Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Alright! Looking good moonshine! Has the rain slowed?? Love to see a shot of the trained baby's when you have a sec. They taking better to the training? I have a feeling they'll start to explode after they grow up a lol more. Happy Friday all!

Hey moon shine!
Work got you busy? Good

Hoping these are Xmas cookies also. I think they are.
Be nice to see the BK Ribbon blast out of these.
Looking like Red Velvet Cream Cake, mmm,mmm.
But I saw yours, and quickly added more lights to mine. Lol


AND this Alien is FREAKING ME OUT.

I SWEAR the roots moved on there own. Jump off the side of the bucket. When I opened the lid.

Tried to get a quick shot.....



I tied her secured to the top!





Oh, my poor animals......

Her pops....

Hey moon shine!
Work got you busy? Good

Hoping these are Xmas cookies also. I think they are.
Be nice to see the BK Ribbon blast out of these.
Looking like Red Velvet Cream Cake, mmm,mmm.
But I saw yours, and quickly added more lights to mine. Lol


AND this Alien is FREAKING ME OUT.

I SWEAR the roots moved on there own. Jump off the side of the bucket. When I opened the lid.

Tried to get a quick shot.....



I tied her secured to the top!





Oh, my poor animals......

Her pops....


Hey top! I trust life's treating you well buddy. Hope you're not getting as much rain as I am. If not rain, major overcast. Makes for Nice porch weather though. Those roots are looking crazy bro. The plants Im smoking already, yes they haven't even dried longer than a week. Get me pretty baked man. I have to say. End up on couch heavy when it wears down. Just drying in closet with breeze temp 73-77 and rh 53-58. But back to the roots. About 1/4 or less of what those plants show. Woww. Wtf??? Lol. if I smash it into a sticky ball, it seems to hit forever. Not really a taste to me. Some say citrusy piney skunky. Smells like pine with hay smell, cause barely dry. Def not complaining though. It's not pretty, but smokes like pretty weed. Well. Oh, I'm going to google foliage sprays and see if I can find a formula made from household items. If u or anyone sees this soon & doesn't mind sharing something they already know works, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks yall!! Later P!! Thanks for checking in. Yeah, I'm loving being able to work !
Well damn!! Looks like it's just "football" this fall!! I can't express how much I despise the backwards ass laws where I live. In retrospect, I panicked a bit last night, I'll admit, and acted prematurely in hindsight, & out of extreme fear of losing my children to foster care while their parents go to jail for growing their own extremely small amounts I might add!! So freaking pissed right now, but I know in my heart it was .....without a doubt the right decision.

So, I walk to the door last night, to turn off porch lights, and I see 3 cars (fuzz) in front of they're getting out of cars, I ran to bust everything down in the dark, quietly as I can, without having a stroke, heart bottomed into my stomach, imagining my kids seeing this go down, scared what's going to happen to them, losing my whole life, wife, kids , dogs, house.....then, as soon , and DAMNIT....I mean as soon as I walk my drenched in sweat, heart attack having, pooped my pants feeling, knot in stomach, throat closed up feeling ass inside and walk to front door, I see these 3 mf's get in cars & drive away!!! Again.....really?????? I guess it's not meant to be for me. Not whining....well maybe a little....but man.....pretty bummed right now. Another time....another place. I know I should, and I am, very thankful to not be in jail, but it does really suck.

You guys are awesome, & thanks for your tagging along with me thus far, and for all your kind remarks, wisdom, advice, friendship, and for making this site a great safe haven for us all to enjoy. Guess I'll have to hold the clipboard again. One day!! I'll keep checking in on you guys' threads and have a great life you people. :thumb:
Noooooooooooo!!!!! So sorry to hear. But I would have done the same thing my friend. I love mj. But my little girl is my everything! I worry about the same thing. Legal or not the government always thinks they need to butt in to people's lives.... so stupid. Again so sorry to hear. But can't blame you for a second....
Well damn!! Looks like it's just "football" this fall!! I can't express how much I despise the backwards ass laws where I live. In retrospect, I panicked a bit last night, I'll admit, and acted prematurely in hindsight, & out of extreme fear of losing my children to foster care while their parents go to jail for growing their own extremely small amounts I might add!! So freaking pissed right now, but I know in my heart it was .....without a doubt the right decision.

So, I walk to the door last night, to turn off porch lights, and I see 3 cars (fuzz) in front of they're getting out of cars, I ran to bust everything down in the dark, quietly as I can, without having a stroke, heart bottomed into my stomach, imagining my kids seeing this go down, scared what's going to happen to them, losing my whole life, wife, kids , dogs, house.....then, as soon , and DAMNIT....I mean as soon as I walk my drenched in sweat, heart attack having, pooped my pants feeling, knot in stomach, throat closed up feeling ass inside and walk to front door, I see these 3 mf's get in cars & drive away!!! Again.....really?????? I guess it's not meant to be for me. Not whining....well maybe a little....but man.....pretty bummed right now. Another time....another place. I know I should, and I am, very thankful to not be in jail, but it does really suck.

You guys are awesome, & thanks for your tagging along with me thus far, and for all your kind remarks, wisdom, advice, friendship, and for making this site a great safe haven for us all to enjoy. Guess I'll have to hold the clipboard again. One day!! I'll keep checking in on you guys' threads and have a great life you people. :thumb:
That truly is a shame. You acted like a parent should, that's what truly matters.
It will happen when it's supposed to.

I'm really sorry to hear, but I'm glad that you came out relatively unscathed
I've had that happen to me. I was house sitting for my brother and I pull up to check on the dog and there's 3 or 4 in The street in front of the house.... even an unmarked vehicle in the mix. Half peeing my pants and anxious from my last dab, I decided w tf, and I go ask them what happened. He politely goes oh nothing we just had to meet to talk about something. I guess seems as it is a public street right off a main road it made sense... But none the less I wasn't even doing anything illegal and still had a mini stroke.... But it proved the love and dedication you have for your fam. And I always say family first!
Hey thanks everyone. Yeah trashed everything. I walked out back down street with bag, tossed in yard, when I discovered they were gone, I told wife, I didn't want to scare her unless they actually came to door. She said I wreaked of weed, and I should go get the bag. So I did. I tried to salvage the semi smokable ones. They had soil all over buds from snatching them out of pots & shoving In bag like a jewelry thief dealing with an alarm going off. I had been at corner of my backyard closest to them, trying to hear what was being said, & just saw two of them looking towards my house, paranoia had me seeing myself being arrested in front of my kids, them taking my wife too, & so many more things, that nothing in the world is worth that, so it was a no brainer, & makes me realize the risk I took in the first place. Still, it was a horrible feeling doing so, even though it was the right & only option.
Hey Moon, just read your bad news! What a bummer and what a perfectly reasonable decision. I wouldn't be growing if it wasn't legal here now so I completely get your panic. Buying it on the DL (like in the old days) will have to suffice until the voters down there get together and change the laws (I read that some municipalities have lowered possession to a ticket). The medical mj laws there are pretty restrictive there but laws are changing across the land so see what pressure you can bring to bear on your local elected officials (Orlando has decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, maybe where you are?).

Be well and thanks for all the encouragement you've given me. Even if you're not growing please keep hanging out on these boards!

:thanks: and :Namaste:
wow .. . you trashed everything? wow ... thats a bummer ...
are you sure it was for you them 3 dudes ?
why would they turn around last notice it doesnt make sense...

Yeah, for sure 3, I have no idea how long or even why they were here, but I'm just glad they didn't knock on my door. With all the crime even in my (pretty decent) area, it's even dangerous here because criminals have been fleeing to this neighborhood while being chased by police. They end up jumping fences and getting caught in backyards, and I'd hate to be that guy that gets discovered bc some petty thief jumps my fence, and my yard becomes crime scene filled with several cops, cause that's how they roll here. There apparently was some stuff happening round here around that time last night. I too was like just couple seconds away from just saying eff it, & asking them what was up as a passerby er but decided against it.

Oh, & hindsite says it wasn't, but my paranoia was telling me they were here to watch the house until the appropriate authorities got here. Don't want to name it for obvious reasons.
Hey Moon, just read your bad news! What a bummer and what a perfectly reasonable decision. I wouldn't be growing if it wasn't legal here now so I completely get your panic. Buying it on the DL (like in the old days) will have to suffice until the voters down there get together and change the laws (I read that some municipalities have lowered possession to a ticket). The medical mj laws there are pretty restrictive there but laws are changing across the land so see what pressure you can bring to bear on your local elected officials (Orlando has decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, maybe where you are?).

Be well and thanks for all the encouragement you've given me. Even if you're not growing please keep hanging out on these boards!

:thanks: and :Namaste:

Your welcome my friend. Thank you as well, & I will be around. I got really bummed after my first grow, & was really very excited beyond belief for this one, around holidays, football, cool weather, putting tent up, etc...etc... It has great medicinal effects by growing it as well. In my opinion, I like growing it equally as smoking it. :Namaste:
im really sorry friend ... gah

and then them US legislators are surprised more and more ppl grow an aversion from the police ... decent civilians i mean

Yah. Sucks here. But my situation dictates me staying here for a bit longer. My family is here, & I want to stay close to them. Maybe things change here soon. I'll look to getting med liscence for it legally, just so expensive. Won't buy it illegally here, there's been fentynal laced overdoses/deaths around here
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