Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

I guess it works because I just checked up on them and 2 of the 4 are finally pushing through the soil. :thumb::thumb::Namaste: Quick question; Can you go from soil to dutch bucket?
All 4 are peeping through the soil.
Temps: Hi:75F Lo:72F
Humidity: Hi: 51% Lo:44%
I have 5 Cfls's on them, (2 2700k 3 5500k) about 8 in. from the pots ( about 9 in. from the soil) for a total of 115w and 8,000 Lumens.
I mist their zip bags 2ce a day and will be watering them according to weight of container. No nutes yet of course, and when they show their 1st true leaves I will give them 1 watering with molasses. It takes about 2 weeks for the sugar to be broken down so it fits perfectly for week 2s first nute feeding. Should I feed nutes and then top or top then feed?
Pic update. I re-organized and I have 3 more new tap roots I planted last night before bed and one of the seeds is already pushing through the surface. 7 cups total so far.

You'll have to pull out your reading glasses for that one huh? lol
To be totally honest I have to have those on to see colas that are as big as your forearm. While funny I admit, old and bad eyes is a very accurate description of me.
I just know inside that with all the positive energy everyone has here that this run you will be finding a sweet little lady in your mists.
I do so enjoy seeing the styles of other growers here. For me, it is uplifting and I have the upmost respect for everyones approach.
Should I feed nutes and then top or top then feed?
I think either way would work, though I will confess a seed grower I am not, least not since the mid 80's and honestly I have a hard time remembering details about those grows. For what it is worth, I would feed 1st, give them a day or two to take in the nutrients before causing her any stress, that way she has a bit of a boost before the stress. I am a firm believe it is better to have a strong Offense as opposed to a strong defense, but that is my style and others find the opposite works better for them.

Which ever you choose I will be watching (with glasses on) and enjoying.

nice update by the way.
I think either way would work, though I will confess a seed grower I am not, least not since the mid 80's and honestly I have a hard time remembering details about those grows. For what it is worth, I would feed 1st, give them a day or two to take in the nutrients before causing her any stress, that way she has a bit of a boost before the stress. I am a firm believe it is better to have a strong Offense as opposed to a strong defense, but that is my style and others find the opposite works better for them.

Which ever you choose I will be watching (with glasses on) and enjoying.

nice update by the way.

This is great advice!
I think either way would work, though I will confess a seed grower I am not, least not since the mid 80's and honestly I have a hard time remembering details about those grows. For what it is worth, I would feed 1st, give them a day or two to take in the nutrients before causing her any stress, that way she has a bit of a boost before the stress. I am a firm believe it is better to have a strong Offense as opposed to a strong defense, but that is my style and others find the opposite works better for them.

Which ever you choose I will be watching (with glasses on) and enjoying.

nice update by the way.

I see the sense behind nutes then top, your absolutely right, they'll need the extra boost. Thanks for the help! Any help coming from a grower from the 80's is gold for me, I have my little notebook out and everything lol. Anything you did in the 80's you still do now? I was born 88' weed wasn't on my radar until about the year 2001 when my mom thought I needed pills for behavior.... growing didn't happen until last year. I grew out a male so I never got to try out anything special, I just wanted the experience.

Oh the excitment!!!:slide:

Fingers are crossed for tog my friend!

Thanks! Not sure what "TOG" is though, care to input.
Haha that's shitty auto correct.

"My fingers are crossed for you my friend!"

lol I see now, I should've looked at context clues lol.
Hi Mello, I like your ghetto looking setup! :cheesygrinsmiley:

All it takes is a little bit of space, some lights and a little knowledge. You have OG and Pigeons here so you are golden.

I don't know what kind of soil you are using, but don't even think of feeding them babies for a while. The most common beginner mistakes are over feeding and over watering. I'm not sure if you can get all the way to the end of flower in those small cups, but you can play that by ear as you progress with the grow.

Good luck and welcome to this wonderful hobby!

I've seen the cup happen in 60 days before without root trimming, plants are smallish but I plan on doing several cups in order to gain more yield, this is mostly experience grow, I'm not really worried about yield and such. Well, I am, though it isn't priority until I get this down to a science. Thanks for joining!!!! Don't be a stranger.
Nothing much to report. I just watered a few that were dry and misted their little baggie domes. They seem to be moving up slowly but surely. I think a bit slower than I expected since my first grows seedlings responded rather quickly. I felt It might be because I had the lights up close. I moved the cups lower to see how they would respond. Lights went from 4-6" to about 10-12". Pics of the new positioning soon.

I can't seem to find an answer around but are we allowed to upload our own grow videos?
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