Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Will you still grow if recreational growing becomes legal? One of stores told me as the recreational legal, cannabis will become cheaper and it will reduce the ability for people to grow at their homes.

Yeah I'd still grow hell I can get weed pretty cheap as it is but I still can't afford it lol. I probably wouldn't focus as much on indoors but I'd still definitely grow indoors but the bulk would probably be outdoors with free sunlight haha. But I'm not in that kind of situation anyhow lol. I'm not even getting near the yields I need to not have to worry about running out of meds. If I don't get any bug problems this grow (knock on wood) it shouldn't be a problem to get 2.5oz a plant at a minimum. Which would be great with me.
Yeah I'd still grow hell I can get weed pretty cheap as it is but I still can't afford it lol. I probably wouldn't focus as much on indoors but I'd still definitely grow indoors but the bulk would probably be outdoors with free sunlight haha. But I'm not in that kind of situation anyhow lol. I'm not even getting near the yields I need to not have to worry about running out of meds. If I don't get any bug problems this grow (knock on wood) it shouldn't be a problem to get 2.5oz a plant at a minimum. Which would be great with me.

Not only is the sun cheap but no lighting and I mean no lighting compares to the sun lol if someone can somehow safely channel up a ball of plasma to burn in my tent I'll gladly buy it!!! :)
cheers Sara

Very beautiful buds:goodjob: :thanks:
Will you still grow if recreational growing becomes legal? One of stores told me as the recreational legal, cannabis will become cheaper and it will reduce the ability for people to grow at their homes.
Idk it's legal here and wayyyyyyyy cheaper to grow your own.... for what it costs me to grow meds for 6 months would only pay for 1 month of my meds so it would cost roughly 6 times as much to buy it legally vs. Grow it legally
Idk it's legal here and wayyyyyyyy cheaper to grow your own.... for what it costs me to grow meds for 6 months would only pay for 1 month of my meds so it would cost roughly 6 times as much to buy it legally vs. Grow it legally

Growing by yourself will help you save much money :thanks: Is it legal to grow large scale in your state or just grow small scale legally?
Growing by yourself will help you save much money :thanks: Is it legal to grow large scale in your state or just grow small scale legally?
Depends on which law you interpret. One says 25 plants, but the most recent is 6 flower 6 veg. That's for individual only. A commercial I'm here uses 30,000 USD a month to run their op. But for peraonal if you know how to grow monsters and can harvest every 60 days or so it's a very lucrative investment for yourself. I'm only growing 3 at a time and hopefully will have enough for the entire year of 2018 after my next harvest.
Depends on which law you interpret. One says 25 plants, but the most recent is 6 flower 6 veg. That's for individual only. A commercial I'm here uses 30,000 USD a month to run their op. But for peraonal if you know how to grow monsters and can harvest every 60 days or so it's a very lucrative investment for yourself. I'm only growing 3 at a time and hopefully will have enough for the entire year of 2018 after my next harvest.

Growing has bright future, maybe we can produce led lights for commercial growers in the future. Mars lights have some difference from other lights commercial growers use.
Yeah I'd still grow hell I can get weed pretty cheap as it is but I still can't afford it lol. I probably wouldn't focus as much on indoors but I'd still definitely grow indoors but the bulk would probably be outdoors with free sunlight haha. But I'm not in that kind of situation anyhow lol. I'm not even getting near the yields I need to not have to worry about running out of meds. If I don't get any bug problems this grow (knock on wood) it shouldn't be a problem to get 2.5oz a plant at a minimum. Which would be great with me.

How long it will take you to grow outdoors from seeding to harvest?
Not only is the sun cheap but no lighting and I mean no lighting compares to the sun lol if someone can somehow safely channel up a ball of plasma to burn in my tent I'll gladly buy it!!! :)

Does the sun have some useless lights for plants? Such as orange, green, purple...
7 Tips to Improve Cannabis Bud Quality
1.Start with Top-Shelf Genetics - get the effects and appearance you want! Your grow skill makes a huge difference, but a plant can't overcome its genes! If you want buds that are potent, dense, sparkly or purple/pink, you need the right genetics.
2.Give Your Cannabis Lots of Light! - this increases yields, density and potency
3. Nutrients & Supplements - learn about smell enhancers, bloom boosters and bulk builders!
4. Better Taste, Better Smell - learn other techniques to increase terpene content so buds taste and smell better
5.Manipulate Temperature & Humidity in the flowering stage to increase resin production ("glitter" and stickiness), bring out colors like pink or purple & prevent smells from burning away
6.Great Air Flow Around Every Cola - you can gain surprising increases in the size and density of your buds by making sure that every cola gets lots of direct light and good air flow from the beginning to the end of the flowering stage. Cannabis is wind-pollinated in the wild and so more energy is put into buds that have been exposed to a breeze from when they first started forming.
7.Master the Basics of Growing - especially harvesting, trimming and drying/curing! Although a lot of growers don't pay as much attention to what happens to plants after harvest as during the grow itself, these 3 post-harvest factors determine almost 50% of your final bud appearance. Properly drying/curing also intensifies smell and increases bud potency!
How long it will take you to grow outdoors from seeding to harvest?

Outdoors doesn't have to take much longer. If said person is after monster plants yeah they may start indoors a month or two before the last frost then when the last frost is gone toss them in the ground and let them veg until the daylight lessens and they start flowering. The upside is even though you spent the better part of a year on the plant it should produce some great yields if done right. Not everyone does that though plenty of people just start say spring after the last frost and harvest Sometime during fall before frost.
Does the sun have some useless lights for plants? Such as orange, green, purple...

The sun produces more light then all of the grow lights in the world combined. Lol it can grow some monsters especially if they get the soil they need. I'd love to grow outdoors so I could go for some large yielders but I'd always keep doing indoor too for quality. Outdoors comes with more risks too so I'd definitely need to be in a legal state with security too lol.
Does the sun have some useless lights for plants? Such as orange, green, purple...
Growlights are made to replicate the sunlight. Ofcourse, the sun produces so much light that the colours of light that the sun produces can be replicated in the lamps but not the brightness. Even the colours that we humans can't see are very useful for a plant such as UV light and infrared light, ofcourse both those lights are bad for your skin if you get exposed to it for too long. The downside of the sun is that you can't manipulate the hours of light and darkness that you can with grow lights, and ofcourse the place where you live is also important if you grow outside. Growing outside is very nice too because you don't have the electricity bills that you need to pay. Ofcourse the downsides are the lower security and you have more chance of insects. Growing in a greenhouse isn't much different, in a greenhouse you can still hang a growlight and your plants can still enjoy the sun. Downside of growing into greenhouses is ofcourse, if you do have a growlight in the greenhouse, that does give a bright glow in a wide radius that can attract a lot of attention, and a greenhouse doesn't have the space that the wild nature has (That depends on the size of your greenhouse) Now with greenhouses it is possible to grow in winter too but the downside of that is that you have to keep it warm and with a growlight)
Growlights are made to replicate the sunlight. Ofcourse, the sun produces so much light that the colours of light that the sun produces can be replicated in the lamps but not the brightness. Even the colours that we humans can't see are very useful for a plant such as UV light and infrared light, ofcourse both those lights are bad for your skin if you get exposed to it for too long. The downside of the sun is that you can't manipulate the hours of light and darkness that you can with grow lights, and ofcourse the place where you live is also important if you grow outside. Growing outside is very nice too because you don't have the electricity bills that you need to pay. Ofcourse the downsides are the lower security and you have more chance of insects. Growing in a greenhouse isn't much different, in a greenhouse you can still hang a growlight and your plants can still enjoy the sun. Downside of growing into greenhouses is ofcourse, if you do have a growlight in the greenhouse, that does give a bright glow in a wide radius that can attract a lot of attention, and a greenhouse doesn't have the space that the wild nature has (That depends on the size of your greenhouse) Now with greenhouses it is possible to grow in winter too but the downside of that is that you have to keep it warm and with a growlight)

Almost every insect dies outside or has other vegetation to focus on. Outside your biggest issue is caterpillars and white mealy flies. Neither are half as annoying as getting insects inside. I deal with both worlds every year and without a shadow of a doubt growing outside is 500x easier. But 20 times more stressful.
Fungus gnats, Sara called em fruit flies but their not. They seem to like something about the humidifier set up I have they go in there and die

They use the water in the humodifier to lay eggs. Check it out I bet it moves when you shut the hunidifier off.

To get rid of fungus gnats use azamax at a slightly lower ration than it calls for and do a soil drench once a week. Eventually they'll fade out. They lay their young in your medium so treat the medium and you'll get rid of the problem. Good luck man
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