Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Ya brother your looking in the right areas. Check all the nodes look for white hairs like mine, they wont be plentiful at first you will notice em here and there til you can't miss them lol
And if you can't find any yet i suspect you will be able to in 5-10 days from now. Your still in veg right? Im sorry just all the journals i follow are blurring together right now cause I am pretty high lol
Alright so i took another picture for you so you can get a idea of where to start looking.

Hope you can see all the pistils in the picture. Hope ive been of help.
Im smoking some of my bud from the plant in the gatorade bottle that had to come down early. Aint bad for being early lol.
Its not too harsh less harsh then smoking pipe resin. It just got quick dried at 190 degrees Fahrenheit it wasnt worth slow drying in my drying box.
Thanks guys! I got kinda excited there :rofl:

Beautiful Sunday to everyone! I hope all your gardens are green and healthy!

I'm thinking of putting her into flower with the cfl's to control the stretch and then throw in the HPS when it get's here. My only concern at that point would be yield. She's 4 days from a 30 day veg. If I flower at day 30, after I add the 400w hps, would I be cutting into yield to much if I do that?
would I be cutting into yield to much if I do that?

That's just too heavily a nuanced question to really answer.
Will you cut into harvest... of course you will. How much is too much?

In a perfect world, I like to wait until I get a good even upper canopy with lots of limbs that I believe will create lots of top colas... but that's my world, not yours.
Another idea is the "How tall do you want them to end up?" method for judging when to flip.

I bet you knew all that... Sorry I couldn't really help. It's just such a "your world" kind of thing to answer.
Well, let's step into my world. I would like to get a gram a watt, but that isn't gonna happen this grow, besides I don't want to have to spend too much time growing bag weed. I tend to get a bit excited over this, so, my plans have "evolved" these past 26 days. Ideally, I would like to get at least 8 oz from this grow. I might asking too much. 400w HPS for flower and they have been in veg 26 days, 21 days, 17 days.
Still looking good bud. I think you will need to veg a bit longer if you want those yields bud. I don't have the patience for long veg periods, so to increase yield I have to put more plants in the tent. I'm hoping for about 150 - 200g from the three plants I'm growing. Next grow I'm going 6 plants though to increase the yield.
Yeah, I know. I hate waiting this long, much less longer but if it means increased yield then so be it. If I have to, I'll go maybe another 2 weeks or so in veg. I was thinking if I do it now, I'll know gender by Christmas. If I wait 2 more weeks I'll know by new years. If I wait 3 weeks from today, I'll know by 3 kings day! :passitleft: :lot-o-toke:
Hey mello, are your plants showing signs of sex? Id wait at least until then, if not a couple weeks after. I forced 3 of mine to flower basically from a seedling, and they stretched out nice. But 6.5 G's isnt a success haha. I want a respectable yield next grow too, and VEG is essential to that.
I can never get my RH that high during veg, maybe in flower that I'll have more plant life in the grow room. Maybe talk about why it is important to maintain a 55-ish RH level?

I forgot where i found this..

Id suggest waiting until the youngest is atleast 35-40days in veg, that would put baby greens 1.5 or closer to 2months. She will start pumping some moisture out soon (2-3weeks, watch ur RH go up).
2 birds with 1 stone? First time having higher RH and plants thatll have a better chance of getting closeish to your number
Day 26 Update:

LST'ed Baby Greens out the wazoo tonight! She is surprisingly strong. I'd pull one way and she would tug and tug but I got her down. Everything looks great in The Fifty Shades of Green Room. These are the befores. I'll post the results tomorrow or so. Thanks for coming!!! :passitleft:

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