Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

I tried to put them 2 in away and after an hour or so she was leaning away from the light. I put the lights 3 in away and after some time she moved closer to the lights. I was dumbfounded, it was amazing! When I moved it 4 in away she then reached for the lights. I decided 3 in was what the plant needed to just stack leaf over leaf over leaf and 4 in was going to make her stretch some. I also decided to use this info to manipulate her into stretching and stacking at will. Thanks for the help guys your awesome! :circle-of-love::thanks::
I tried to put them 2 in away and after an hour or so she was leaning away from the light. I put the lights 3 in away and after some time she moved closer to the lights. I was dumbfounded, it was amazing! When I moved it 4 in away she then reached for the lights. I decided 3 in was what the plant needed to just stack leaf over leaf over leaf and 4 in was going to make her stretch some. I also decided to use this info to manipulate her into stretching and stacking at will. Thanks for the help guys your awesome! :circle-of-love::thanks::

Plants may not be conscious as we understand it, but they are reactive and amazingly, brilliantly alive and striving, even right from seed :) This whole process just makes me appreciate all the forms of life around me even more ... I love that you're really paying attention -- I think that's the key to life :)
Ya 3-4inches is usually about rite lol. You have any training in mind?

Topping, SCROG, Lollipop, Backbuilding. Although not sure how many tops for a decent scrog with cfl and when to top.. I'm fine with lolli and scrog. Backbuilding is a little new to me so I'm not sure what to make of it but I'm working on that researching LA and a few others.

Plants may not be conscious as we understand it, but they are reactive and amazingly, brilliantly alive and striving, even right from seed :) This whole process just makes me appreciate all the forms of life around me even more ... I love that you're really paying attention -- I think that's the key to life :)

It is. I was more astonished to see how quickly they reacted to the light. Sometimes I wonder if they really are conscious, just not like our reality.
I happened across a few articles about plant talk.
Several species of plants that have been studied have multiple and differing ways of communicating with each other.

Some transmit electricle pulses underground, some create pheromones that somehow get inhaled through the leaves of other plants.

For many different reasons such as warning of pests, asking for assistance against pests, helping thos neighboring plants lacking in specific nutrients..

ALL life on earth is truely amazing, and so so much smarter then we know.
I happened across a few articles about plant talk.
Several species of plants that have been studied have multiple and differing ways of communicating with each other.

Some transmit electricle pulses underground, some create pheromones that somehow get inhaled through the leaves of other plants.

For many different reasons such as warning of pests, asking for assistance against pests, helping thos neighboring plants lacking in specific nutrients..

ALL life on earth is truely amazing, and so so much smarter then we know.

DankWolf asked me if I would post a link here in this journal. I think since it's pertinent to the discussion it should be alright, as long as Mello is alright with it.

FWIW I am pretty sure there are all sorts of communications happening in the plant/soil universe. And through microbiology they can also transfer and share nutrients. Instead of thinking as each component as it's own isolated entity (plant, soil, bacteria, fungi, nematode etc) think of them all as a whole living community much like ours. They transmit signals all over the place.

Secret Language of Plants
Morning, Mello! Saw you were making the rounds and thought I'd pop in :)

There's so much we don't understand about our own consciousness (like, most of it) so it wouldn't surprise me a bit that other life forms are conscious in their own ways. Other groups of humans have certainly believed that everything around us has a soul - one of the things we've lost, those of us in the Western, Judeo Christian tradition, is the deep certain sense of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Anyway, it's probably too early for philosophy :) Have a great day in your garden!
Morning, Mello! Saw you were making the rounds and thought I'd pop in :)

There's so much we don't understand about our own consciousness (like, most of it) so it wouldn't surprise me a bit that other life forms are conscious in their own ways. Other groups of humans have certainly believed that everything around us has a soul - one of the things we've lost, those of us in the Western, Judeo Christian tradition, is the deep certain sense of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Anyway, it's probably too early for philosophy :) Have a great day in your garden!

I completely agree. This might be my own bias seeping through but I believe we were meant to be connected. When that line is severed we create chaos/order theory. The western philosophy has deviated from this and this is why I believe western society is so divided on so many ultimately life changing topics. Never to early for philosophy. Good day. I couldn't of said it better myself to be honest.
My thought on it as a species we tend to think we are better then all the rest on this planet, yet we know so very little about the other species. We only know as much as we have been able to learn, which IMHO is nothing compared to what we have not learned yet.

I do enjoy the fact that I am not the only one who thinks about the consciousness of other living things on our planet :love:

Your doing a stellar job by the way Mello:circle-of-love:
Even in-species we seem to believe that one person is better than other based on inorganic things. Look at ISIS and Paris, US of A and the rest of the planet. We are so divided we seem hopeless. It's good to know there are still people who are cognizant about their environment and their significance in contrast to all other organic beings.
I go to the community college here in Buffalo and my main focus is human consciousness and I major in psychology. Based on my own research, language/communication, albeit verbal or non is what connects most species. I also believe that a lot of the language/communication today is affecting the psyche and the interconnectedness of us all. For instance, calling people out on their ethnic background hinders the connection and creates this dividing line between true conscious connection and the labels placed upon us all. Plant, human, animals, water, etc etc is only separating us more and more. I do understand that labels and names help identify our differences but I disagree with treating living organisms as a separate being to our own and it forces us to behave differently towards said life form.
I tried to put them 2 in away and after an hour or so she was leaning away from the light. I put the lights 3 in away and after some time she moved closer to the lights. I was dumbfounded, it was amazing! When I moved it 4 in away she then reached for the lights. I decided 3 in was what the plant needed to just stack leaf over leaf over leaf and 4 in was going to make her stretch some. I also decided to use this info to manipulate her into stretching and stacking at will. Thanks for the help guys your awesome! :circle-of-love::thanks::

hiya mello.....thought i would come and join the fun over at your place...:high-five:

there was a cup competition a few years back...i think it was called the solo cup challenge or summin like that.... :hmmmm::hmmmm::smokin:

loving the learning my did something,observed the results of the girls...reacted to it.....found a happy distance for your girls...... i dont think we will ever stop learning about these amazing plants.....

by keeping the bulbs close,you get max light cfls dont have the light intensity at distance,unlike LED for example...

glad you gonna get bigger pots to put em in,but as said..maybe a switch to 12/12 now would be an idea...with the current light you have...that will keep em low n bushy...with ya lights bang right on top of them..rather than having to spread the intensity over wider area.....

totally up to you tho Mello......:passitleft:

as asked by could always let em run some more,then train em for height and to open up the structure of ya plant.....then keep the lights real close again...but raise em as she stretches....

there is loads of options really, LST wise matey

im subbed,all comfy and here for the ride :high-five::goodjob:
Lol until you actually visit them. Empty lots everywhere, abandoned trashed homes, bums on every corner asking for money, kids running around rampant destroying their youth. I love it here, it's home, but we took a turn for the worst. How was southern CNDA, ive thought about moving out there.
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