Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

LOL careful what you wish for, it will sneak up on you, Then you will be saying, I sure wish these in flower would hurry up I am running out of room in my veg tent. :rofl:

I like the look of your bondage girl. She is really taking a nice shape.:goodjob:

Sounds like a good dilemma to have in my book. :rofl:

Beautiful my friend :welldone:

Yep...These are starting to look really nice. Keep it up. :goodjob:

Thanks guys. I've been applying everything I've learned from you guys here at 420Mag. Hopefully she is a female this time.
looking good there :thumb:
Baby greens is stacking leaf over leaf over leaf, quite literally. There is so much growth growing close together I think she is stunted. Is too close nodes bad for the plant?
What a gorgeous start so far, eh? You sure have a way to capture photos! This is an art I wish I had. Or purhaps a better camera!

Fingers crossed for females! :love:
Thanks Pij! Glad you can come through, maybe you can shed some light on my last question. Also, for anyone who can answer this next one... Where on the plant do buds form?
Baby greens is stacking leaf over leaf over leaf, quite literally. There is so much growth growing close together I think she is stunted. Is too close nodes bad for the plant?

I was having that exact same thought as well when I started the Jabba and read extensively on defol and the benefits..... I ll tell you now, defoliation is probably one of the most debated topics out there! If you feel like it's too tight try lifting your lights a bit to make her stretch. I defoiliated a bit in like week 7-9 of veg just before flower and honestly you d hardly even know I took any leaves off by the look of her now! I just don't know if less leaves is better for bud production or vise versa... I guess light intensity would play a big part over all..... More light more leaves, less light defol to help assist in light distribution. That's where my heads at anyway, if I m out to lunch please put me in my place, I m here to learn too!:thumb: As for where the bud grows, it comes from the crotches wherever you see leaf growth, just not off the fan leaves..... I think! Hahaha
Thanks BB. I figured as much about the buds sites, I just wanted to confirm what I have read. I can't believe everything I read :rofl: So, this is me assuming again, the closer the crotches the more clustered up together and compact the bud will be in contrast to popcorn nugs or scraggly type nugs?
Mello hope all has been well with you today, im having a good day, not for any particular reason. Buds form on sidebranches, and my two cents on defoliation is yes go for it. But dont go overboard like me. I did a good defoliation at day 21 of flower and things were chugging along nicely. However, I would randomly chop leaves here and there after that. That was probably bad, I also defoliated heavly at day 45 like some recommend. I feel like its going to have a negative effect on my yield. :Namaste:
No time like the present to wriggle my fat a$$ on the floor of my grow room for some pics!

Here s under the canopy view possibly showing token bud sites other then the colas on top, might give you a better idea of what to expect or what you might want to trim up. It's always a good idea to "lollipop" your plant to allow for good air flow and getting rid of those popcorn buds allowing more concentrated growth up high. Hahaha don't mind the HST sites with the duct tape and tuck tape! I m reveging this little filly so I m gonna leave a lot of those lower popcorn buds.
Geez, look a the size of that stock! I see where they are growing now and now I can be prepared and I know where the pistils would start growing. Your plant looks like a bowl with fruit inside the bowl. Great work on the training. I plan on lollipopping right after the flower stretch.... ??? I need to build the scrog net soon if I ever decide to do it. Thanks for the help guys. Reps ++
As for tight bud sites, gee from what I m seeing on this girl the tight spots just grew into eachother and look like one big bud..... That's more on the top colas then say the very bottom. Most of the branches on this girl look like one big bud for about 12" from the tops. I had ALOT of growth when I threw her into flower. So that's where I m kinda at.... I hope this helps out a bit man!:Namaste: I just know what I ve learned from here and how it s been playing out in regards to this girl.
Hello mello.... BG is looking awesome... Really green and vibrant...

She had responded so well to her training...

The tight internodes mean bushy bushy mate.... Loads of leaves like you say.... All ready to get powering your flowering :goodjob:

All those new lumens are gonna make you are very happy teddy bear indeed

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