Mono's 600 Watt HPS Soil Grow 2013

Okay so they h202 arrived, but after a think while at work today I have decided I am going to try some more organic methods of controlling the problem first.

I have ordered 100 liters of Perlite to be delivered, along with some sticky traps so hopefully I will be able to break their life cycle by covering all the plant pots in the house with a 1/2 inch of perlite and use the sticky traps to catch the adults.

If they don't work, I will get some mosquito dunks and use them with water as a drench.

If those don't work I will try SNS-203, however delivery to Scotland costs 150.02 USD. :o

Fingers Crossed the above remedies will have a good effect

The sticky traps do little to control the g nats...IMHO, they serve more as to an indicator of the insects that are present in your garden!
The sticky traps do little to control the g nats...IMHO, they serve more as to an indicator of the insects that are present in your garden!

Hopefully the perlite after another go at blasting them with the steam will get their numbers down enough. If not I will move on to mosquito dunks and hopefully that will clear them up.
The only pic I have been able to upload so far.

Hey up. I'm using the same root gel.. I've got to say I think that stuff is just a bad smelling waste of money... It does litarly stink and I've had a bad time with it... Pretty much same condition with a propagator as you.
Just found the hydro shop by me... I drove past it every day for a year without knowing it was there. Going to get the stuff they have. Rootex or clonex I can't remember. Don't lose heart my man. Don't think it's you.
Sorry I didn't realise there was 13 pages... Just commented on the last post of the first page.
Bet you can guess I'm wasted...

I agree it stinks my friend, when I bought it someone had spilled a tub and stunk out the whole B and q haha!!

Let me know how the new gel goes mate, thinking about clonex myself!!
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