Day 108
Flower 35
Flip 45
Today, opening the tent, I noticed that her scent is stronger and has some spiciness. Not like hot pepper spicy, more like a spice rack.
Doug's Varin 16 Mar 2022.jpg
Doug's Varin 16 Mar 2022 1.jpg
Doug's Varin 16 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg

Doug's Varin 16 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg

Looking good my friend. I just realized your only 4 days behind my girls lol
I went over and took a peek, and yours are looking great!
LMAO! The pics are enough, Mel. :Rasta:
1000 words and all?
What a sweetheart of a plant Mel! :green_heart:
The flowers are looking great, so as long as the yellow stops spreading it should be okay. One of the problems with MC is the high K in relation to the N. Hard to compensate for the need for nitrogen without creating a K toxicity. It's a balancing act!
Thank you!
I probably should try replacing a dose or two of MC with that MG liquid I have in the garage, but I'm not sure how old that stuff is, and it's been through years of freeze/thaw cycles out there.
Worth a shot though. I'll take a look for it.
Day 109
Flower 36
Flip 46
It was 19 C today, so I'm not surprised she's drooping tonight. Daytime highs aren't predicted to drop back below freezing around here for the next two weeks, so I'm going to have to keep on top of the watering.
Doug's Varin 17 Mar 2022.jpg

Kind of surprising how green the undergrowth is there, especially considering it gets no light. I really have no idea what's up with that.
Doug's Varin 17 Mar 2022 1.jpg

Doug's Varin 17 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg

Doug's Varin 17 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg

More pistils are changing colour, and she has pulled up some of the carhooks on the outer branches.

Looking great as usual Mel.
Thanks NTH!
Not so great tonight, but she's perking up now that she's had a drink.
Looks like a flat out nitrogen deficiency yellowing from the bottom up like that. No cal-mag on hand with N in it?
Nope. I've never needed calmag. I use Epsom salt for mag if needed, and I would up the MC if I got a calcium def. I just haven't had any calcium issues before this.
The green undergrowth confuses me. I have never had a nitrogen deficiency rise up the plant without that yellowing too.
Are you at 7g/gallon on the MC? Excess potassium locks out nitrogen, so maybe flush and move back down to 5.5 or 6. And you also don't water to runoff, which could be causing problems at the root level.

Try flushing with 2-3x the pot size with non-pH'd water and then feeding it a gallon of MC at 5.5g/gallon.

This is the inherent problem with MC, and why I don't recommend it any more.
I think when you get this late in flower a lot of people have problems with yellowing. My plants looked cooked by the end of my gro, I have 5ozs of excellent bud so who cares, I don’t see many gros that the plants look great before you chop, the plants dying why wouldn’t it yellow. I’m certainly not an expert but I’ve read tons of gro diaries , it just seems more normal than not . I don’t think that’ll effect your harvest one bit Mel
And Mel my plants on the outer circumference were beautiful healthy green, they were outside direct lite. I left those buds for an ex 30 days thinking I’d get an ex oz, I got an extra oz of really airy larf buds , I’d wished I’d just chopped them with the whole plant, just a thought as I see u keep mentioning that green undergrowth like it’s healthier
Are you at 7g/gallon on the MC? Excess potassium locks out nitrogen, so maybe flush and move back down to 5.5 or 6. And you also don't water to runoff, which could be causing problems at the root level.

Try flushing with 2-3x the pot size with non-pH'd water and then feeding it a gallon of MC at 5.5g/gallon.

This is the inherent problem with MC, and why I don't recommend it any more.
I can try that. I went too high with MC once before and I got a potassium lockout.
I don't see how flushing could hurt.
I think when you get this late in flower a lot of people have problems with yellowing. My plants looked cooked by the end of my gro, I have 5ozs of excellent bud so who cares, I don’t see many gros that the plants look great before you chop, the plants dying why wouldn’t it yellow. I’m certainly not an expert but I’ve read tons of gro diaries , it just seems more normal than not . I don’t think that’ll effect your harvest one bit Mel
While I have had plants go yellow in flower before, this one seems to have done so a bit early, and a lot faster than any of the previous ones. I do agree that the bud matters more than a pretty plant.
And Mel my plants on the outer circumference were beautiful healthy green, they were outside direct lite. I left those buds for an ex 30 days thinking I’d get an ex oz, I got an extra oz of really airy larf buds , I’d wished I’d just chopped them with the whole plant, just a thought as I see u keep mentioning that green undergrowth like it’s healthier
I don't think the undergrowth is healthier, it's just been my experience with nitrogen deficiencies that the inner lower branches show yellowing before the uppers do, so I'm confused why it's still green down there.

Thanks for the replies guys. I'll try flushing her and resuming normal feeding. Shouldn't hurt anything.
While outdoors growing is my comfort zone, she's touchier than anything I've grown indoors before.
Day 111
Flower 38
Flip 48
Pics are about 30 seconds after the post-flush feeding. Added some aloe gel to the water. More pistils are turning, she's still working on those buds. I removed some of the worst leaves from the bottom.
Doug's Varin 19 Mar 2022.jpg

Doug's Varin 19 Mar 2022 1.jpg

Doug's Varin 19 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg
Doug's Varin 19 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg

Oh man Mel, chunking up nicely! Seems like that color issue is on the mends also!
Hope so!
If she were in my garden I'd sleep well.
Hopefully she has enough THCV to wake me up!

Thanks for all the support guys! I really do appreciate everyone checking in!
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