Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

See, that is what I was hoping to get all the buds clustered up together. It looks as if it is going to be that way, I mean leaf after leaf after leaf. I was worried because a lot of the new growth looks way to close together so I figured the light wasn't going to penetrate correctly. There is atleast less than 1/16th of an inch between all the newer growth of each top.
Well, I have an itchy thumb. I'm going to up pot baby greens into her final home... A 5 gallon pot. Water with molasses and a bit of training to spread those 5 tops out some more and get those side shoots to become tops as well. Then when my hps comes in the mail, I will defoliate and give her the switch a few days thereafter.
Well, I'm done. Camera battery was dead when I realized I should of taken a picture of the root ball. If I would of gave her 2-3 more days she would of been rootbound. I'll take pics and post updates later on tonight. Right now I'm off to Walmart. She looks good. I didn't take into account how I should of filled the pot to center the girl a bit better. Still a newb but a newb who doesn't make the same mistake twice. See you guys later. :passitleft:

Quick pic update before bed.

Baby Greens Day 22

Up-potted to 5 gallon pot. Watered 1 gallon water with molasses. Re-trained spread them apart more evenly and opened up for deeper light penetration. Looks happy.


[COLOR="#0F00050"]Rootie Day 17[/COLOR]

Picked up wonderfully. Still debating if to LST or just let fly as is. She's a bit thirsty today. Plan on up-pot to 1 gallon pot. Maybe LST after. I plan on flowering all together but prefer someone else's take on it...???


New Life Day 13

Up-pot did her some good. She is definitely getting LST'ed and up-potted to a 1 gallon.


With the 400w HPS for flower, should I do all 3 at once or any other combination? 2:1 1:2 3:0?
So many variables!

Reg seeds or fem?

Part of me wants to suggest all 3, simply because i flowered my 1st, alone.. After 3weeks, her growing balls and suffering deficiencies, i ended it. 3 weeks of 400w 12hr days completely wasted! (well, it was a nice learning experience..)

Pros and cons! So many to choose from..

Im flowering a single plant again, but this time shes under cfl.. Hoping i can convince one of my others to hurry up and join the party so i can turn the lite on.

You want to keep the canopy height as close to even as possible, gets alittle trickier when you add more plants.
You can, and should do atleast 2. MHO:high-five::passitleft:
You could always take a clone when they grow a bit more and wait for the clone to root then throw the clone into flower and it should show gender in a decent amount of time, then you'll know what you have in veg requires a second chamber but you could make a small chamber out of Rubbermaid totes. Just a thought.
You could always take a clone when they grow a bit more and wait for the clone to root then throw the clone into flower and it should show gender in a decent amount of time, then you'll know what you have in veg requires a second chamber but you could make a small chamber out of Rubbermaid totes. Just a thought.

I learned that from this guy...


I didn't know I was getting the HPS until recently sooooo.... that sounds like a plan LEX! Occam's Razor. +Reps
looking good there :thumb:
So many variables!

Reg seeds or fem?

Part of me wants to suggest all 3, simply because i flowered my 1st, alone.. After 3weeks, her growing balls and suffering deficiencies, i ended it. 3 weeks of 400w 12hr days completely wasted! (well, it was a nice learning experience..)

Pros and cons! So many to choose from..

Im flowering a single plant again, but this time shes under cfl.. Hoping i can convince one of my others to hurry up and join the party so i can turn the lite on.

You want to keep the canopy height as close to even as possible, gets alittle trickier when you add more plants.
You can, and should do atleast 2. MHO:high-five::passitleft:

Something they call out here; A-Z, which is short for Arizona. Not sure what it means kinda new around these parts. I always assume their middies, sometimes its harsh at first but then it gets sweeter after you keep smoking it. The effects are pretty heady with a mild relaxation to the body. Burns pretty slow on a dutch. Geez, I sound like a wine snob.
G'morning Mr.A! :passitleft: How are you?

Ok, so this was said at another thread, I'm sure you all been there, mono's a gram a watt thread. Someone said it was easier to get 600g from 600w hps than it would be to get 400g from a 400w light. I figured the principle of it was the same. What do you guys think of this?

Looking good brother.

Thanks Blaze! The man himself came through, let's keep the convo going over here bud. I didn't want to continue to hijack Mono's thread while he was offline.
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