Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

I'll make sure to post some up tomorrow. I'm beat, I'm off to bed. Spent all day working on a final paper. Nothing beats procrastination like some good ol' smoke. Have a good night everyone.

Me too... Need to work summin out ( like my growspace)...:joint::hmmmm::hmmmm::idea::allgood:
Pic Update

Baby Greens Day 8


Rootie Day 4

She still looks kind of runty, I'm not sure if I should keep her. I did notice the cot leaf gained back some green. Any suggestions?


New Life!!!!


Hello little ones.....

As you seen on my grow, runts can find a way... And yours aint nowhere near as bad as mine.. That seed was just weird.... Let her run dude, she may run like forrest... Give her some time if you got the room

Last bagsesd i had was years ago... Grew it, grew plums.....

If thats your seed supply, then fairplay... They should give you some fine ass homegrown...

This only because I want to learn before I pay for quality seeds.

Wise grower... Better to master walking, before you try running, thats what i think too :goodjob:

Get the basics sorted, then its all gravy... Lemon, blueberry,cheese,diesel.. Choose ya flavour gravy. :drool::drool:

You still need to be on your game, but the game gets easier to play,once more experienced... Just like anything really... Im not the most experienced grower.... But i have learned sooo much from this forum....still do....its a learning curve.... And your scaling it, we all are.... In 1 big :circle-of-love:
:rofl::rofl::passitleft: I think they where being sarcastic with that name. They had to be.

I know, you wouldnt want to swim in it either.... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think it means " near" or summin like that so.... Wilsford near lake.... Not that ive ever cycled thru the village
or anything... Just heard it somewhere about....

Rode thru the village i mean, not the lake. :):)
I am with Bud on the subject of Rootie your runt. Keep her she may just surprise the hell out of you. I almost threw my Betty away because she got mites on here when I first got her and I ended up stripping everything but the stem and the smallest of new growth off her. Now I am starting to think she may end up being the nicest of the lot when she goes to bloom. A lot can happen over the course of a few short weeks.
All in all though I think they look lovely including Rootie. Good color in their new growth and both look very happy :thumb:
Wise grower... Better to master walking, before you try running, thats what i think too :goodjob:

Get the basics sorted, then its all gravy... Lemon, blueberry,cheese,diesel.. Choose ya flavour gravy. :drool::drool:

You still need to be on your game, but the game gets easier to play,once more experienced... Just like anything really... Im not the most experienced grower.... But i have learned sooo much from this forum....still do....its a learning curve.... And your scaling it, we all are.... In 1 big :circle-of-love:

I'm probably going to try that strawberry cough, Pineapple Express, and Cheesy Goodness for the next few grows. Any tips to add to that good 'ol learning curve?

I am with Bud on the subject of Rootie your runt. Keep her she may just surprise the hell out of you. I almost threw my Betty away because she got mites on here when I first got her and I ended up stripping everything but the stem and the smallest of new growth off her. Now I am starting to think she may end up being the nicest of the lot when she goes to bloom. A lot can happen over the course of a few short weeks.
All in all though I think they look lovely including Rootie. Good color in their new growth and both look very happy :thumb:

Thanks OG, I didn't think to individualize the problem are rather than thinking that the entire plant is having an issue. Cot fall anyway but wasn't sure if the plant was going to have any ill effects from it. Her root was about an inch or so after the paper towel germ method. I know her roots should be good which is probably more important right now.

Mr Poppins :passitleft:

Chim-Chimney-Chim-Chimney- Chim-Chim-Cheree Smoking weed I am as lucky as lucky can be :)

Why did your soil take so long? What all did you use? I, at this very moment, have plants in soil just starting week 6 from germination. 3 of 4 'regular' seed plants just showed sex.

I agree that hydro is fast. But soil isn't THAT slow.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.....?
Your growing in soil less right? If so that explains the fast rate of growth. My first indoor grow was in soil and it was quite the wreck but when i switched to soil less i was blown away at the growth rate so much that i was caught off guard lol.

Yes soilless grow. I can tell the difference as well. Between my first grow and this one. My first grow was in a nursery dirt with worms in it and it was great but the grow took aboutt 3 months before I even found out I had a male. G'morning everyone!!!!

Sorry. I was puzzled why it took 3 months.

Don't mind me! Your babies look great!

Better that your talking about a plant instead of a date:jawdropper::rofl:

:rofl: Yeah after 3 months of being on 1st base. I think I would of noticed something odd. lol
G'morning everyone. Quick question guys, for Baby Greens watering today, nutes or clean batch of water? Also, today I'm probably going to up pot since she is due for her drink.
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