You know, a year ago today is when I planted my seeds for the summer grow.

Your DV is beautiful, Melville.

Was your summer grow outside? Did you find starting your plants in March worked out so that they could be moved outside when it was warm enough? How long after you moved them outside, did they start flowering? I've been wondering when I should start my summer grow.
Your DV is beautiful, Melville.

Was your summer grow outside? Did you find starting your plants in March worked out so that they could be moved outside when it was warm enough? How long after you moved them outside, did they start flowering? I've been wondering when I should start my summer grow.

Yes, I moved them outside mid-May. It was warm enough for them by then, especially given how big they were. The Bruce Banners were building buds by August 1st, as in clumps of calyxes/bracts, not just individual calyxes at the future budsites. I had been topping extensively during veg, and they still got taller than me. They ended up at about 6'6". My other two were one and two weeks behind them.
The main problem for me was how wide they got. I barely had enough room to get around them during flower, and with the rain we got in September I really got hammered by budrot. It was the first year I lost more than a couple of small buds.
They also got blown over a few times in all those southeasterly winds we got, and a couple of rainstorms bent the branches so badly they never really recovered.
I'm planning on starting my seeds between April 5th and 10th this year. Gives me a small safety margin in case one or two don't sprout to start another. I find they usually do well if they're moved outside at about a month old.
Thanks, Mel. So, if I start at the same time as you, I have just under a month to figure out what I'm going to grow. :hmmmm:
Thanks, Mel. So, if I start at the same time as you, I have just under a month to figure out what I'm going to grow. :hmmmm:
I like to plan things out in advance, with a backup plan or two. I didn't really do that this grow, so I'm doubling down for the summer, lol.
I just got my favourite soil, and this time I got enough for two summer grows, all my pots are ready, and I have all the pot elevators and nutes needed.
I have 3 strains picked out for certain, and number 4 is down to a choice between 2. I feel ready, so I know I missed something, :p
Day 97
Flower 24
Flip 34
Computer is slow again. Takes about 5 minutes to load a single page. I'll be back on my tablet after uploading these pics.
Doug's Varin 05 Mar 2022.jpg

Doug's Varin 05 Mar 2022 1.jpg

Doug's Varin 05 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg

Doug's Varin 05 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg
A lot of people have had problems this week with electronics
Day 98
Flower 25
Flip 35
Hmm. Well she's yellowing. The only question is, am I overwatering, or underfeeding?
I've been watering based on the weight of the pot, and it's usually 3 or 4 days between watering. Should I wait for her to start to droop?
Or should I up the MC? Do you think it too early to be going up to 6g per gallon?
Doug's Varin 06 Mar 2022.jpg

Doug's Varin 06 Mar 2022 1.jpg

Doug's Varin 06 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg

Doug's Varin 06 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg

I could just be overreacting, but this seems too quick and early in flower to be normal.

Try clearing your cache and turning off the computer for a couple of minutes. When you turn it back on it should be noticeably faster.
It's back to normal now. I'm not sure what was going on.
A lot of people have had problems this week with electronics
I wonder if the huge sunspot they were talking about recently has anything to do with it?
The plant is just using some of the mobile N from the lower leaves, some plants are hungrier than others and show it earlier, but your's looks all normal to me. You could ride it out fine or give it a boost now, but other folk rather than me, would be better to advise on that.
The plant is just using some of the mobile N from the lower leaves, some plants are hungrier than others and show it earlier, but your's looks all normal to me. You could ride it out fine or give it a boost now, but other folk rather than me, would be better to advise on that.
Yeah, like I said I might be overreacting. I'm still not used to growing in smaller pots. It just seems early based on other grows.
Flowers are beautiful, the lowers not so much. :(


Is that where you usually end up in flower? Do you have anything with just nitrogen?
I usually do end up at 5.5 to 6g, but not until around the 6th week of flower.
I don't have anything with just nitrogen. Closest thing I have to that is some Miracle Grow liquid in the garage.

I'll bump the MC up a bit and see how she does with it. Of course it'll be a couple of days until I water her, unless I go with smaller amounts more frequently.
I just had a couple of puffs of Paddy. Those BBx seeds are definitely worth growing in the future. She tasted like apricots with hints of strawberries and diesel. Got a surprisingly strong calm buzz going. No couchlock, and no raciness.
Now I just have to make sure I labelled them, because I also have seeds from an Amnesia cross, and some seeds from my buddy's Super Lemon Haze that probably have the same father, and they all look the same!
Day 99
Flower 26
Flip 36
Looks like it's progressing slowly now. Hopefully the last feeding will hold it until it's dry enough to feed again. I'll be taking a closer look at the pics from last night and tonight to compare how it's going. If I have to grab the MG from the garage I will.
Doug's Varin 07 Mar 2022.jpg
Doug's Varin 07 Mar 2022 1.jpg
Doug's Varin 07 Mar 2022 Pistils.jpg
Doug's Varin 07 Mar 2022 Pistils 1.jpg
That's an excellent reason to take good pics!
Daily ones too!
Good news, the yellowing hasn't progressed in the last 24 hours, looking at the pics side by side on the computer. I'm confident that it's a feeding issue now.
Either she's a heavy feeder, or opening the bag of MC daily last summer during the most humid time of the year allowed it to absorb enough moisture to throw off the weights.
Either way, she's going up to 6g per gallon next watering.
She looks great, Mel! Glad you figured out the yellowing.

What is BBx? A Blueberry cross?
She looks great, Mel! Glad you figured out the yellowing.
What is BBx? A Blueberry cross?
Bruce Banner cross that was on 12/12 from seed, the plant Tra named Paddy. Turns out she's a great strain for me.
I have plenty of seeds, including a bunch still in the buds from the summer. They're regs too, so I might collect some pollen and start a home breeding project.
Now that you mention it I have a few Blueberry seeds, and it's always been one of my favourite strains. Maybe I'll make a cross!
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