Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hello Krypitcphil, how is everything going? :circle-of-love:
GDP:Candyland looking ok. Mars doing a great job for her.

Dear wix66, you can order through our website: Mars Hydro LED - the Best Solutions for Horticulture and Indoor Plants, You can also send email to me. :high-five:
What is the best route/deal to go buying a Mars II? Contact Sara direct on here or just buy on there web site?
So far I've contacted them through ebay, their website, and here, and they gave me a slightly better price here. Someone named Lucy - who says she's Sara's assistant - responded to me through Sara's email account and that is where I got the best price.

edit: Someone PM'd me about this but I need 50 posts to use PMs, sorry whoever that is
We are back to work now, ordering from us freely. :cheer:
China currently is on national holidays so you may not receive a response from Sara at @Mars Hydro until after February 25th. I believe that ordering through the Mars-Hydro LED Grow Lights website is currently your best option if you would like to purchase a LED light panel quickly.

Mars Hydro LED - the Best Solutions for Horticulture and Indoor Plants
Yup all good advice above.. I am still on my 1st ever grow, and I never used anything but the Top LED's from the start.. I just studied many a journal here and came up with a plan on running 2 tents, one for veg and one for flower.. So I use a 144x3 reflector in my veg tent, I have never used the bloom switch on it.. I started with 6 clones and have never looked back.. I flower under 2x Mars 700's..

Amazing that with the help here at 420 mag, and what you can learn, I was able to produce better meds on my 1st ever grow. than what I would pay top dollar for from my dispensary.. no joke.. Just have to have everything lined up before hand.. I did have to change things around during my grow, but now everything is pretty much perfect..
I ordered from you because I was told you had stock in Canada available and that shipping would be fast. I ordered on the 18th of the month and it's now the 25th. Can you please confirm my order has been shipped to me? It should be here already.
Take your time King, I know your busy. :circle-of-love:
My Grow Journal and Review for the Mars-Hydro LED Grow Lights Sun Series 200x3w LED light panel has not begun yet.
Hello wix66, I think your idea is good, you can use 2 400w light for 2 plants and another 2 700w lights for 2 plants. Please do not worry, your plants will love the light. :circle-of-love: Just remember to hang the light above the plants in suitable height. (veg: 18~24''; flower: 12~18'') :high-five:
Any suggestions on which light set up would be best for growing 4 x Auto's in a single 1.2m x 1.2m tent?

I was initially thinking of getting an 'old model' 300w to start the girls off. And an additional Mars II 700w thereafter giving me 1000w. But side by side they would give uneven light output. Will this affect the grow significantly?

Alternatively, I could go for Mars II 2 x 400w or 2 x 700w side by side. Would a single unit at the start of this power be too strong? Or does it just depend how far you set the light from the plants. If so, how far should it be (example 4ft?)

If anybody has a better idea of perfect setup for growing in a 1.2m x 1.2m tent I'd welcome it! I'm new and just trying to get things right first time around as much as possible!
Hi Sara. Happy holidays! I made a payment with Lucy through PayPal on the 23rd. It was not through the website, since a refund on another order was issued. Is there a way to check on it, since I haven't heard back from Lucy.

Hi Sara. I made a payment with Lucy through PayPal on the 23rd. It was not through the website, since a refund on another order was issued. Is there a way to check on it, since I haven't heard back from Lucy.

This means I'm being ignored as soon as I make a payment and it seems it's the same way for others who ordered earlier than I did. This is not acceptable.
Galeno..... Sara and her assistant are back for the first day.... I too am a bit upset about an order and the way it was handled once I was able to get in touch with Sara however since this is the first day and from all the post from upset customers I have read over the last few day I am sure they are inundated with issues and angry folks.... so with that being said I decided to give it another day to let them try and get some of this mess straightened out.... Some is because of the backlog at the docks but some of it is not..... This is something like my 12th or 13th transaction with Sara and I was shipped 2 tents instead of a tent and a light.... at first I was told it was their mistake and she would arrange for the light to be sent out at once.... then I was told that they did deliver the tracking # I was given so I was going to have to wait... Yes I did receive a package from them... it had 2 tents in it so now I feel like I am being called like a liar.... however before I assume that this is going to turn into a bigger problem I am going to give them the time to get back to work and get a handle on all the problems that seem to have occurred over the holiday.... I hope you get all your problems with them worked out to your liking and I guess we just don't have any choice but to wait for them to get things back in order.... Then in the future we can maybe rethink our future purchases......:circle-of-love:
we just need a cheer up picture.. Just think of when you do get your lights, that you will be climbing them like Jack here heheh...
These are some 700's in action with me on top :p

now I remember what it was like when I used to go on vacation, I would come back and it would be as if the world was going to end.. almost makes taking a vacation not very restful when you come back to a tidal wave... But soon you will be growing nice meds...


They've been responding this whole time Dennise, the point is that they're ignoring customers and responding to potential customers. Smiley faces and cultural understanding is all well and good but this is a business transaction and so far they haven't fulfilled their side of it.

Another thing is that they explicitly told me I wouldn't have to pay duty because it would be shipped from within Canada. If they're shipping to me from China then not only do I have to wait weeks instead of days, I'm going to have a substantial charge when it gets here, and I'll expect them to pay for it.
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