a nice scrog fill that square footage completely with monster buds ...
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