Mini Green House Grow

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Looking amazing, look like those are some pretty thick buds, great job again and good luck.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

That bud you pollinated sure is sticky looking. Babies on the way. Good seeds
are babies to me. Best of luck, now you will have back ups. Nice feeling. :grinjoint:

There's some calyxes that look promising ;).

It is nice to have a little personal seed bank to draw from. I do like that feeling. I've collected a few nice strains along the way and I'm dying to grow them. Since starting to grow again, this strain, while I really like it, is all I've grown.

thanks OMM, I appreciate your visit brother

Setting Sun,amazing buds bro. I can't wait to see he effects of the girdling. This is gonna some excellant meds when you are finished. Keep it growing bro.

I can't say I've noticed any significant effect from the girdling yet. Maybe I started too late or something. I pinched a little popcorn bud yesterday and set it on top of my reflector to dry. I like to test meds by taking just one good rip. That little bud's got me cruisin' pretty good :Rasta:

thanks bro

SS, I'd like to spend some time with your girls as soon as they're old enough.

They're just freakin' gorgeous!

HA! I bet you would, lol.

No problem, long as I get equal time :grinjoint:

thanks doc

Looking amazing, look like those are some pretty thick buds, great job again and good luck.

thanks sonzor, best holiday wishes for your winter grow ;).

great job bro!!

thanks Butcher, high praise indeed coming from you.

thanks for visiting my journal bro ;)
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Hey, what's up, doc?
WOAW man, this is some nice plants, and damn already 82 pages on this thread! ^^, you definitely got and audience SS!
I saw that you were pollinating some of you buds, How many seeds do you think you can get out of a single pollinated bud?
Good luck with your grow, i can't wait to see the end result!

Hey buds-bunny and welcome to 420Mag!

love your name ;).

Yeah, this grow and journal have been a blast. Learned a ton of stuff and there has been lots of good discussion.

If I carefully pollinate a small lower bud, trying to hit as many pistils as possible, I've gotten 20-30 seeds or so, but that's a rough estimate because there are lots of variables. I didn't try to pollinate every hair on the bud I pollinated on this grow, so I think I'll wind up with maybe 10 seeds.

thanks for your visit and support Buds-B!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Awesome grow dude, was truly a joy to read. Can't wait for the next one:popcorn:

thanks llewop211 and welcome to 420Mag!

the next one should be fun also!

fun fact did you know it only takes 15-20 for the pollen to germinate inside the calix(ovule)I think its called

15-20 seconds?

As quickly as the pistils begin to change visibly, I can imagine that chemically things happen very quickly once the pollen hits them.

hope you're havin' a green day bro :Rasta:
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

thanks llewop211 and welcome to 420Mag!

the next one should be fun also!

15-20 seconds?

As quickly as the pistils begin to change visibly, I can imagine that chemically things happen very quickly once the pollen hits them.

hope you're havin' a green day bro :Rasta:

15-20 seconds?...sheeeet..and here I thought I was fast!!!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

15-20 seconds?...sheeeet..and here I thought I was fast!!!

lmao! :laughtwo:

minutes folks sorry hi very high posting

That is a cool fact, thanks!

It's pretty amazing how fast seeds form sometimes too. This strain only takes 2 weeks to produce viable seeds.

so , it might be early yet, but have you noticed any bene's from the girdle yet?

No, can't say I have. The main cola I girdled on one plant has swelled nicely, but not out of proportion to anything else. The smaller branches that I girdled haven't responded noticeably.

I'm acutely aware of placebo effect and how insidious it can be, so trying to stay objective.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

good luck sun,

being perfectly objective is not even possible IMO, but we we should all strive for our personal bests. . . our interpretation of reality relies too much on perception, guess thats why weed is so much fun. fuck with reality.

attention is the first line of defense though, so you got it right on.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

good luck sun,

being perfectly objective is not even possible IMO, but we we should all strive for our personal bests. . . our interpretation of reality relies too much on perception, guess thats why weed is so much fun. fuck with reality.

attention is the first line of defense though, so you got it right on.

Oh, I'm not gonna pretend I'm immune to it.

There's nothing I can do perfectly, just ask Mrs. Sun, lol.

But yeah, awareness of the issue helps.

I was at Harbor Freight today and saw a digital micrometer that I could use to measure the diameter of the stems at a marked location above the girdle on a daily basis and compare that to the growth of non-girdled stems if I wanted to be more objective, but I'm just having fun with it right now, and if I had to use a micrometer to see the difference, I wouldn't pursue it.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow






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