Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I have replied, please check the former post:) becuase our website is a shopping website, most of buyers will not contact us when they buy, so they just read all the policy on website, we have to state all the things on website and they can read all. if we state that policy when that isssue happen, it is unprofessional, becuase customers do not know, we force them will feel much worse thats not what we want.
I totally agree BT but cmon man...putting that on your business website? Thats not a good practice!
And yes, I do own a 900 mars and love it! I own another brand as well and love it just as much. I really wanted another mars 900 for my new veg room but after reading that its got me sketched out. Ill never put down any product until I have a definitive answer to my concerns...if any, that is :)

Cheers all :)
square tent you can buy two small rectangular light:) you can always find a solution, haha .
No uv available in led just ir. What I like about the Mars lights is that they are square. That is my problem with the new light, it is not square, that forces you to buy another light to get full coverage in a square tent. That might be why they made it rectangular.
Now i know my leaves were never point up like this on my last time around with the 1600.

i added a full line of boosters and i feel this is what is making them so happy. Its the only big change ive done, other then the temps outside dropping down to 10 degrees creating a change in my gardens temp. my fan is turned down as low as i can go without shutting it off 10% and my temps have dropped down to 78-80 degrees with the 1600. Before i was able to keep my temps from 84-86 day and 76-78 summer night. my night temps have dropped down to 72 degrees in my tent, this is because i keep the outside area of my tents at 72 degrees constant. so i have managed to keep temps as close as my summer temps as i can.

Date of pic = 12/6/14
time = 11:15 pm
temp = 86 F
Outside temp = 35 F
Hum = 54%
day flower = 8


thank you 36Gr0w, I just feel very bad when I see someone trust in liar. are they really believe in or that's only a drama?I follow my heart and I will not lie to anyone else. I would like to tell all the truth or keep slient, that's me, haha.
In my opinion, when it comes to led lighting, if you can find an exact copy of another product, from two different companies, odds are it came off the same assembly line. Notice how when questioned about a similar light, your competition didn't say a word, but a "sponsored (non paid) grower" said they looked like flashlights. Subject was then dropped. Interesting to me to say the least...

I appreciate you not bad mouthing competitors sara, that only makes companies look petty, incompetent, and doubtful of the product they offer. Just my pennies.
actually I do not like one competitor here, they are ruining our company reputation to get sales. I will not fight with them , I prefer keep slient. middleman can not compete with factory for sure, we know who will win at last. our factory also have OEM service, we know how that works. we do customers's design for them and we can not sell their design to anyone else. but one company think all of us are stupid,sometime they made in US, sometime they are out of stock then made in China, they have their own factory here, that's a joke. they are just reselling the same product as Chinese manufacture.they never made in US. they are American , they are middle man,they want high profit, thats why they can sell at a much higher price.
I have one customer, she provides lens and heatsink, we provide other material for her product. but for led grow light, the most two important parts are led and power supply.we sell 300USD to her and she can sell 1499USD. what she cost, one worker only. we do dropship for her,the only work they are doing is replying email and answering phone. we do warranty for her, we provide the necessary parts FREE. everyday we get orders from that customer and I arrange shipment for her, then I mark their company information on commercial invoice, and we promise we will not mark our information or lose mistake. so we do all the things like I am the worker of that company. I have been working for our company more than 3years, I know how factory works for sure. why I did not tell others they are lying? becuase I respect our competitors, without competitors, we can not make great product, no progress for sure.

Dear all my friends, please remember that, if a company can not make their own design, can not protect their product, if you as a personal buyer you can talk with the company owner, what that means? do they really have a company or they only have a online shop? if they do not have good sales or their products have big problem, how will they do, disappear one night? 5years warranty?thats ridiculous. middleman can not control the product quality, only factory can. I believe all of you know that. so don't be fooled by someone is good at sales, believe yourself and the honesty person.

every data can make fake one, include the PAR value.

You go girl! There are enough journals on here with your lights so everyone can see what your lights do. I have only had three harvests from your lights. Every plant was an auto and grew larger than seedbank predicted. My Fast and Vast auto is 5'4'' tall. It looks like one of my wife's outside bushes. Even bigger than most of them. My Mars II 900 got her here, and the light is keeping her growing flowers deep down inside. A recent picture of her is a couple pages back.

I'm sold on your Mars II lights. And I can't wait to see the test results of the Sun lights you are getting ready to release. If they work better than my Mars II I am sure I'll try one of the 300x3 to replace my Mars II 900.

I always steer away from someone trying to sell by badmouthing another seller. I have been a business owner and have experienced situations like that too. Never trusted a sweet talker when they are selling me anything by telling me negative things about a competitor. I've been a competitor.

hahaha wildjim, it seems we are the same, I also do not trust sweet talker when I buy things, I prefer make decision myself, I know how much I can pay and I know what I need, I also know the quality I want. haha. the things I want is high price performence one, " high price performence" is that right ? professional one, I use google:)
You go girl! There are enough journals on here with your lights so everyone can see what your lights do. I have only had three harvests from your lights. Every plant was an auto and grew larger than seedbank predicted. My Fast and Vast auto is 5'4'' tall. It looks like one of my wife's outside bushes. Even bigger than most of them. My Mars II 900 got her here, and the light is keeping her growing flowers deep down inside. A recent picture of her is a couple pages back.

I'm sold on your Mars II lights. And I can't wait to see the test results of the Sun lights you are getting ready to release. If they work better than my Mars II I am sure I'll try one of the 300x3 to replace my Mars II 900.

I always steer away from someone trying to sell by badmouthing another seller. I have been a business owner and have experienced situations like that too. Never trusted a sweet talker when they are selling me anything by telling me negative things about a competitor. I've been a competitor.

Any time you make a purchase you are taking a chance. You name a company and I guarantee there is someone out there who had a bad experience for whatever reason. Sometimes you just gotta take a leap and hope for the best. Sometimes you crash and burn and sometimes it works out really well.

When I bought my first Led I was looking at a 1k watt ups/mh setup and decided I should check out LEDs. I pulled up every LED sponsor on 420 looked at the information about their lights, read reviews and journals. After a couple days of research, I concluded that TopLED, now Mars-Hydro was worth giving a shot. They said their lights are as good or better than the competitors. With a MUCH more affordable price.

After purchasing a Mars II 1200W I knew I made the right decision. A while later, when I had a chance to beef up my setup I went once again with Mars-Hydro. I bought 2 1600's. The 1200 has been running 18/6 7days a week for over a year now. No problems, every led is still on and super bright.

These are great lights and the customer service is unbeatable. I have no doubt if you buy from the website, you will be taken care of quickly and with respect.


I decided today to wait no more. I fired up my second 1600. Next month one will be moved over o the other side of the tent, I just thought this would be a sweet boost to this round :)
You're so right Sara. I know your lights work and that is why I have three.

I looked at Alibaba once and saw many different lights. I saw MarsHydro and others advertised here on 420. All were from China but, except for MarsHydro, shipping was expensive. But some are sold on here 420 with Made in USA mentioned sort of. A single part Made in USA doesn't mean MADE IN USA. Very few lights are made in USA. I saw many are made in Sara's factory for other companies. No kidding. Right Sara? I like it when other companies buy products to sell retail from the manufacturer I am able to buy from. Makes me feel fuzzy inside, like I finally got a good deal.

I sure hope to see some journals for the new Sun lights pretty soon. Let's see the Sun please.

Your customer service is outstanding. I did a little research about led, but I quickly decided to purchase the top-led. Why? Because of how heavily involved with members here in your thread, and how quickly YOU ask for help. I think it is great that Mars-hydro listens to feedback from your clients!

It's comparable to what I did until my diagnosis. I was a service manager for a new car dealership. If someone had an issue with their vehicle, we fixed it. But, those clients we had that were polite and respectful of our time, we were much more inclined to go the extra mile. When the warranty expired on those vehicles of which the clients were polite, if asked, I would authorize repairs to be performed under warranty, regardless of mileage.

I love my top-led, and Dennise is a real person.
I'm looking to purchase the "Old Model LED" more specifically the 300 watt

Would this work well in a 2 x 2 area?

Has anyone purchased that specific model? If so, how is it working for them?

Will there be an extra fee on top of shipping for duties/tax/customs if shipped to Canada?

Thank you!
hi CO ive been looking for a straight forward answer to a queston thats been stopping me moving to led
in my home i have 4x 600w lights so 2400w of hps light and i yield from 60 oz-80oz depending on strain
may i ask wot u normally pull with 2500 of led watts and are they all topled?

A little over 4 pounds a little over 1 per plant. If you seen my big tent I could add more plants to get more but I like having my extra space to move around. I am 6.2 250 and need room to move lol. Yes the 2500 are Mars hydro. I do not like to talk about my others in there thread out of respect unless asked too.I only talk true wall watts.
If done right with the right plant I have done 1 pound 3 oz from one plant in a 5'x5' area with 500 true wall watts. I do grow with MH and Hps 2kwatts each as well. My Led always comes back from test 5-8% stronger in thc and cbds along with others. Not tying to sale I still like growing with both
I'm looking to purchase the "Old Model LED" more specifically the 300 watt

Would this work well in a 2 x 2 area?

Has anyone purchased that specific model? If so, how is it working for them?

Will there be an extra fee on top of shipping for duties/tax/customs if shipped to Canada?

Thank you!

2x2 is 4sqf which would need around 140 wall watts so yes the old model would cover it and Dennise is a real person.
I like this thread!! smoke sara are you guys looking for usa repair men? my friend is damn good with soldering..he pulled his lights down at my place today, zipped them appart, swapped out a few leds here and there and had them back up within an hour,. i think he is getting into it a little too much, lol... i totally agree with the "made in the usa" thing, the company i bought my first panel from claimed that, but why was it shipped from china? hahaha!! its a bad look to lie, or half truth like that,. if a company does that from the start then they are probably lying about other things...
haha, thank you very much Sweetleef:)
Any time you make a purchase you are taking a chance. You name a company and I guarantee there is someone out there who had a bad experience for whatever reason. Sometimes you just gotta take a leap and hope for the best. Sometimes you crash and burn and sometimes it works out really well.

When I bought my first Led I was looking at a 1k watt ups/mh setup and decided I should check out LEDs. I pulled up every LED sponsor on 420 looked at the information about their lights, read reviews and journals. After a couple days of research, I concluded that TopLED, now Mars-Hydro was worth giving a shot. They said their lights are as good or better than the competitors. With a MUCH more affordable price.

After purchasing a Mars II 1200W I knew I made the right decision. A while later, when I had a chance to beef up my setup I went once again with Mars-Hydro. I bought 2 1600's. The 1200 has been running 18/6 7days a week for over a year now. No problems, every led is still on and super bright.

These are great lights and the customer service is unbeatable. I have no doubt if you buy from the website, you will be taken care of quickly and with respect.


I decided today to wait no more. I fired up my second 1600. Next month one will be moved over o the other side of the tent, I just thought this would be a sweet boost to this round :)
you do the right reserch, check on alibaba, a lot of people will not check there, it is the easiest way to find the right supplier. made in China or USA.
You're so right Sara. I know your lights work and that is why I have three.

I looked at Alibaba once and saw many different lights. I saw MarsHydro and others advertised here on 420. All were from China but, except for MarsHydro, shipping was expensive. But some are sold on here 420 with Made in USA mentioned sort of. A single part Made in USA doesn't mean MADE IN USA. Very few lights are made in USA. I saw many are made in Sara's factory for other companies. No kidding. Right Sara? I like it when other companies buy products to sell retail from the manufacturer I am able to buy from. Makes me feel fuzzy inside, like I finally got a good deal.

I sure hope to see some journals for the new Sun lights pretty soon. Let's see the Sun please.

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