MNS - My New Spot

:rofl: I was being sarcastic.. I thought it was funny at the time.. I'm known for my led-------balloons :rofl: I'm happy with the lights and how plants are coming out, for 22w square foot 2gal hempys or 3gal pots. What I think I will do though,is change the tents around, run a smaller flower area and have more space to keep mothers and veg in slightly bigger pots.. bring the flowering up to 40w square foot.. As long as my jars have product in them, as long as I keep buying my ounces, it moves :rofl: :passitleft:
No not mad.. pissed off, sick of giving of myself and wasting my time :rofl::rofl: but not mad :rofl: yeah I know, sometimes there's nothing to say expect like.. I was joking. A little board with nobody to talk too is all :rofl:
Mango widow, I can't wait to try her out..
I feel ya grizz and I know what you mean. My journals have the occasional comment and it gets boring real fast. And it always means my threads are at the bottom of my feed so I can't find them back at times. Haha so I try and update now but just for my records . If someone starts a convo we chat if not my records are kept up to date lol.
Yeah no good being a ghost town.. I'm only on here to talk shit to peeps.. the plants will grow regardless :rofl: it does go through stages though,being on here.. sometimes conversations move 20 pages in a few days, then have weeks of life getting in the way.. I haven't seen an update from you for a week.

Just up potted a couple of the Ortega.. they aren't showing sex, so I don't know but the other four males are sitting in tent.. going to use one, so I'll watch scratch sniff and create some frankenherms..
Yeah no good being a ghost town.. I'm only on here to talk shit to peeps.. the plants will grow regardless :rofl: it dies go through stages though,being on here.. sometimes conversations move 20 pages in a few days, then have weeks of life getting in the way.. I haven't seen an update from you for a week.

Just up potted a couple of the Ortega.. they aren't showing sex, so I don't know but the other four males are sitting in tent.. going to use one, so I'll watch scratch sniff and create some frankenherms..

Sorry Griz :( Im here every day for a few, and am following along. I know I forget to speak up often...really need to whittle down the subscribed journals list. I do love to come drool at the pics though :)

Im loving the run-through of the MNS seeds. I have so many Id like to try, its nice to get a bit of a preview. I know there are forums on the MNS site to browse, but its just not nearly as friendly over there. :/

Recently scored some Critical Skunk, and some Shit...and a few others. Was going to list them but the site seems to be taking a break.

My Ortegas have sprouted...well 2 out of 3 have...will be nice to have a side by side..even if Im a couple weeks behind :)

It's friendly but can get heated. Not to ic standards but still.. I need some proof it's a mellowing drug :rofl: I find some of it,well most of the argument stuff funny. Not sure if serious or dudes taking the piss. Theres threads where peeps are calling each other useless fuckwits who can't grow and should kill themselves because they grow haze indoors not out :rofl: or they have slight tip burn :rofl: one dudes laughing at hemp telling him how shit his plants look. Mango haze buds size of my arm but they to small for the outdoors dudes :rofl: a lot there and ic are in for a commercial purpose. The answers to questions mean more to some, especially genetics... theres a little core over there that are friendly but threads are more for documenting the plant than friendship and bullshit.. which i believe is how it should be on a breeders site. But I wasn't serious, I was only joking. I put the update up and saw a few likes but no one said boo except ditchweed. I shouldn't make hurtful jokes and I should apologise.. I sorry :rofl:
:rofl: Do I edit my post then?:rofl:
Ironically I've been spending more time on ic. I kind of like it there. LOL! There are some knowledgeable guys on that forum. It's also nice chatting to the guys responsible for some of the stuff I'm running. I know you get what I'm saying. I'm kinda stoned now. :rofl:;
I never used to get males.. always been better than 50-50 more 70-30 female to male.. now 20-80 female to male, exact opposite to what I've always had.. I've messaged shanti for information on seed sex, he'd have all the latest known info..
Have you tried the banana method? Sue puts a ripening banana in with her seed before germ (and during I think) the gas emitted is supposed to help the seed choose female.

It also helps flowering plants....

Bananas. Who'd of thought?!
Yeah never have done any other forums... when I started my research on hempy it was pretty sad to see the hostility on other sites.
Yeah never have done any other forums... when I started my research on hempy it was pretty sad to see the hostility on other sites.

Yeah, this forum is very friendly. It's a very welcoming place for newcomers. In that area it gets 10/10.
Yeah I mean I'll Google questions and read through threads, but since I'm still a begginer in a lot of ways I appreciate the positive community here....

They have they're moments but for the most part good peeps
Blaze... I like the straight to the point stylings of other forums. What separates this one and makes it special is also it's Achilles' heel.. bullshit can take hold here quickly and those that speak against the grain for truth are seen as unsettling the community and those with energy to lie/bullshit/not know so make stuff up, can control it.. bananas :rofl::rofl:
I've seen that too a few times. Bad info is passed and since no one wants to question or call them out. It's just about respectful disagreement. And with growing a lot of it is preference, but a lot of it is black and white too
thought sue only grew autos and fems :rofl: if she's getting any males it might not be working as she thinks :rofl: Im just taking the piss. I don't care what she's growing, no need to set me straight. I mean that in a polite way :rofl::passitleft:
...and thanks for taking time out to post.. nobody's in here talking to me

I wouldn't have left you feeling lonely Grizz, but those assholes at work actually expected me to do something last night.
Morning Grizz, I don't generally post unless I've got something to say, with not growing much at the moment, I'm just busy. Building a new shed at the moment, including new grow area, have to form up and pour another slab today, using cement mixer so it takes a while. First 2*3 took 4 hrs Friday night, certainly knocks this old body around. Could definitely do with 2 more bodies, but everyone is busy. Anyway, have a good day bud.
Farside, those bastards!! Why would they not only want but expect so much. Capitalist pricks :rofl: says me who worked most of yesterday and is about to head out the door to work and do a couple of quotes on a Sunday :rofl:
Blacksmith :passitleft: Santa Claus got you a new shed :) mixing concrete. I've got sore everything thinking about it..Next time price a truck to come around and pour it.. overcast today, well here anyway, a better day to be doing things than Friday.. man it was hot..
I have to watch what I say, spent a page trying to explain my joke, didn't want to offend you all.. I thought it was funny enough to write. Tried to put laughing dudes in, make it clearer I was joking... or was I :rofl:
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