Mini Green House Grow

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

dude... you continue to astound me. please, uh... continue.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Those are some fat and frosty looking colas. Got to be getting close, love the pics also get job.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

theses are definite beautiful ladies, hopefully in the spring i will be able to get closer to this production per plant, your an inspiration... keep it goin strong SS.... +rep if i can
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Seting Sun, wat else could say but simply amazing bro. That is such a frosty fat bud. Gonna be some potent meds to be sure. You have an excellant grow and journal brother, something to be very proud of. Keep em growing!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Beautiful plant m8 , +rep !

dude... you continue to astound me. please, uh... continue.

Awesome job man! That strain is kick ass, amazing trich production!

Those are some fat and frosty looking colas. Got to be getting close, love the pics also get job.

theses are definite beautiful ladies, hopefully in the spring i will be able to get closer to this production per plant, your an inspiration... keep it goin strong SS.... +rep if i can

Um..WOW:cheer:really helpfull read bro,oh ya i got a hanna ph meater thanks for the help+rep from me to you...peace

O_O whoa nice frosting

Seting Sun, wat else could say but simply amazing bro. That is such a frosty fat bud. Gonna be some potent meds to be sure. You have an excellant grow and journal brother, something to be very proud of. Keep em growing!

thanks so much for all the positive feedback and energy, my brother growers!

growing would be so different and much less fun without all of you and this community to share it with ;).

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Cheers SS :passitleft:....always knew you could make those plants into beautiful buds! :yummy:

Hey Tunes!

your comment made me think of when I wasn't sure whether they would make it or not after they got burned outside :(. They actually looked a lot worse than this a few days later because the effects of the burn began to show more. They were sad lookin'.


thanks for your friendship and support throughout this grow!

you rock bro ;)
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

very nice ss, you're doing something right that's for sure

looking spliffy bro, very spliffy.

thanks bro!

One of the things I appreciate most about this grow is that, essentially, it was accomplished with 250w. I wasn't expecting these results with that wattage.

I think the LED lights from Haight SS and HGL should do well in my tents.

thanks again WOF, you've given me great advice and support from the get-go ;).
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

no problem. . .

but actually half of your grow was done under 3.90 x 10^26 watts!! then you moved to 250 watts, but i think the beginning helped you yield what you did.

still impressive results though. glad i traveled that road with you.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

no problem. . .

but actually half of your grow was done under 3.90 x 10^26 watts!! then you moved to 250 watts, but i think the beginning helped you yield what you did.

still impressive results though. glad i traveled that road with you.

oh yeah, I forgot, LOL!

seriously, I haven't even been considering that as a factor, so thanks for the reminder. It felt like I was starting the whole grow over after they got burned and I brought them indoors, but they did veg really nicely outdoors. The stems on these plants are nice and thick.

So that means my g/watt will be pretty meaningless also as far as an indoor grow.

thanks for the reality check ;)
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

390,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000w!? wow! learn something new everyday. haha
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