Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Has anybody used both the full spectrum and the flower spectrum on the Mars II? I'm trying to decide weather to get the standard spectrum or wait about 5 weeks for the custom flower spectrum to be made
Hello, which email address you sent to? I usually use the one. :circle-of-love:
No reply to emails, no tracking info

Thanks Johnnie, :circle-of-love:
How am I controlling anything? Maybe you need to change the cannabis your smoking right now. Since you wanted it, I'm going to give it to you. Sara, before she went on vacation(I've actually read the ENTIRE thread) REPEATEDLY told folks to order early since there BIG holiday is coming. What don't you get? You are blinded by the fact that you don't have your light and now you need someone to blame to make you feel better about being frustrated. I don't have to be nice to you, I don't work for them. If you can't handle how it is, that's your problem, nobody elses. I'm a consumer, I don't have to sugar coat anything. To be completely honest, I could textually annihilate you, but then I would be sinking to your level. Have some patience, you ordered at the WRONG time, it really is as simple as that. Stop implying the company is shady, there are numerous journals, and replies in this thread to disprove your senseless antics. Please don't bring out the worst in me, I don't want to become a complete... RICHARD!

P.S You do have a right to be upset... I just hope you realize that it's bad timing and it IS your fault. Harsh, but sometimes the truth hurts. That being said... I do wish you all the best of luck, this isn't personal, "it is what it is".
Please do not be angry, we are back now, your order will be handled well.
How is it my fault that they cut off contact as soon as they take my money? They were more than willing to talk beforehand, during the holiday. You're "textually annihilating" yourself with a ridiculous rant like that. Mind your business.
Thanks Hiker for your trust and understanding. :Namaste:
The Longshoremen's union has been on strike. I believe they finally reached an agreement last week, but there is a backlog of cargo waiting at the ports.

Anyone else notice how far our perspectives have shifted in the last couple generations? "Back in the day", it could takes weeks for a letter to make it across this country, and even longer for any kind of package or cargo. Imagine the folks homesteading in the "wild west". They send in an order from a catalog, and then wait, and wait, and wait. They have no emails or phones to get updates with. They don't even know if the order was received, yet alone if their merchandise was shipped.

It's amazing to me how quickly we adjust to new "standards" and then complain when conditions fall below the new standard, but are actually still much higher than the old "standard".

Great example of this is a story I heard on the radio show Car Talk... Most of us are familiar with the 'guide' channel on cable or satellite TV. You know, the one that tells you the little blurb about the shows. Well it turns out the people that enter in this data don't work weekends. So one Saturday, Tom (from Car Talk) is at home and he gets all bent out of shape because all that extra information isn't available. Eventually he was able to get some perspective and realize he was mad that this little bit of technology wasn't available while ignoring all the other benefits he was enjoying. He has 200+ channels available via a remote control. Just a generation ago, the luckiest of us had a dozen channels, and we ALL got up to change the channel.

Perspective people. We are ALL coming from a different place, so cut each other some slack. :Namaste:

That being said... It's Chinese New Year AND there was a strike at the US ports. Add to that bad weather, and you've got a mess. I had some packages get delayed last week due to bad weather too. They eventually got here. Lucky for me, I'm a grower, and if that's taught me anything, it's patience. :Namaste:
Sure, you can reach me in many ways, tel, skype, facebook, and different email. :Namaste:
Galeno is not the bad guy here.

But, Galeno, I've seen many cases where the shipping notice never came. People got all edgy and poof - the package arrives at the door. It may very well be on the way.

But Sara said she could be reached. Tsk tsk, Sara.
Hey I can't get ahold of a person I do business with in China either. No biggy for me, sorry to hear your frustration. Holiday time...
Everybody calm down, things will work out eventually. :circle-of-love: We are busying geting back to your orders. :Namaste:
You are just begging for attention at this point and I'm not buying into your bs. Your posting into a public thread spouting mind your business. I'm sure you don't see how ironically amusing that is. The problem is you don't know anything about this thread and you come in here pointing fingers, when you should be looking in the mirror. I know you think the customer is always right, that's just something nice people say to not place blame and rectify the problem. And SIR... If I was really attacking you, this would so much worse. Regardless, if you can't take brutal honesty, looks like you need to develop thicker skin.
Sorry Galeno.
You're talking to yourself now, buddy.
Hello b.real, if your light is still not on shelve tomorrow, we will send if from our CA warehosue, can you accept this? :circle-of-love:
I'm waiting on a light too. they said they're shipping this week (hopefully the beginning of this week). my plants just revealed gender and are starting their stretch so the sooner the better.
I am sorry to bring you into this Johnnie. :circle-of-love:
Oh make no mistake, we aren't buddies. I was trying to be realistic with you(numerous folks have) but your a typical donkey who doesn't think and plows forward. Maybe when you aren't all emotional, you'll realize how absurd you are. Good day SIR.
Holiday is over now, please feel free to order now. :high-five:
So when is they're holiday supposed to be over? So I can order some lights��
Thanks Dennise. :volcano-smiley:
If you are not comfortable ordering off the site she should be back from holiday on the 26th I think....:circle-of-love:
Thanks Tomula. :Namaste:
Yeah you are right, ppl act emotionally all the time and somebody gets hurt. One just have to calm down, take a few deep breaths, maybe a nap and think about the problem again. And I guess you can just cancel the whole deal and buy lights sowhere else right? But I dont think there are better lights in terms of price/quality. :Namaste: and have a nice day.
Sorry for the chaos, I am sure lucy has get back to you now, will solve the problem soon. :circle-of-love:
Well it could be worse guys... You could wait for a package that UPS has had at the local office since Fri and then finally get it... and instead of your tent and light... you receive 2 tents.... Some days your the windshield and some days your the bug... Guess I'm buzzing today....:circle-of-love:
Now you will need 2 lights, Happy Growing
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....:circle-of-love:
Oman, tough luck there, free tent... you could send it this way. :)
Love you JohnnieJC3. You are so nice. :circle-of-love:
Yeah, that wasn't my intention, if in fact he was told different, he has a right to vent and be frustrated. I was in rare form earlier, I have other stuff going on and shouldn't have replied being already kinda pissy. If she was in fact making an exception during the holiday, and didn't follow through, that's no bueno. Maybe she was trying to make it happen and couldn't, who knows. I do know that I love my LED light and wouldn't have it any other way. I apologize, I was out of line. I can admit when I'm wrong. I know you just want your light to get started and I made you feel worse about it. I usually post pics so...
Thanks Galeno for your final understanding. :circle-of-love:
I'm sorry Johnnie I don't mean to fight but what I'm taking issue with is the fact that they were available to take my emails before they took my money and then haven't responded since I actually paid. Hopefully my light is in the mail and all is well, we'll have to wait and see.
I am glad there is no more fire now. Happy growing everybody. :cheer:
@ Galeno:I went back and thoroughly analyzed the situation and I was wrong. I was pouring salt in your wound and I am truly sorry, that's not my style at all. I also lashed out at someone else that didn't deserve it either. I started to delete my journal which has nothing to do with my life hurdles. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your light. You WILL be pleased rest assured. :volcano-smiley:
Hope life finds a way to make your situation easier for you Johnnie....:circle-of-love:
Thanks MJarts. :circle-of-love:
Life isn't "bussiness" itself. I bet that every MJ lover sure know that ;)
love you wizgrow always. :circle-of-love:
No witch hunt here so don't even bring it up :)

I was/am just leaving honest constructive feedback ..... that's how a biz learns to adapt- at least my 2 do!

I have been a big advocate for Mars and will continue to be but that does not make me blind to when they drop the ball. If you contact them ahead of time to confirm if there is any issue and none stated, if the US warehouse says in stock and you order with the right lead times ...... well holidays and dockworker issues are irreverent to getting the shipment out on time. It has been a week and I still have not even received a tracking number to 10 more lights that will now miss the boat heading to Central America to me - this costs me MONEY to store in a warehouse now until the next boat and a significant delay. Consider this constructive feedback from a loyal customer - Love you Sara :)
Thanks wizgrow. :Namaste:
LOL - REALLY? He motioned nothing about life or MJ so why insert it?

And although I agree with Densenug - I have to state that Sara is by far the most communicative sponsor on here
Will definietly improve in the future. :high-five:
And I hope Sara will continue. I have never had a problem before with Mars Hydro, Love the lights cant beat the prices and thanks to this community, I have some beautiful ladies in flower now
It is really nice of you. MJarts:circle-of-love:
I meant that Sara have not only the bussiness but the life too. So I didn't order the lights and wont distrub her till tomorrow.
I think it's good idea to respect traditions of another, isn't it? :Namaste:
if you wait it will come in just takes time but trust me it will be worth it just like growing patience pays off guys :DD mars hydro and everybody that works there are great people and one of the best company's i like with great service i will be ordering more lights and tents soon!
Hello sillymppse1, we do not have flower spectrum for 400w light at this moment. but will be avaible to order in the middle of March. :high-five:
Got a question about spectrums. Can I get a 400 mars 2 with just flower spectrums and if so would that have more usable wattage for flowering compared to a mars 2 400watt full spectrum? Im only in need of a flowering light.
We have flower spectrum and veg spectrum, with flower spectrum there are more red and white lights, with veg spectrum, there are less red and more blue lights, no IR in it. :circle-of-love:
There is no "only flowering" light as it. From tests we see that if we add blue spectrums (by LED or CFL) to HPS lamps, it's contribute to better yield.
In accordance with this the only reason to use pure red, yellow and IR spectrums is if you have another source of "blue" spectrums.

So, it could be said that MARS lamps already is complete "flowering" lights. In "Reflector" series you just can turn off most of reds during the veg and save some kWh with it.
But in the "Bloom" mode they use all diodes (and spectrums so).

This is from my expirience.
My new Journal Old Island Indica / Sweet Baby Jane is up. all are welcome to join.

my journal features 2 strains that are from a private new seed co that is starting to get well known.
*Old island indica
*Sweet Baby jane
as well as a strain im in love with, a cutting from our collective grow

i have a 600w Super HPS hortilux next to a mars 1600x5w

covering a total of 12 plants.

finding a mother of old island indica and sweet baby jane.


Thanks for the invitation, will surely be there. :high-five:
Please wait patiently, cause our workers are still in holiday. :Namaste::circle-of-love:
With then flower spectrum only would i be able to use a lower wattage since all power goes towards flowering? I have a 4 x 5 are and was thinking of getting 1 300 watt now and another 300 watt when time comes. Not that I intend to fill the entire area, maybe 1 vegged out plant and a few clones with at most 2 weeks after roots develop
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