Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Could you describe the problem in word? I sent your picture to our engineer, he did not see the problem. No short circuit in this light, or the leds are not on. :thanks:
Hey Sara you aren't having any problems with VPN's are you? Heard there Is a tougher Crack down but who knows what's true nowadays.

Hi LedGuy74, we are using VPN in our office, it is not free. Most of time, they can work, but in the afternoon, it is hard for us to visit foreign website, Youtube, FB...Luckily, we don't need use VPN to visit 420 :cheer:
Hi LedGuy74, we are using VPN in our office, it is not free. Most of time, they can work, but in the afternoon, it is hard for us to visit foreign website, Youtube, FB...Luckily, we don't need use VPN to visit 420 :cheer:

It's pretty ridiculous how much the Chinese government tries to block from its citizens... Hopefully it changes soon but it seems they are pretty set in knowing everything yall do sadly... Though it's the same in the states not quiet as censored lol buy it's mainly third party companies collect all the data.. Google knows more about me then I know about me dammit lol. So do a lot of companies sadly but that's life and privacy is drastically coming to a halt nowadays.
It's pretty ridiculous how much the Chinese government tries to block from its citizens... Hopefully it changes soon but it seems they are pretty set in knowing everything yall do sadly... Though it's the same in the states not quiet as censored lol buy it's mainly third party companies collect all the data.. Google knows more about me then I know about me dammit lol. So do a lot of companies sadly but that's life and privacy is drastically coming to a halt nowadays.

Visiting foreign website is very important for our life and business. We can not contact with our customers in time without VPN and don't know the new information about our competitors. ..
Wicked Monkey day 63 harvest grown under Marshydro pro 11 320

Wicked Monkey day 63 harvest grown under Marshydro pro 11 320


I need to find me some strains that grow buds those sizes! My first bagseed I grew was one that did but the SQ doesn't. My Apple Jack is starting to show signs of herming so I'll probably separate her and keep her going as the SQ's don't have much longer so im not worried about seeds and as for the Apple Jack I don't mind a few seeds on her. She's looking way to sexy to toss.
I need to find me some strains that grow buds those sizes! My first bagseed I grew was one that did but the SQ doesn't. My Apple Jack is starting to show signs of herming so I'll probably separate her and keep her going as the SQ's don't have much longer so im not worried about seeds and as for the Apple Jack I don't mind a few seeds on her. She's looking way to sexy to toss.

What is your favorite strain?
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