Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Getting 1 gram per watt is not an easy task, at least from my grows. I have not hit this yet, my best was 11 oz from a 600 which is just over .5g/watt. I have not flowered with a 400, I have only flowered with 600 and 1000. I watched the green guy 2 years ago,(reason I started hydro) I did the flood and drain grow for 1 run. I had 5 plants in a 2x2, I could tell the space was going to be too crowded, so I took the runt out of it and stuck it in DWC and have been growing that way since...for the light though, it would really depend on what space you have to work with and temps. From what I have read, been told and tried to follow, you want to have 50 watts per square foot.
Hey Mello,

Actually it would be easier to get 600 grams from a 600 watt then a 400. The reason being is because the 600 runs more efficiently then the 400. The watt consumption is not where the efficiency is, it is in the light it casts consuming those watts. Think of it as MPG, the 400 has a lower MPG then the 600

Oh the girls look great by the way and I see your runt Rootie is starting to look like a little princess. I am so glad you did not dump her.
It should be close to 420 time in your neck of the woods, wish I could share one with you. :passitleft::bigtoke:
What's up Mr.A, OG, Dank!

@OG I understand what TheBlaze was saying on Mono's thread. Thanks! I was actually smoking when you said that. :rofl: :passitleft:

@Mr.A What's up dude! Thanks for the lovin' the girls definitely appreciate you coming through. How's the Pineapple Express?
It's going Lex! They are growing happily, healthily, and green :)

I'll be updating soon, I've been a bit busy. My HPS is still on it's way, hopefully Monday. Thanks for stopping by guys.

Watered each of them with plain water. All together they drank about 1 gallon of water, with Baby Greens drinking about half the gallon. Nothing much to say other than that they are growing great. Safe to say I don't have any runts anymore :rofl:. Also, New life seems a bit strange, it might be that she is drinking up her water but she looks kinda droopier than I've ever seen her. Will let you guys know if she perks up a while after her drink. I want to defoliate some of the bottom growth on Baby Greens but I'm not sure if it's too early for that.....????

Baby Greens Day 25


[COLOR="#0F00050"]Rootie Day 20[/COLOR]


New Life Day 16

peachy :thumb:
Its hard to tell from the picture if its a girl so i took a picture of one of my girls in veg, so if you see white hairs like in my picture then congrats your the proud poppa of a girl, if you don't see the hairs its too soon yet to tell.
Im thinking its a little too soon. I can kinda see something that looks like a calyx but i still don't see a pistil coming out yet.
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