Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Really good input there!

Mello, I think you'd be better off having them all in the Tidy bucket(or a tub of some sort) as opposed to a full cycle in cups. JMO. Maybe make a scrog out of it.

Either way I'm hear to watch. Any new pics?

I'm gonna LST, I don't think they are going to be big enough to get any real benefit from the net. If I up-pot I am definitely going to scrog, no doubt about it. I love the way the plant looks right before you chop but after you take down the net, PRICELESS!
IMO even a tidy cats bucket is more root space then you will actually need with the size of plants you want. My first ever indoor grow was done in a 5 gallon bucket and I came to notice that it was a waste of soil and space because cfls are low intensity lights so they wont grow and fill that whole bucket with roots. Now im not trying to tell you what to do cause in the end its your grow and your choice but in my experience you could find what you are looking for as far as plant size and what not with a 2-liter pop bottle cut rite above the label the reason i grow in them is there is just enough root space for me to end up with plants that are 1-2 feet tall and that way im not giving them more root space then they know what to do with and by only vegging for 2-3 weeks before flip i end up with smaller plants. Now i grow in a soil less mix so my growth rate is a little faster then soil is so by taking that into account you might want to veg for about 4 weeks to get the height your looking for but still play it by ear. Hope you don't mind but im gonna post a picture of my last grow to give you a idea of what I ended up with after vegging for about 2-3weeks before flipping to flower. These plants were under 8-23w cfls and i lst'd one and let the other two grow natural


The second picture is after i took the main cola because it was ready but the lower stuff needed to catch up a little. Take it easy bud.
Here's a close up of the main cola before it was taken off that plant lol as I am sure you can tell im quite fond of that plant lol

Thanks for the advice Lex! I decided I am going to pot up just once. I'm going to do it a week before the switch. Most of veg will be in the Party cups though. I have plenty of room, 6x4x8, Not enough lights though. I just watered Baby Greens with some molasses'd water. Brought her up closer to the light because she stretched about 2 in overnight. She's about 4-6 inches from the light, when she gets more leaves I will put her closer. 14 seeds, 7 germed, 7 planted, 5 seeds popped through the surface, only 1 sprout so far. I have the GH flora series nute schedule but it seems a bit high in the start. Any tips? Here is Baby Greens day 1 pc.

Well if your soil has nutrients in it i would hold off on any extra nutes for awhile but if the soil has no nutrients wait til you have atleast 3-4 nodes of growth and you could go with the lucas formula for low intensity lights and start at half strength so that would be 1/2tsp of the micro per gallon of water and 1tsp of bloom per gallon of water. Remember to put the micro in first and mix it or shake it in then add bloom. Then when your plants get a little bigger and you think they can handle a higher feed you put 1tsp of micro per gallon and 2tsp of bloom per gallon of water. Trust me when i say with cfls and using the whole three part GH system you will give your plants far too much nitrogen and they will get burnt and eagle clawed and super dark green leaves you are running about the same amount of light as me and I use the GH flora series 3 part except now im doing the lucas formula cause using grow micro and bloom is far too much. Im honestly not sure how big the nug was because I didn't get a scale til just a week or two ago and that nug got smoke back in i think july lol but eyeballing it I'd say ya around 3 grams
What about GH Grow though? The paper says 2.5 ml which is 1/2 a teaspoon but it says for early veg do all 3 parts. I think that is waaaay to much. For Fox Farms I did 1/4 of teaspoon of grow the 2nd week of veg. I didn't add bloom or micro until 1 week before flower.
The guy who came up with the lucas formula figured out that the micro has enough nitrogen in it and that the grow portion of the 3-part GH nutes isnt necessary so you only use the micro and bloom you use half strength for seedling stage and since you are using cfls you would want to use 2.5ml (aka 1/2tsp) of micro and 5ml (aka 1tsp) of bloom per gallon of water now when they are past the seedling stage you do 5ml of micro and 10ml of bloom per gallon of water. The lucas formula is about keeping things simple but effective really lol
Another seedling popped the soil, seed is still on it. I have 2 questions, the stem looks like a pigs tail, is this normal (without any training)? Will it straighten up?
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