Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

NORML, get it?

No, but it is okay. Remember: Weed is just what it is, a weed... It will grow if you let it. That is its purpose, ultimately, to grow, reproduce, and repeat.

Cannabis is cool, man.

Day 4 For Baby Greens, She's looking good, new growth is coming in beautifully.

I can't seem to get these darn seeds to fall off as they grow, I literally have to pick them off when they are soft enough. What am I doing that's disrupting it's natural process?
I can't seem to get these darn seeds to fall off as they grow, I literally have to pick them off when they are soft enough. What am I doing that's disrupting it's natural process?
Nothing. it is totally normal and nothing to worry about. I usually give them a few days to fall off naturally and if the don't I use a pair tweezers to squeeze the seed open then pull.
Thanks! They have been like this for about 2 days. No movement, just kind of popping out of the soil and sitting there.

Mine are doing the same right now. Started 7 CK ww's (fem) Last Friday at 4pm by dropping them into a cup of water. 20 hours later they went into damp paper towel and put in dark place on a heating pad. By Monday all had germinated and Monday night the went into Cups. Tuesday 4 popped the soil and the other 2 came up Wednesday.

As of now they range from 1" to 1 1/2" and are in stall mode due to the roots exploring their new home. I bet in a day or to we will see some new growth.
I want to plan my next grow as a perpetual and want to start at grow room design, setup, etc... Do I start the topic in this same thread or do I have to start a new thread in a separate thread?
We seemed to be following each other around today, lol. Thought I would stop by and read your journal.
Here's the link you were looking for....Solo Grow Challenge 2014 :thumb:

I got 5 bagseeds going in solo cups right now that are 5 days old. I germinated them in a paper towel only, no cup of water used.

I'll check out your other journal too after i go back and read this one, I just wanted to get that link for you first. :high-five:

See you around!
Thanks I got it off. She has straightened up a bit but hasn't opened up her cots. I gave Baby Greens 1/4 of a dose of GH Grow, Micro, Cal-mag, and Bioroots today and she looks happier than a dog with 2 tails. Pics soon, let me handle some stuff first.
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