Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I am sure your money will be well spent. :circle-of-love:
dude thank you so much that helped alot! ive been doing a ton research. I've invested allready $250. do whatever i can to keep smell down. doing LED run first time for this year grow. when you had that setup how was the noise?
Hello Densenug and everyone else from USA, sorry about the delay. We are now coming back to work today, and for the lights that are out of stock, they are on shelves these days. But as we do not have many reflector series in this new arrived container, please order ASAP in case they will be out of stock again soon. :circle-of-love:
For the tracking number, we will update and send email to you within 24 hours. If you do not receive the email, please contact Lucy at: She will check it for you. :high-five:
Hey Moto, I was told 7 days also they would be shipped, well today is day seven since I ordered mine and no tracking info. and no reply from Lucy on last email. Hope they come soon, Have 2 mothers that need the lights.
Hello Moto, I am sure you will get your light soon. :circle-of-love:
That's great news LED420!! Did you receive an email letting you know it had been shipped!? ...or did the light just show up at your door!? Also, did the package need to be signed for!?

I'm having all kinds of bad luck!! Ossc order never showed. Today my tent is supposed to arrive, got an email from ups/amazon it never made it off the truck!?... and will be delayed 1-2 + weekend.. Definitely the first time Ive heard that one ....ever!!

Not sure if I need to go do a bunch of random acts or kindness to try and get my karma back up or what!?
When do seeding, keep the lights above the plants above 24'', during veg: 18~24'', during flower: 12~12''. :circle-of-love:
What is the right distance for the 900er?

Thank you
If you use that light in 3x3' room, 192x3w light will be better IMO. You can have plenty enough space, plus saving a lot energy with lower tempereature as well. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Alright. I am still trying to plan my new grow space. I need more space to get the most out of my girls.

I am looking a 2 Mars-Hydro 3x3 tents. I have 2 Mars 400. I figured I would use those in one tent. Now I need to figure which light for the other tent. Should I go Mars 700 or go more with a 900? Or should I get the 192x3 reflector? It seems the reflector will give me better coverage @ 16-18". What are your thoughts?
Let's face it. Budget is Always a concern. That being said, I love my 400s. No complaints. With the tax refund I can afford the 192x3, the 700 or the 900. I don't see me expanding my space after this. 2 3x3 tents will be perfect for my needs. My two problems with my grow space are :

a. Temp is a problem. I am in an external building that I have to run 2 space heaters to keep the temps up. If I move o the tents, the problem will go away

b. I feel like my plants are over crowded. I have 3 BUSHY girls in flower and I don't think they are getting the light they should since they are so close together. My Veg cabinet it overflowing with 3 plants that want to flower but I have no room at the moment. At least 2-3 more weeks for space to open up.

So I am torn. Mars II or Reflector. My gut says go with the Mars II. I have been happy with them so far.:smokin:
Hey Densenug!.. and anyone else who may be following and awaiting their lights!!! Great news!!!!

I just received an email from Lucy!! She was super decent!!.. She apologized for the delay and promised to do better moving forward!! She says the lights have been received in the US this week and they just picked them up!!! Those of us waiting for our orders should receive shipping info this coming week!!!! Woooo hoooo!!!
Money is always a concern. :volcano-smiley:
Hey super groomer!! I was back and forth between the mars ll 700 and the reflector 144x3 for my space which is 36" x 20" x 62". I couldn't decide whether I wanted one powerful light centered between my two sites... vs a less powerful light that would nearly cover my entire tents ceiling. My main concern was the reflector may not give as dense of flowers as the mars ll. However, I just couldn't see paying more money for less physical coverage, and ultimately decided to cover 33" x 10" of my ceiling vs 15" x 15".

I'm planning on doing a capn style top feed, using the main lining technique and two sites. Which should give me 16 giant colas vs scrog or sog. This was why I was concerned with not having enough penetration if I selected the reflector series. Luckily, I stumbled upon a thread "boogies 144x3 multi strain". In his thread he had pics of a blue cheese(same strain as one of mine) he'd grown under a 144x 3 and the pics of the flowers erased any doubts from my mind on the reflector series completely.

That being said, Iffff your budget isn't a concern... and you have a decent ceiling height, it seems that most people here will suggest multiple Mars ll for best coverage and penetration. If budget, power usage, and ceiling height are an issue, in my humble newbie opinion I think a reflector series covering as much of the tents ceiling as possible would be your best bet!!!
Hello TockItUp77, we will email you the tracking numbner within 24 hours, if you still not get it, please contact us. :high-five:
so if you ordered from mars hydro this week it should arrive next week? mine still says processing and havent got a tracking number yet?
Hey Tokeit, Where did you find that yours was still processing, I ordered 2 lights on the 13th, a week ago today.
As we were in holiday, shipment has some delays, but everything will be alright soon as we are here now again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
on the mars hydro website i made an account i sign in go to my orders and says at the end of both my orders says processing i orders a tent and 100x3 light hopefully it should be in next week
Hey densenug and tokeit!!!

I can't speak for Lucy or Sara... I can just tell you that I know for certain the lights were just picked up by mars hydro inside the US. Here is the email Lucy sent me today!!! I see no reason why your lights won't ship out the same as mine!!!?!?

On Feb 20, 2015 9:45 AM, "" <> wrote:
I'm so sorry for this trouble , I will do my best to make this right, the cargo arrive the port this week and we just pick it up, we will ship it out next week, I'm so sorry for this delay, would you please forgive me, we will do better in the future. Hope you will understand and forgive.

Best Regards,
Lucy ( Sara's assistant)
I was running numbers and if I remember correctly I think Cofinest(super sorry if I'm wrong) had listed the needs for led being around 35 per sq ft for veg and 45-50 for flower. I believe 3x3 is 9sq ft. So, you're two mars ll 400's are 175 actual draw which is 350/9= 38.8 great for veg!!!

The mars ll 700 actual draw isn't more than that (can't remember its actual draw and don't want to give false info). The second tent should have 450 actual draw ideally for flower. Not sure what the 900 pulls? ... But it's looking like your best bet will be either a 900, or even better a 1200?. As the dual 4's aren't quite enough for flower, and I can't see stepping down from 5 watt veg to 3 watt flower on a 192x3.
Good news for you, I hope you will enjoy yopur grow and also get great result in the future. :thumb:
thats awesome thanx :D i have mine in the garage a part connected to it the smoke room hahah xD so the noise problem is eh but if i can keep it just a little quiet for no one hears it outside that be awesome! im medical patient so stealthy i dont worry to much just worry if someone gonna come jack my stuff! if they smell or hear it!

We have great ppl here on this forum. :cheesygrinsmiley:
thats awesome at least i know ill get my stuff soon :DD for i can start my grow journal! thanks for letting us know![/

Glad to help take the edge off the waiting!!! I wiiiiish I could do a journal bro... seems like everyone here is soooo willing to share their knowledge!! I love the energy and good vibes I feel just opening up the forums!!! Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to relocate but for now, I'm gonna have all kinds of fun growing the sickest tomato plants anyones ever seen!!!!!
Usually paypal is the recommended way, but if you do not use paypal, we can send invoice to help you pay with credit card. :cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:
Sara..what payment options do you offer? Like can I just buy a prepaid visa card and load it up and then use it to place my order..or does it have to be a personnel credit card?
Thanks TokeItUp77:thanks:
i used my credit card and went to there paypal and filled out went through on my account came out as paypal. i wouldnt see a problem using a prepaid card they use paypal account for cards. hope this helps :)
I always thought credit card is prepaid card. At least in China it is. Not sure for other countries. Maybe we can have a try. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Any answer helps,but need more help has anyone used a prepaid card to order? My cc account is little overdrawn at the moment lol.
I couldn't find a prepaid card that would let me pay out of the states. if you find one or a way let me know please. Thanks Big Joe

Hey GFcollective...I believe the visa green dot card lets u make international transactions.....
Good Luck to you Moto. :circle-of-love:
Welcome to 420 Magazine Moto!

@Hosebomber has created a guide that may help you.

The Basics Of Plant Lighting

Hey King John! Thank you! ... and thanks for the link!!! I'd love to know what you think about the following... I'm planning on doing capn style top feed.. He specifically recommends grodans "grow cubes(not chunks)". Well, sure enough my bag arrived and is chunks. Have you visited any threads or had exp with these? All I can find on grodans site is they hold water a little longer (3/4" vs 1/4" squares). The only thread Ive found using it cuts off 5-6 pages in!?!? I denfinitely don't want to sett myself up for failure... but prefer to avoid the hassle of return shipping ect Ifff I can make this work!!?!? Any help anyone can offer on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
You sort of echo what I have been thinking. The 2 400s in the veg tent. That leaves a little room in front for CFLs for seedling and clones starting. Then I think the 900 will suit my needs fine in the flower tent. I am not so worried about raising and lowering the light. For the most part it will stay at the optimal height and I will raise and lower the plants accordingly. Thanks for your input!!!
That's too bad. :Namaste:
Unfortunately TheCapn deleted all his helpful blogs before he left 420 Magazine and is no longer available to answer. I prefer to not work with Rockwool due to lower germination rates.
Good for you, Moto. :circle-of-love:
Hey KingJohnC!! Thanks for the reply!! Luckily, I found a quote directly from thecapn on it in another thread!!!!

Re: How to: Simple Hydroponics
"oh yeah! Gonna be a big one. I hope you have tall ceilings!

You got the grow CHUNKS, instead of the CUBES. I usually use the cubes, but the chunks work too (they are about 1" squares)."
Hello HUM8OLDT, the container was supposed to arrive our warehouse around Feb. 16th, but due to the big snow, the delivery was influenced. Plus we were in holiday, so the shipment was delayed a lot. Really sorry about this. Anyway, I am sure you will get your tracking number soon. If not, please contact me. :circle-of-love:
Has anyone else had issues with ordering these lights? Ordered the reflector series 450w on feb 12 2015, they sent me an email saying it would be 7 day before they got their shipment in. Since then a few emails asking them and no reply. I heard great things about these lights and now I am considering calling my bank and getting my money back, but wanted to check here first. Any help or assurance from people who have ordered and got their lights would be great.
Hey hum8oldt!!!

I posted about this just a few pages back bro! I quoted an email from Lucy stating the lights had been received inside the US and they will be shipping them this coming week!! Just hang in there a little while longer bro!! We will have them soon!!! Wooo hoo!!!
Haha you were wise Jedthedog, I hope your plants are enjoying the lights. :circle-of-love:
It is New Years over there and they celebrate it usually by going on vacation or something .. There were all kinds of threads about them shutting down for a little bit.. I bought 3 Reflectors a few weeks back because I knew they were taking a break .
Thank you Dennise, you are great friends. :thanks:
I think you got the answers down below here but I will retype them.... It is holiday in China and apparently when they have holiday everybody has holiday and nobody works... It is not this company but I have had a package sitting in a Hong Kong FedEx office since the 10th and had to all but pull teeth to get it moving... and it didn't start moving until today.... it is almost impossible to get anything done from China till this ends.... I don't remember the date it is over but it is not much longer.... The lights are kept in stock in the USA normally but due to the union problems at the docks their shipments have been held up for weeks.... Sara's assistant posted that they had finally gotten clearance and that every ones order should go out in the next week... As far as normal customer service with this company... I have never encountered any better and I have 12 or 13 or so of their lights and am currently waiting on another one and a tent that was supposed to be here but because of weather is held up... Other than the 2 weeks that are going on right now for the Chinese holiday your post will be answered daily and so are your emails.... We have Christmas and New Years and this is their New Years and we just have to deal with it.... the added pain the azz of the dock workers is not in their control at all and only added to the delays.... I can honestly say if you give her a chance to make this right.... she will... I know how hard it is to be patient as it is not one of my better virtues but in this case it will be well worth you time.....:circle-of-love:


Yes this is what I was referring to.... Everyone goes to their family homes.... I got a message from Sara on Skype earlier in the week and she is at home with her family and I know that anyone that has been around this journal for a bit knows how attentive and quick to respond to any issue Sara and her assistant are.... IMO if you can just hold on you will be so please that you did.... I love my Top Leds/ Mars-Hydro and I'm a real person.....:circle-of-love:
Sure he is, haha :cheesygrinsmiley:
Dennise is 100% correct! ^
Of course I am...:)....:circle-of-love:
In fact, new year holiday is not like other holidays. Every company will shut down, most shops won't work during these days. Everybody is back at home. :circle-of-love:
Not quite my stuff, but I am sure many will help this out
hey everybody i need help i bought the 2'x2'x5' grow tent from mars hydro it got 5 ports on it. 1 medium size left side same for right side the back to small port holes and one large port on top im trying to figure how to install the carbon filter and fan 4" vantech fan and phresh filter 8"x6" which would be better installing inside the tent on top? or on top of the ten? or side? help?this is inside the top
and this is the back of it and left side and top ports
Thanks JohnnieJC3 :thanks:
I can tell you from trying different ways of setting up fan/filter, that it's best in a small area to run filter inside and fan on top of the tent. You can run both inside, but will kill your vertical space(not to mention super tight in there). When factoring in pot size, light distance, five feet isn't as much as it sounds like on paper. You can pretty much cancel two feet(my tent -21inches). In conclusion, I run 4 inch exhaust, and six inch intake and average low to mid 70s lights on(68 low lights off, rarely 66f).
Thanks for your understanding. :circle-of-love:
Thank you for the reply lol...waiting isn't a problem, they just have not been communicating at all...definitely learned the hard way on this buy... THANKS MOTO!!!
Hey SmokeSara!!!

Happy holidays!!! Thanks so much for your reply!!! Lucy was super sweet, and replied to me yesterday morning via email with the news!!! Wooo hooo!!! It actually worked out really well that she took the time to reply, because Ive been able to forward the info to several others here that were wondering what the status was with their lights as well!!! Seems we are all waiting just as anxiously for our shipping info!! Whatever you can do to make it happen asap, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated by all!!!
Yes, our country is almost down, haha:cheesygrinsmiley:
It is because they are on holiday... It is Chinese New Year and I think they just about close the country down....:circle-of-love:
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