Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

I'm bad at it myself.

If nothing else, make sure first thing when you wake up and last thing before you go to bed. The health benefits are wild

I will try to make sure .
Good morning is Luna....lying in the dirt but still green. See the base, how it’s forming a “j” root? And also the stalk getting thinner/narrower towards the soil level? Not giving up on her yet.

Also, what do you knowledgeable folks think of this info from a q & a with ed rosenthal, (regarding 24/7 veg light schedule for photos) Pretty old (2002) .......
By Ed Rosenthal - Wednesday, February 20 2002
Tags: Ask Ed,CC29,GROWING,Indoor,Lights.
What are the best cycles for vegetation and flowering?
What is the best light cycle during the vegetative stage, 18/6 or 24/?
And which one will help the ladies go into their flowering cycle with the less stress?

Lamp Lighter,
New Brunswick, CT

Marijuana plantes photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrums) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.

Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.

The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields.

Thanks for weighing in & wishing everyone a great day!!
Good morning is Luna....lying in the dirt but still green. See the base, how it's forming a "j" root? And also the stalk getting thinner/narrower towards the soil level? Not giving up on her yet.

Also, what do you knowledgeable folks think of this info from a q & a with ed rosenthal, (regarding 24/7 veg light schedule for photos) Pretty old (2002) .......
By Ed Rosenthal - Wednesday, February 20 2002
Tags: Ask Ed,CC29,GROWING,Indoor,Lights.
What are the best cycles for vegetation and flowering?
What is the best light cycle during the vegetative stage, 18/6 or 24/?
And which one will help the ladies go into their flowering cycle with the less stress?

Lamp Lighter,
New Brunswick, CT

Marijuana plantes photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrums) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.

Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.

The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields.

Thanks for weighing in & wishing everyone a great day!!

Imma believe in 18/6 as roots need time to do thier thing but I think it's a biased opinion.
Imma believe in 18/6 as roots need time to do thier thing but I think it's a biased opinion.

I hear ya joe, so much info on the web contradicts other info. I’ve also read about a gas lantern light schedule folks swear by, supposed to promote better growth, save electricity costs, prevent stress on plants, and when switched to 12/12, flowering within a week. Who knows. Need a timer for that, and low on cash plus don’t really feel like fussing with a timer.

Hey speaking of, will it be detrimental in any way for photos, if their lights off time isn’t exactly the same every night on a 20/4 or any other schedule really. Say I forgot to turn em off at 7 pm and it was 7:10, or if I turned em on later than 11, and it was 11:15? Sometimes I forget, but never more than 10-15 minutes late. They still get over 18 hrs of light, just not at the exact same time. Thanks for your time joe/everyone.
I hear ya joe, so much info on the web contradicts other info. I've also read about a gas lantern light schedule folks swear by, supposed to promote better growth, save electricity costs, prevent stress on plants, and when switched to 12/12, flowering within a week. Who knows. Need a timer for that, and low on cash plus don't really feel like fussing with a timer.

Hey speaking of, will it be detrimental in any way for photos, if their lights off time isn't exactly the same every night on a 20/4 or any other schedule really. Say I forgot to turn em off at 7 pm and it was 7:10, or if I turned em on later than 11, and it was 11:15? Sometimes I forget, but never more than 10-15 minutes late. They still get over 18 hrs of light, just not at the exact same time. Thanks for your time joe/everyone.

I also think it's genetics on how long it takes to switch to flower from pre my thoughts anyone's . ....
I hear ya joe, so much info on the web contradicts other info. I've also read about a gas lantern light schedule folks swear by, supposed to promote better growth, save electricity costs, prevent stress on plants, and when switched to 12/12, flowering within a week. Who knows. Need a timer for that, and low on cash plus don't really feel like fussing with a timer.

Hey speaking of, will it be detrimental in any way for photos, if their lights off time isn't exactly the same every night on a 20/4 or any other schedule really. Say I forgot to turn em off at 7 pm and it was 7:10, or if I turned em on later than 11, and it was 11:15? Sometimes I forget, but never more than 10-15 minutes late. They still get over 18 hrs of light, just not at the exact same time. Thanks for your time joe/everyone.

Ps honestly moon a timer only cost about 20 cdn tops seen even cheaper in aure on amazon for singles. it will be a very good investment in my opinion no hassles at all super easy to configure as well.

If you need help I can help walk it through with ya.

Not sure if it would hurt a few mis. Her and thee. ..
$4.00 timer in 30 minute increments. Own 2 of these, one in the house and one for the CFLs. Perfect!
Defiant 1875-Watt 15 Amp Resistive 24-Hour Indoor Plug-In Timer, White-26378 - The Home Depot

Heading that way to look around tommorrow. It’s been and is going to continue to rain here for the next several days. Everything here is so water logged , my backyard is like a swamp! But, the temp decrease has been nice. It’s been great being able to zip this tent shut, (except for the vents), & keeping my porch from glowing. Blueberry #2 is loving the 24/7 so far. # 1 is still green, (how the heck is that possible?). It’s very sad & wilty though.

Shed, that exhaust fan you mentioned, how would you install that in a tent? I mean, would you take off the square frame, insert in 6” tent hole, then attach ducting, and just run it out the 8” hole, or vice versa?
# 1 is still green, (how the heck is that possible?). It’s very sad & wilty though.

The fact that it's still green is amazing! It's going to need more support as the top becomes heavier so you should figure out how to do that before it gets there. I'm thinking maybe a ball point pen cut in half long ways and then taped around the stem. Or something with more diameter but similar idea. Whatever you might have lying around.

Shed, that exhaust fan you mentioned, how would you install that in a tent? I mean, would you take off the square frame, insert in 6” tent hole, then attach ducting, and just run it out the 8” hole, or vice versa?

I've never had a tent but if they can support all those lights I'm sure you can hang it at the top and put the exhaust end at the upper exhaust vent in the tent. You don't need any duct work on the input side at all (just pulls through the grill) and only minimal on the exhaust side if you can't mount it right next to the upper tent port.

Post some pics of the top half of the tent and I'll see if I can photoshop it for you ;)
Remember what doesn't kill them makes them stronger someimes. Sometimes. The curve near surface isn't anything to be concerned with. Nature's supercropoing imo. The part above it is what's cutting off flow with the roots and leaves. If it can overcome should be fine.
i only had seedlings do that wilt from 2 things ... either rootbound (not likely in that pot) or overwatered (does she catches rain ?) ...

other reason i can think off is hot soil ...

Could be both?? I’ve heard ffof can be hot for seeds & sprouts, but I doubt that’s it, I mean I mixed with 20-30% perlite, & ran the hose through it until heavy run off. Pretty sure it’s dampening off. Overwatering. I did that to almost every plant on the last grow from my 1st grows bagseed. They pulled through. Well at least the ones I didn’t panic & yank up! Lol. Hoping this Luna makes it. Cause I don’t want to waste nutes on an already effed up plant. :thumb:
The fact that it's still green is amazing! It's going to need more support as the top becomes heavier so you should figure out how to do that before it gets there. I'm thinking maybe a ball point pen cut in half long ways and then taped around the stem. Or something with more diameter but similar idea. Whatever you might have lying around.

I've never had a tent but if they can support all those lights I'm sure you can hang it at the top and put the exhaust end at the upper exhaust vent in the tent. You don't need any duct work on the input side at all (just pulls through the grill) and only minimal on the exhaust side if you can't mount it right next to the upper tent port.

Post some pics of the top half of the tent and I'll see if I can photoshop it for you ;)

Thanks shed! You are very kind sir. I was also thinking the pen, minus the ink cartridge to prop her up, but couldn’t find a pen anywhere. My daughter loves to hoard them. :thumb:

Here are a couple pics if inside top of tent.....
thanks again bro. I’m wanting/hoping I could go to Home Depot tommorrow, but not sure.
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