Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Naw, leave it alone and see what you end up with as it grows. You'll be the experiment as I can't recall seeing LST and topping used together, at least not that early in the game. Chin up and roll with it!
Definitely early in the game. I'm jealous!!!
Some of the most amazing techniques have evolved from mistakes!!! Ie: FIM
I think your doing a okay! Just let time and nature do her work with the topping and LSTing. In another grow I'm following dude was really training the heck out of his girl and she's beautiful now! Just keep at it. At the very least you'll learn a better method for the next one :)

And for nutes if they are liquid maybe make a concentrated bit in a spray bottle and mist the top soil. Let the rain percolate the nutes down to the roots. I'd just start off easy as not to over do it. But other wise looks good to me. The warm weather may be stunting growth slightly as well. Wishing you cooler weather!
That's if I get it right! Lol. Hopefully some awesome member will chew me out if I make a wrong turn! See what I did there?? a round pot. Lol. I love being goofy. :thumb::slide::blunt::rofl:

Haha. On your hilarious bro .

Have faith it looks good so far
The little ones are still building roots, they should take off once the roots have devoloped. Not sure if you've seen this yet so i'll post it for ya.

A little tutorial on training the main growth shoot then training laterals. This is how Stinky Snid trained plants that won POTM. .
Moonshine looks like your getting a lot of good advice, great!
Leggy girls need to build better roots. They should do fine.
Look at foiler spaying light nutes.
With your wet pots and cloudy weather.
We had a few days break from the rain...its back!
The little ones are still building roots, they should take off once the roots have devoloped. Not sure if you've seen this yet so i'll post it for ya.

A little tutorial on training the main growth shoot then training laterals. This is how Stinky Snid trained plants that won POTM. .
Are the numbers weeks? Bud sites? I'm hoping to train my clones in a circle too :) I was told to stop at 6 o'clock so you can train through the stretch. Thoughts PW?
The #'s are tops, 6 o'clock may work but remember once you bring the original top down with lst the auxins are distributed evenly to all tops. Id train until it circled the pot completely then flip and let them all stretch. Look at Vex's Flux plant.
Yep I'm stubbed. Catalina is a beauty and a beast :)

So your saying the stretch will occur upwards not latterally? Glad I asked and didnt cut my harvest in half. Thanks Pdub!
here is the latest bagseed auto snipped down yesterday! Lol. I say snipped instead of chopped because of its size. :thumb:
But hey, I smoked some of the "top" of the other bagseed auto that was cut down last week. Very nice indeed. It lasted 3+ hrs, off 4 bong rips, and literally lmao. This one looks like about a 1/4 I think. Oh well, free weed I guess. But damn.......sigh......:thumb:
Hey Moon! You will be happy to hear that the latest harvest of Blueberry 2 has a hint of blueberry coming out of the jars. Nowhere near curing yet as the RH is up in the 80s both in the air and in the jar, but I thought you would like to know. No idea what the difference is between this one and the first other than three times the amount of bud-weight and an extra 15 days of grow, but there it is! I will update you as things change...
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