Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Hello GITTO, You can go with 1200w light, will cover your space better. :high-five:
Hello everyone :) long time reader and its my first post, i learned huge amounts of information here and i am gratefull.. I am building a 4*4 grow tent and thinking about buying a mars 2 900er, do you think it will be enough, judging by the 35watts/sqft standart i am a bit low at this point and confused.. My second question will be about some complaints from growers about seeing dead leds over time on their products is it about the higher temps with mars 2 s, what can i do when my leds start to die and lastly do i need extra air flow on my mars 2 s compared to reflector series for overall better user experience ? Thanks :)
I hope this is not late, can you email me directly? :Namaste:
hey sara, i know your probably really busy playing catch up, i cant PM you, i ordered a tent & received it feb 13 and it didnt come with the right number of poles it came with 5 (F) poles & 3 (G) poles. One of the poles was miss labeled & ended up with too many (F) poles i need another (G) pole to put up the tent. my order# 3199
if you can please contact me.
thank you
Thanks Wahtoogee. :circle-of-love:
I'm also in a 48"*48" (80" high) and with Sara's recommendation went with the 1200 Mars II. The Mars 2 use 5 watt LEDs vs 3 watt in the Reflector series, you should get better penetration through your canopy with the 5 watt LEDs.

I personally wouldn't hesitate using the reflector series in a shorter vegging area.

Re: LEDs out, they back up their product and you can replace them yourself. I'm not sure but I think some complaints of LEDs out were uvb infrared that are pretty much invisible to the naked eye.
Hello DEMSO, the 400w light can cover your space well, and our standard light is for both plants' growth and flower. No worries. :circle-of-love: Send email to me when you are ready to order. :thanks:

I am new to the forum :)

I plan to buy a spectrum knew your site !!!!

I own a box 80/80/180 cm

What marshdro It would agree to my box ??? I thought may be this product: Mars II LED Grow Light 400W - Mars Hydro

I already possesses three plants growth + 15 days

this product works for you it growth + bloom ??

because I want a product that makes 2!

I am French what is the price of this product + delivery in France?

might get a discount ??? Because I want to re buy from you later !!!

ps: do the new spectrum in 2015 ??

thank you in advance
Yes, we still got plenty 1200w lights in our UK stock, please email me when your ready to order. :high-five:
Hey Sara, do you know when you will have any 1200w Mars II for the UK? Want to buy more!
Hello Boogyman, sorry for the bad experience you went through, I think everyone makes mistakes, but as long as they are ready to correct it, they are worthy to given another chance. We are always willing to accept your advices and improve ourselves in the future. :circle-of-love:
I just had that exact same problem with a different company. worst feeling ever.
Hello DEMSO, the 400w light can cover your space well, and our standard light is for both plants' growth and flower. No worries. :circle-of-love: Send email to me when you are ready to order. :thanks:

hi sara :)

I hope you had a good holiday? !! : Cheer2:

I think commissioned in early March! :)

You have the stock in uk or Germany? delivered to my house in France

because it make me too expensive china delivery + $ 50 !!

: Merci:
Not sure if you have received your tracking number yet or not, but we are now updating them to you. Contact me if you still not get it within 24 hours. :high-five:
Hey Sara or Lucy, Any news on my lights, Ordered on the 13th and have not heard anything, Thank you.
Hello wizgrow,:love: the warehosues in other countries are third party, we paid them to stock and ship our lights for us. As they are not employees, they do not have new year holiday as us, therefore, as long as we have stock, they can ship the lights out for us. :circle-of-love:
Personally I am a bit confused - I understand the Chinese Holiday and I think it's great - Holiday's are big deal where I reside as well and quite a bit of the country shuts down, but if they have the stock (as stated on the website) in the US warehouse ran by US employees ...........what exactly is the issue?
Hope my explaination is clear. :Namaste:
Thanks Wizgrow, I feel that way to.
Really sorry for the delay, though we want to arrange shipment for you in time, during the holiday, the network is not so good and we cannot check the email in time, therefore, the shipping arrangement can be delayed sometime. But as we are back now, I am sure your order will be shipped to you very soon. :high-five:
Yes, I do not live in the US but they assured me they had stock in my country so shipping would be very fast. I paid on the 18th of Feb it's now the 23rd of Feb. Totally unacceptable amount of time to let pass without any communication. Sara please respond to my email and get this shipped.
THX JohnnieJC3, :thanks:
Go back a page and you will have your answer.
The network at home is bad, not everyone of our colleagues' home has network at home. :( Though China has developed a lot in the past years, it is still not as developed as US. :volcano-smiley:
Fire up a joint and relax. You ordered at the wrong time of year and it's only been two business days.
Really sorry about this, but please do not worry, you will get your light very soon.
Communication with customers should be #1 for a Bussiness
Thanks Wahtoogee. :Namaste::circle-of-love:
Patience is a virtue... (Not exactly something I have myself.... So I do know how you feel) but as Johnnie said above, just the wrong time of year, and dockworker issue, etc. Nothing you can do, just hang in there.

Its gonna be worth it, LED fixture that is for real at great, great pricing... Just wait!:thumb:
Thank you supergroomer. :circle-of-love:
I agree. I had 2 LEDs sent from them 3 days before the holiday. It was sent but it is in shipping limbo at the moment.
And I think any other time of the year it is!!! Sara has always been great to us. Different cultures. I can't EVER take more then 1 week at a time due to my job. Good for them to have a little time to relax. Everything will get here.
Not to sound like a smart ass, but you could order a bml spyder 1200.. Cept' its $2,999. :rolleyes3
Thanks again JohnnieJC3 :love:
You are absolutely correct, but China is a different country, different culture, we must respect there time as well. I know it's frustrating, sometimes my patience is thin too. If you can, or have plants already, maybe grab a couple cfls to get you by. I believe in previous posts she said hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. Best of luck to all.
We appreciate your advice, we will try to improve in the future. :circle-of-love:
Been in business for 26 years now and communication is still #1
Thanks :circle-of-love:
I will wait, already have 9 of there lights, good lights ,great price.
I believe you order from our website right? Lucy lives in the montain area, besides, the last few days is our traditional family visiting time, we went from one family to another. I am sure she is not intent to ignore your order. :Namaste:
The dockworker issue has nothing to do with my order. I don't mind waiting for a reason but there isn't one here. They haven't responded to my emails since I paid for my order, which is just wrong. As soon as they got the money they started ignoring me.
They've been responding this whole time Dennise, the point is that they're ignoring customers and responding to potential customers. Smiley faces and cultural understanding is all well and good but this is a business transaction and so far they haven't fulfilled their side of it.

Another thing is that they explicitly told me I wouldn't have to pay duty because it would be shipped from within Canada. If they're shipping to me from China then not only do I have to wait weeks instead of days, I'm going to have a substantial charge when it gets here, and I'll expect them to pay for it.

Galeno is on the same page as me. I'm not a guy who likes to complain or cause any kind of turmoil. However, I own my own business. Rated 5 stars on yelp for 7-8 years now. Its not easy to maintain the reputation.... but if its important to you to have a good rep ,and happy customers, you find a way to make it happen. These guys have found a way to take our money... quickly, efficiently... but did so knowing that they couldnt fulfill the orders!!!! Kind of like going to the grocery store and them selling the same pack of Ribeye steaks to 15-20 people. Except, as soon as you paid for them.... the store kindly apologizes that it was a "hot sale" on those steaks... and takes them out of your hand after you just finished paying.

So now that they have your money, you can wait 2-3 weeks until they get in a new order, and come back from vacation. In the meantime, figure out how and what youll eat because they already have your money and are no longer concerned with you. In the same moment they're doing this to you... smiling, walking you to the door, and locking you out of the store. You can clearly see they're letting more customers with money in the front door and showing them the same steak that they just apologized to you for being out of stock on!?!??!? Ifff, I chose to conduct business the way Mars Hydro has over the past few weeks... I wouldn't have a business!!

I think its wonderful that they normally take such great care of everyone.... which gives them some slack with those who have previously done business with them. But, keep in mind... Advertising an item clearly as being IN STOCK.... only to take a clients money and immediately send am email about its a hot sale and you'll need to wait a few days is one thing. But, continuing to take orders, advertise, and trying to make additional sales is a bit weak IMHO.

Imagine paying them your money, only to find out that the item isn't in stock, that they will be on leave for two weeks, and while they are on leave they will be happy to take additional orders that they can in no way, shape, or form fulfill!?!???!? Even, when they return from their vacation... they make it a priority to answer every NEW potential clients questions, "buy two of these, smiley face, circle of love. Still ignoring what they have just done to all those who have already paid!?!?

That's two faces if Ive ever seen it.. Please please don't let your success allow you to forget about the people who have helped to make you successful!!! I KNOW for certain, if I'd read anything like this one the forums prior to this experience I would have STRONLY considered going another route.

I don't take my time to write this in order to be negative. I simply mean to put the situation out there exactly as its been presented to me. Again, if this was their first holiday in business, or they were new at all in this business... maaaaybe they could get a little more slack from me. However they are not new, they know exactly what they have done, and are doing. Bad business, with all the smiley faces, apologies, and circles of love in the world... Is still BAD business. For the last 3 weeks, mars hydro has put profit above its customers satisfaction and for that I am HIGHLY disappointed. Money isn't everything... Customer service IS.

This will be my last post on this issue.

All of this could have been avoided by simply updating your system. As well as understanding that people are watching these forums. The same way they bring business, the same way the allow the people to see what is most important to its sponsors. What Ive seen shows me that clearly they want my money, but as far as any repeat business goes... I'm not seeing Mich in the way of customer loyalty.

Even Dennise one of their biggest fans, has gotten a bad end of the stick. Imagine 12-13 purchases and when they make a mistake, instead to make it right no question asked.. she mentioned being made to feel like a liar!?!? I'm certain they will make it right.... but definitely doesnt sit well knowing there are all these recent issues, and before they take time to correct them.... The first thing they do upon their return is address every new potential clients questions whole sweeping these last few weeks under the rug!?!?

The very first response from Mars Hydro upon their return... should have been a public post addressing all those who have already paid, and been forced to wait. At least an apology, update, small discount off purchase price for any inconvenience... Something. NOT completely ignoring the whole situation and jumping right back into "smiley faces, circle of love, buy 2-3-4 of these"
It is OK JohnnieJC3, it was my fault as well, I should have check the forum more often, but we also have family visitors coming in the past several days. Will improve in the future. :circle-of-love:
You're beating a dead horse here SIR. You know the reasoning so I don't understand why you are trying to turn this into a witch hunt. You aren't understanding the big picture here. At this point, all I can say is good luck with all your endeavors.
Hello Densenug, if you have any other need in the future, please send email to me directly. It is not so convenient for me to check the forum during the holiday, but if you send email to me, I can get it. At least it won't take so long. :high-five:
No witch hunt here, Just a little communication isn't much to ask for
Sorry Galeno, I am not sure about your order, but if your order will be shipped from China, then the time is really not controllable during the holiday. Cause every express company won't work. :Namaste: Please do not worry, If you do not get your order status within 24 hours, please tell me. :high-five:
I don't know why you're getting involved? I have every right to be upset and I don't want people on here thinking they're friends with the company and can just start controlling the discussion.

I'm not in the US and they told me my order would be shipped right away from within the country I live in, so shipping would be just a few days. Like I said, as soon as they got my payment they stopped talking. For all I know they lied and I'm going to be waiting weeks for a shipment from China.
Thanks Graytail. :circle-of-love:
Have you emailed Sara?

She said she'd be on holiday, but still in contact by email.

I've been monitoring this thread, and have read every post, since June of 2013. Stuff happens, of course, but it always gets handled when Sara gets involved. Seriously, I can assure you that this is a good company. And I'm barely a customer - only bought one of their old model UFOs.

Go directly to Sara - she's been a very good Western-style customer rep - very good.

Thanks Dennise, :circle-of-love:
Guys I don't know where you live but if it is anywhere on the east side of the country... I have 3 different delivery companies that will show up today because it is the first day they could..... Check with your delivery web sites and see if they are having delays in your area due to weather either where you are or at their hubs to get to you... I'm pretty sure you will find the weather is the main culprit for a lot of the delays... Sara posted several days ago that the ship had finally gotten to port and that they have now gotten the lights but it would be this week before they were shelved and sent out... this again is not Sara's bad... the docks have been on strike and I think they still are... so as hard as I know it is... we just have to be patient... I have had a light and tent sitting in the FedEx office here since last Thurs that will finally be delivered today due to weather....:circle-of-love:
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