Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

Hey don't judge me! :rofl: Sometimes..... they both look good and you can't pick between them so you pick both. Thanks for stopping by OG, your visits are always appreciated.

Side note for me: Next the dang plant when up-potting to the 5 gallon pot.
If you are shooting for 8 oz. You will have to veg longer. My very first grow was 9 plants and got 4 oz. with a 1 month veg under 10-12 cfl's. I didn't train or use a hps, so right now you are going to be doing better. Starting from nothing sucks, you're going to be in a hurry. Slow down, I believe in scrog nets, with a 400 I would build a 3x3(about $20 for pvc, connectors, string and screws) add another $15($7 from harbor freight) for a pvc cutter or use what you have. Train you plants to fill that area up and then flower. 2 weeks before that take clones, get clones or start more seeds, so that when those are done, you already got 1.5-2 month vegged plants ready to go. If you are in a legal state, clones are easy to get. Flushing this way will be tricky if you go the scrog route.(you can't just pick them up and take them somewhere to flush) I already had a 2x2 flood and drain table, but I picked up what I think was a cement tray from lowes for $6 and a $2 fitting from the grow store that connects to a hose and pumped the water to a bucket to discard. Genetics does play a part in how much you will yield as well...
I'm planning on going another 2 weeks in veg, 3 max. I have the HPS coming in today so that will help. Next drink will be with nutes which is perfect timing with the light coming in and all. I'm really shooting for the 8 oz of dry bud. Let's see what happens.
I'm planning on going another 2 weeks in veg, 3 max. I have the HPS coming in today so that will help. Next drink will be with nutes which is perfect timing with the light coming in and all. I'm really shooting for the 8 oz of dry bud. Let's see what happens.
My mom always said 'Aim high in life and give it your best"
My dad always said, "Be a realist, do your best and be happy with what you get"

My mom is 94 and still lives by herself in Montana, my dads been dead for 43 years now. I always followed dads way of thinking more then moms, maybe I was wrong looking back.
Flushing this way will be tricky if you go the scrog route.(you can't just pick them up and take them somewhere to flush) I already had a 2x2 flood and drain table, but I picked up what I think was a cement tray from lowes for $6 and a $2 fitting from the grow store that connects to a hose and pumped the water to a bucket to discard. Genetics does play a part in how much you will yield as well...

I was in the same mind set, came to my senses when clued in by cannafan, herself and peeJay and others have portable individual scrogs
PeeJay's Perpetual Porta-Scrog Party
I added the 400w hps at 75% power. I still have the cfl's running as well. Rootie and New Life were up-potted and fed .5 a gallon with 1/3 of rec dose of nute-age. Baby greens will get fed either today or tomorrow depending on how dry she is when I get home. Light was at 28 in yesterday and before I left home this morning I dropped the light to 26 in. Temps: Hi 82F Lo 68F RH: Hi 49% Lo 35%. They absolutely love the new light! Pics are from yesterday evening.

I decided, since I have 3 plants, to try different techniques. Baby Greens was LST'ed. Rootie was Bent-Over-Backwards today, and New Life's leaves were pulled down as well. 1 of them is bound to be female. I hope....
The girls look great this morning. They have responded to the light nicely. What distance should the 400w HPS be at? I have it about 24 in from the plants. I'm starting to notice the heat issue I'm going to have in the summer but until then this cold weather is perfect. :rofl: I do plan on exhausting the hot air out the room, I have the ducting, I just need the fans. I bought the cool tube specifically for that. It was only a couple bucks extra to make it a bit more convenient than buying the reflector shield. The LST on Baby Greens is looking good, the newer shoots are starting to pick up but I do have to say I have to leaf tuck a ton which a little annoying. After a few hours the leaves are up on top of all the smaller side tops. Work in progress I guess. Thanks for following along and all the help and support guys, I really appreciate it. Pics up after school.
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