Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Yes, please order from our website directly. But if you have any questions, you can email me as well.:thanks:
Hello Sara I'm interested in getting a mars2 400 can you help on how I go about this or do I just order directly from the mars website? Thanks
pray for my two containers. hope we can get it before completely shut down.

We still have some mars II stock in USA, my friends, please you need one, please order ASAP. from the news, we have no idea when the stock will be back:( terrible situation now.

We are trying to ship another container to other port, hope we can get them when they arrive at USA port at the end of next month.

Now all the reflectors and old models, we have to ship from China. good luck to all of us.

Placed another USA order for the mars 2 900 on Wednesday via paypal.
Awaiting shipment notification.
I'm starting to wonder..... (and no I'm not a conspiracy theorist but...) if other manufacturers of LED grow lights are having the same problem of keeping stock in their warehouses for U.S. customers? Wouldn't it be simple to curtail the sell of these lights by derailing their entrance into the States, thereby creating an environment where it is cost prohibitive for the average cannabis grower?

Lets look at this from this view... "I don't want you to grow cannabis for your own consumption, I don't want to have to change any laws to make cannabis legal for any reason. But, and if you're going to continue to use cannabis for medicine or for recreational use, I'm going to make sure you pay premium price for it. Whether you get it off the gray market or you grow your own, you're going to pay the most I can get you to pay. That way I can regulate it and police it. Higher cost to produce = lower consumption by the masses."

What do you guys think? Is that scenario a viable one? Could our government be behind the slowdown at the docks? Or, if not the federal government, could this be the result of men that yield power and influence? Just a thought.
I'm starting to wonder..... (and no I'm not a conspiracy theorist but...) if other manufacturers of LED grow lights are having the same problem of keeping stock in their warehouses for U.S. customers? Wouldn't it be simple to curtail the sell of these lights by derailing their entrance into the States, thereby creating an environment where it is cost prohibitive for the average cannabis grower?

Lets look at this from this view... "I don't want you to grow cannabis for your own consumption, I don't want to have to change any laws to make cannabis legal for any reason. But, and if you're going to continue to use cannabis for medicine or for recreational use, I'm going to make sure you pay premium price for it. Whether you get it off the gray market or you grow your own, you're going to pay the most I can get you to pay. That way I can regulate it and police it. Higher cost to produce = lower consumption by the masses."

What do you guys think? Is that scenario a viable one? Could our government be behind the slowdown at the docks? Or, if not the federal government, could this be the result of men that yield power and influence? Just a thought.

As george carlin once said "its all BS and its bad for ya"


the federal government could easily step in and make temp workers fill the voided work spots (as they do for any union strike) if we told main stream media about it

we could just let the mob of angry mothers storm down there and slap their children to get them back to work ;)

but im interested in what the prince and dutchess are doing in new york! did you see what they were wearing! ;)

I'm starting to wonder..... (and no I'm not a conspiracy theorist but...) if other manufacturers of LED grow lights are having the same problem of keeping stock in their warehouses for U.S. customers? Wouldn't it be simple to curtail the sell of these lights by derailing their entrance into the States, thereby creating an environment where it is cost prohibitive for the average cannabis grower?

Lets look at this from this view... "I don't want you to grow cannabis for your own consumption, I don't want to have to change any laws to make cannabis legal for any reason. But, and if you're going to continue to use cannabis for medicine or for recreational use, I'm going to make sure you pay premium price for it. Whether you get it off the gray market or you grow your own, you're going to pay the most I can get you to pay. That way I can regulate it and police it. Higher cost to produce = lower consumption by the masses."

What do you guys think? Is that scenario a viable one? Could our government be behind the slowdown at the docks? Or, if not the federal government, could this be the result of men that yield power and influence? Just a thought.

You really think the government would shut down an entire port to keep some pot growers from getting their light? It's the union bud. They don't care about what's in the ships or containers. I had to wait two months to get my Jeep when the wife and I moved to Hawaii and I shipped it a month early. No paranoia here, it was the longshoremen union on strike.

Frosty Holidays!!

You really think the government would shut down an entire port to keep some pot growers from getting their light? It's the union bud. They don't care about what's in the ships or containers. I had to wait two months to get my Jeep when the wife and I moved to Hawaii and I shipped it a month early. No paranoia here, it was the longshoremen union on strike.

Frosty Holidays!!


So its just one word that could describe it.... Greed. What did Dennise say? "Follow the money"
Lights stuck in port.

Could our government be behind the slowdown at the docks? Or, if not the federal government, could this be the result of men that yield power and influence? Just a thought.

LOL. :high-five:

'ILWU workers receive a compensation package that is "among the most lucrative among all blue-collar workers in the United States," according to the PMA. Full-time workers earn an average of $142,000 annually in wages, along with a non-wage benefits package costing more than $82,000 per active worker per year.'

Besides the usual turf battles, one big sticking point in the negotiations seems to be the new 40% excise tax on "excess health insurance coverage", due to start in 2018. The ILWU workers currently have 100% of all medical and dental paid (tax free), and only pay a $1 co-pay for all medications. Like many executives, they don't want their "Cadillac" health plans subject to tax.

Given their wages, I'd say these dock workers wield power and influence. In 2002, while the ports were closed, it cost the US economy over $1 billion dollars per day. The dock workers have the power of law (government) behind them and they know how to use it, otherwise they would be all be paid like a Walmart "associate".

Collective bargaining is effective. Blue collar workers in the US who abandoned it and bet on a "trickle down economy" now have little power, money, influence, pensions or a 40 hr work week. The ILWU workers have all of those. Food for thought.

Dear all my friends, from next month, the international express like FedEx will raise their price by about 6%, then the shipping cost will be higher when we send our light directly from China. :straightface:
Therefore, if anyone from US need our lights, please order ASAP to avoid the rise in shipping cost from China.:high-five:
Otherwise, the shipping price will be higher, and the delivery will probably be delayed as much more ppl will choose international express to get their products next month as their products are stuck at the customs. :thanks:
Thanks for your nice words Dennise, I will do my best to help.:circle-of-love:
Hope it stops being so crazy for ya soon Sara..... Mine will be here Tues....:yahoo:. You still did an amazing job even with the docks giving you trouble....:goodjob:.....:circle-of-love:
Please tell me your order number, then I can check it for you. Or you can send an email to me. :thanks:
Placed another USA order for the mars 2 900 on Wednesday via paypal.
Awaiting shipment notification.
Re: Lights stuck in port.

LOL. :high-five:

'ILWU workers receive a compensation package that is "among the most lucrative among all blue-collar workers in the United States," according to the PMA. Full-time workers earn an average of $142,000 annually in wages, along with a non-wage benefits package costing more than $82,000 per active worker per year.'

Besides the usual turf battles, one big sticking point in the negotiations seems to be the new 40% excise tax on "excess health insurance coverage", due to start in 2018. The ILWU workers currently have 100% of all medical and dental paid (tax free), and only pay a $1 co-pay for all medications. Like many executives, they don't want their "Cadillac" health plans subject to tax.

Given their wages, I'd say these dock workers wield power and influence. In 2002, while the ports were closed, it cost the US economy over $1 billion dollars per day. The dock workers have the power of law (government) behind them and they know how to use it, otherwise they would be all be paid like a Walmart "associate".

Collective bargaining is effective. Blue collar workers in the US who abandoned it and bet on a "trickle down economy" now have little power, money, influence, pensions or a 40 hr work week. The ILWU workers have all of those. Food for thought.

Can you tell me to which email address you send to me so that I can check. :high-five:
Sara I just sent a email to u about two Mars 2 1200, u got it?:Namaste:
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