Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Opnons don't have a date on 'em.

He's not bullying or picking on anyone, he's asking very valid questions, and she's a salesrep, so she better know the answers and provide them in a courteous manner, not the first time someone's been called out as the bad guy when questioneing Mars of their products.

Stating that a Mars II 1200 has 1000 PPFD in the corners of a 4x4 area is a very wrong(would you believe me if I told you I could jump over a house?), and as you see a few posts back it actually is misleading people!

You're new to this site and grow light technology, so take some time to educate yourself on the subject before calling people names!

If even our sponsors can't provide a truthful specification on a light, then who can we trust?

And what's with the ''barely speaks English'' part, if you want to sell stuff to English speaking countries/internationally you better learn it quick so you can communicate with your customers.

This is not some big guy picking on an 8-year-old girl with glasses in the schoolyard, this is the little guy vs the big company....

Peace :passitleft:

Hi PurpleGunRack, I have realized the mistake of our website PPFD, we will revise it asap. Thanks for your care and attention.
I *know* that you know very little about grow light technology - feel free to prove me wrong ;)

Thanks for sharing your experience and opinion in this thread, I think all of you are kind and has special opinion about new led techno logy, wish we can learn from each friendly here. :thanks: :circle-of-love:
Lol I dont gotta prove shit to u or anyone else for that matter that's not the subject in the first place Mr defender of the bully lol. Now u trying to be the same way. Why don't u waste your energy growing some plants :) cause u won't get nowhere with me lil man. Kick rocks higher peace lol

:thanks: Your girls are beautiful and bushy, you must enjoy what you are doing.
I am sure you and PurpleGunRack will learn more from each other, both of you are experts in this field. :high-five:
Being a sceptic is a good thing. Testing claims is a good thing too. Entheo has a right to be sceptical. It's all ok folks. We're all growers here. I think many people reacted on the "tone" from
Entheo. When you first came here you had this signature that basically said mars hydro were scamming people. You came in here hard. You do have a right to be a sceptic, it is actually one of the smartest things you can be. And the amount of research you have spent on this is simply amazing. Thanks for that! Of course we customers should get the right numbers and I bet we will. Mars Hydro is a cool company so it should work out in the end :)

Thank you Deville and Entheo, both of your opinions aims at making Mars better and more perfect, I will reply about the test chart to you asap.
And yep no led will compare to a hps. Very true . Add the two together though and bam. Well I use metal halide and hps and leds

I think each kind of lights have its own advantages and disadvantages, no matter what light growers are using, hope all of them here can enjoy what they are doing :circle-of-love: :thanks:
:thanks: :circle-of-love:
How long you have used 300 and reflector 96?

they were my first lights purchases the 300s i mean i got four of them over a year and a half ago i used them for my first grow then i got my two reflector 96s to add to it but since i wasnt getting the type of frost development i need since i have so many medical issues that i needed to get better lighting so i went with som cobs since at the time mars didnt have any cob lights but i think u guys do now dont u u need to get into the white light full spectrum cobs but since mars was alil pricey i went with some after market cobs then eventually i was able to get so me perfect suns dwarf stars and used those but now i had my mars just sitting so i decided to set up a veg area in my room and another flower tent using my mars gear and since i went hydro i seem to be getting more trichs now and the medical advantages have now increased so i can use my mars gear again so for now i have 3 of the 300s and one reflector 96 in veg and then i have one 300 and my other 96 for flower. I have three girls in flower right now that are in my los kit (living organic soil kit) which last time i used organic soil under these lights they didnt make that much for triches but i also didnt have nearly as much as i do now in gardening skill since i had just started back then lol but yea here is my strawberry cake under one of the reflector 96s in a 5gal hd bucket









then we got my kali mist which i had a major issue with spider mites and almost lost her but i just cudnt throw her since she is guna be my last one i grow of kali mist unless i ever decide to get more seeds of her i just had to doctor her back to health and so far shes not doing to bad i dont think leaves could be better imo she should have had another week to ten days in veg with me doctoring her up and she wuda been better but i needed the room lol but here is my kali mist





the above two girls are both under my reflector 96 light

now i got another flowering girl also in my los kit and she is under one of my 300s and has one of mars little 45w or 35w little bulbs for side lighting and that is one of my pineapple skunk clones and this one ive been experimenting with cold at lights off and she is starting to turn nice purple shades all over so im very excited about that since this strain ive never gotten any purple out of b4 so exciting imo lol also i had a massive mite infestation with her as well but still got her back to be able to make some buds and im glad i did i mite have a rare strain or sumthn ha ha prolly not its jus the cold making them all purrty lol anyway here she is








so those are my flower girls under my old mars gear if prices were alil better i would get some more newer mars gear like the cobs if u have guys have those which i think u do but due to me not being able to work most days due to massive back problems i have collapsed disks and scoliosis i dont have tons of xtra cash flow thats y im trying to find a sponsor that would sponsor some cob lights for my medical grow to help me get off opiates which im currently working with my doctor trying to do but alas no such luck in the cob department lol
now i got another flowering girl also in my los kit and she is under one of my 300s and has one of mars little 45w or 35w little bulbs for side lighting and that is one of my pineapple skunk clones and this one ive been experimenting with cold at lights off and she is starting to turn nice purple shades all over so im very excited about that since this strain ive never gotten any purple out of b4 so exciting imo lol also i had a massive mite infestation with her as well but still got her back to be able to make some buds and im glad i did i mite have a rare strain or sumthn ha ha prolly not its jus the cold making them all purrty lol anyway here she is



so those are my flower girls under my old mars gear if prices were alil better i would get some more newer mars gear like the cobs if u have guys have those which i think u do but due to me not being able to work most days due to massive back problems i have collapsed disks and scoliosis i dont have tons of xtra cash flow thats y im trying to find a sponsor that would sponsor some cob lights for my medical grow to help me get off opiates which im currently working with my doctor trying to do but alas no such luck in the cob department lol

:thanks: We will produce white light this year, not white COB light.
What grow size you want COB cover?
I have a question about the activated carbon bags. How long does the carbon remain active?

It will remain active for about 6 month.
Do you know how long other popular brand's carbon remail active?
What tent would you recommend for the eco 98? On the line it said 3x2. Would there be a mars tent compatable with the tent?

If you can find a 2'x3' tent, it will be better, we have no 2'x3' Mars tents and shipping tent from China to Alaska, shipping fee is very crazy, tents are heavy, so you can buy a tent at your local store, I think it will save your cost. :cheer:
5foot wide by 5 foot long by 7foot tall thts the area im

You have 4pcs of 300 and 2pcs of 96, will you use any of them with COB in 5'x5'?
I don't know. I did some searching a while back because I have been looking for something like this. I found something called gonzo bags - At least that is what I think they were named. But I could not find much info back then. Did another search yesterday, but didn't find the answers. I bet you will sell a lot of this product :)

It will remain active for about 6 month.
Do you know how long other popular brand's carbon remail active?
I have this friend who is a grower, and sometimes we exchange strains. I will give him a couple of hundred grams and he will give me a couple hundred of his stuff. In the past I used to take the bus, but it stinked so much I was in a constant state of anxiety. Later I bought a new house and car and built the grow-rooms I am using now. So it is less scary now when I can just drive, but if the police pulls me over it's.... well... game over. If they stop me and smell cannabis, they'll raid my home and find everything. So I have been wanting a product like this. I however found most of them to be very expensive
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