Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Sorry to hear about news moon life is funny man and sometimes we need to adapt on the fly.

Like I said before your ever here I'll smoke your brains retarded my friend. I always said it's not how hard you can hit in life . It's how hard you can get hit and keep going when life knocks you down. Easier said then down trust me. But nonetheless can be achieved ...
Sorry to hear about news moon life is funny man and sometimes we need to adapt on the fly.

Like I said before your ever here I'll smoke your brains retarded my friend. I always said it's not how hard you can hit in life . It's how hard you can get hit and keep going when life knocks you down. Easier said then down trust me. But nonetheless can be achieved ...

Sunk 2 more blueberry autos. With blessings. Two heads & 4 eyes will be better I think. Going to the store for some ffof I think. Excited again. :thumb: maybe finishing in dec they will purple up??? It's going to be odd wishing time would slow down for watching football sakes, but simultaneously wishing it to hurry up for harvest. It's going to be a fun sammich any way you slice it!! So I need to decide if I want to waste an autoflower seed on experimentation. My better half wants to use strictly soil & water. Completely organic nutrients if any. Also just wants to see the diff between my piddling around with one (ie nutrients, lst, possible supplemental lighting.) vs just dropping in pot & watering. We already know the diff lst /toppping makes, so I'll be attempting those on both, but I may just grow one completely without nutes to see the diff. Also decided to start up a compost pile for a future grow. Going to use everything I can remember my grandfather uses on his tomatoes and other garden produce. He measured nothing. Since backyard is trashed from storm, & smells like poo, I may as well have a stank compost pile. Oh shit y'all!! The mouth of the south is back!!!
Sunk 2 more blueberry autos. With blessings. Two heads & 4 eyes will be better I think. Going to the store for some ffof I think. Excited again. :thumb: maybe finishing in dec they will purple up??? It's going to be odd wishing time would slow down for watching football sakes, but simultaneously wishing it to hurry up for harvest. It's going to be a fun sammich any way you slice it!! So I need to decide if I want to waste an autoflower seed on experimentation. My better half wants to use strictly soil & water. Completely organic nutrients if any. Also just wants to see the diff between my piddling around with one (ie nutrients, lst, possible supplemental lighting.) vs just dropping in pot & watering. We already know the diff lst /toppping makes, so I'll be attempting those on both, but I may just grow one completely without nutes to see the diff. Also decided to start up a compost pile for a future grow. Going to use everything I can remember my grandfather uses on his tomatoes and other garden produce. He measured nothing. Since backyard is trashed from storm, & smells like poo, I may as well have a stank compost pile. Oh shit y'all!! The mouth of the south is back!!!

yell out loud "Yipiekayee mutha fuckas!" with your best badass face whilst tossing the seeds casually in the soil ... for increased gratification ;)
Yah. Sucks here. But my situation dictates me staying here for a bit longer. My family is here, & I want to stay close to them. Maybe things change here soon. I'll look to getting med liscence for it legally, just so expensive. Won't buy it illegally here, there's been fentynal laced overdoses/deaths around here

thats a bad business model ... dead clients cant come back for more ... are you sure that story is real ? it would be real stupid idiots as the fentanyl should be more valuable whole as oposed to laced on weed, not ?
but anyway ppl that do things like that should be shot ...
Sunk 2 more blueberry autos.

Welcome back to the land of the growers Moon! I hope I told you that Blue 2 def smelled of blueberries in the cure so let it go longer than you think and yours should too. I'm pulling my latest grow bc they stunted in the early heat, but I'm going to sprout 3 more this week and start over again.

You going to be in the tent this time now that summer is over?
Hey moon! Heard your back at it glad to hear your safe after the storms and I totally know the feeling.... we need football year round!
thats a bad business model ... dead clients cant come back for more ... are you sure that story is real ? it would be real stupid idiots as the fentanyl should be more valuable whole as oposed to laced on weed, not ?
but anyway ppl that do things like that should be shot ...

I wish it were not true. And yep to all three....bad bus model, more val as stand alone(I would guess, cause if it ain't green, I ain't about it!), and they should get what they deserve. But what they deserve is not up to me. Lol!! Thank goodness!!
Welcome back to the land of the growers Moon! I hope I told you that Blue 2 def smelled of blueberries in the cure so let it go longer than you think and yours should too. I'm pulling my latest grow bc they stunted in the early heat, but I'm going to sprout 3 more this week and start over again.

You going to be in the tent this time now that summer is over?

Sorry to hear about your current grow. But if they aren't dead, grow em out, & see what u can get. Some is better than none, & u just might get a surprise!! Try and get some seeds at the very least. See how far they can go with no nutes, or whatever exepiriments u want. :thumb:

Well, where I am, it's like summer till nov. we have regular highs in 80's in nov. was 90+ yesterday. The low at night is 70-73 deg f. The lights in my tent raise temps by 15-20 deg f. It might work if I could unzip front door at night and natural sun all day, but backporch is right next to sidewalk & bright pink lights might attract unwanted attn. it's covered but enclosed with see through lattice. So, I'm going to just try some cfl bulbs I have laying around the house for supplemental lighting at night until the cooler temps become consistent. I'm guessing that won't be until halfway thru. Thanks for your encouragement bud.
Sorry to hear about your current grow. But if they aren't dead, grow em out, & see what u can get. Some is better than none, & u just might get a surprise!! Try and get some seeds at the very least. See how far they can go with no nutes, or whatever exepiriments u want. :thumb:

Well, where I am, it's like summer till nov. we have regular highs in 80's in nov. was 90+ yesterday. The low at night is 70-73 deg f. The lights in my tent raise temps by 15-20 deg f. It might work if I could unzip front door at night and natural sun all day, but backporch is right next to sidewalk & bright pink lights might attract unwanted attn. it's covered but enclosed with see through lattice. So, I'm going to just try some cfl bulbs I have laying around the house for supplemental lighting at night until the cooler temps become consistent. I'm guessing that won't be until halfway thru. Thanks for your encouragement bud.

CFL are def cool on the plants but will heat up the tent a bit from the tops where the electrical shit is happening (that's technical talk!). Put your lights on at night only with really good ventilation should keep the tent close to air temps since it's outside. Nothing to attract attention but the sound of fans, and everyone has those going all night anyway!

Post some pics!

I already pulled the two tiny plants but have left the AK 4 (pics going up in a bit) and just dumped some tap water on it this morning. No nutes, no pH, no lights at night. I don't need anything off it but thought I would see what it's going to do since it was so raring to go out of the gate. Not only does the top have pistils but the next node down does as well! I'll drop two more seeds on Sunday night and start over, same journal tho.
Hello all that forgot to unsuscribe to this thread awhile ago! I'm glad you didn't, cause it's on & poppin now baby!!! "Ya turn me up you turn me on.....You dropped the bomb on me!!!!!!" Que the missile sound. Ahhh yeah.....have myself a soul train line dance extravaganza.

Ok, seriously ......I have one blueberry auto up & and another on its way. One didn't germ. Here is indigo on day 1...
And here was the night time set up for the first 3 days....
Here is the new set up same as my first grow...
isn't my wife the best for this beautiful gift!! And the pain in the butt lattice type porch that my bright pink lights shine through. All three walls are like that. Any suggestions for covering that up on the low?? And here's indigo today!!
Close the tent and put in a vent! :) You can get exhaust vents really cheap at home depot. Cooler temps and no lights leaking out.

Yeah thanks bud! But when I say low on I mean loooooowwwwwe. But most def when I have it. Maybe you guys could help me figure it out faster than google. :thumb: only took me 1 1/2 years to figure out I'd been looking at this leaf vacuum/mulcher attatchement for my blower completely wrong. I dunno how many times I went to try again to figure out to get the screws off. Then today I realized you don't take the screws off, just needed to press an unlock lever. What an air head. Wonder why??:blunt::blunt:

Damn my man, you're "shed on the spot!!" :thumb::high-five: Siri and echo don't have shit on you brother. Lol. I'll be checking into that since it's that cheap. Is that 50 cfm good for a 2.5'x4'x5' tent? I saw quite a bit ago a formula for figuring the size fan for your grow area...I'll google again later, unless u have it on top of your head. Thanks a lot bro. I just assumed it was at least $100 or more. :thumb:
Damn my man, you're "shed on the spot!!" :thumb::high-five: Siri and echo don't have shit on you brother. Lol. I'll be checking into that since it's that cheap. Is that 50 cfm good for a 2.5'x4'x5' tent? I saw quite a bit ago a formula for figuring the size fan for your grow area...I'll google again later, unless u have it on top of your head. Thanks a lot bro. I just assumed it was at least $100 or more. :thumb:

By the way....blueberry 2 (name tbd later) should be up tommorrow!! Exciting stuff! Oh, something just crossed my mind....??? for you guys and/or gals ...... I found two window screens laying around. I don't know about you guys, but I've had problems with critters (birds) swooping down and yanking my is up with that?? Anyway, I'm thinking about rigging up something to protect them with the screen I found. Would the plant still get enough light thru it? Standard screen. Thanks yall!!
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