Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Almost every insect dies outside or has other vegetation to focus on. Outside your biggest issue is caterpillars and white mealy flies. Neither are half as annoying as getting insects inside. I deal with both worlds every year and without a shadow of a doubt growing outside is 500x easier. But 20 times more stressful.
Really?? That's interesting... I had a few plants in the outside grow tent last summer. Thrips and spider mites soon found the nice little plants, could be because my cannabis plants were the greenest of all plants in our garden . my father grows tomato plants but weeelll let's say he isn't really good at it.
Really?? That's interesting... I had a few plants in the outside grow tent last summer. Thrips and spider mites soon found the nice little plants, could be because my cannabis plants were the greenest of all plants in our garden . my father grows tomato plants but weeelll let's say he isn't really good at it.

Greenhouses are different than a standard outdoor grow. Because of the lack of ventilation and rains on the foliage pests are actually harder to control in greenhouses than any other growing environment. Greenhouses fall into their own category
Outdoors doesn't have to take much longer. If said person is after monster plants yeah they may start indoors a month or two before the last frost then when the last frost is gone toss them in the ground and let them veg until the daylight lessens and they start flowering. The upside is even though you spent the better part of a year on the plant it should produce some great yields if done right. Not everyone does that though plenty of people just start say spring after the last frost and harvest Sometime during fall before frost.

Thanks for sharing your opinion with us.:thanks:
The sun produces more light then all of the grow lights in the world combined. Lol it can grow some monsters especially if they get the soil they need. I'd love to grow outdoors so I could go for some large yielders but I'd always keep doing indoor too for quality. Outdoors comes with more risks too so I'd definitely need to be in a legal state with security too lol.

You can harvest more outdoors and get higher quality indoors :thanks: Some growers apply for a permit, the permit is for growing indoor or outdoors or both?
My green crack clones under my mars collection.

Your girls look very bushy :goodjob: A bug on your leaf, will you use tent to avoid the bug in?
Growlights are made to replicate the sunlight. Ofcourse, the sun produces so much light that the colours of light that the sun produces can be replicated in the lamps but not the brightness. Even the colours that we humans can't see are very useful for a plant such as UV light and infrared light, ofcourse both those lights are bad for your skin if you get exposed to it for too long. The downside of the sun is that you can't manipulate the hours of light and darkness that you can with grow lights, and ofcourse the place where you live is also important if you grow outside. Growing outside is very nice too because you don't have the electricity bills that you need to pay. Ofcourse the downsides are the lower security and you have more chance of insects. Growing in a greenhouse isn't much different, in a greenhouse you can still hang a growlight and your plants can still enjoy the sun. Downside of growing into greenhouses is ofcourse, if you do have a growlight in the greenhouse, that does give a bright glow in a wide radius that can attract a lot of attention, and a greenhouse doesn't have the space that the wild nature has (That depends on the size of your greenhouse) Now with greenhouses it is possible to grow in winter too but the downside of that is that you have to keep it warm and with a growlight)

Thanks for your detailed explanation and comparison of growing outdoors, indoors and greenhouse. :thanks:
We noticed some grow lights are very bright, not make sure if it is too much white light to make it show brightness.
Greenhouses are different than a standard outdoor grow. Because of the lack of ventilation and rains on the foliage pests are actually harder to control in greenhouses than any other growing environment. Greenhouses fall into their own category

I think they have their special equipment to control water and air circus cicle in greenhouse.
I think they have their special equipment to control water and air circus cicle in greenhouse.

Absolutely they do Sarah. But most home grower green house set ups are less than ideal. Which is why I don't recommended people making greenhouses. Unless it's the kind that you can fold the sides up. Then leave them up most of the year and close it for frost seasons.

Proper greenhouses need big ventilation and most times a spray bar.

Not to say you can't do big things with home grower green house set ups. Just make sure you don't all of your I's and cross all of your T's if you decide to go this route.
They use the water in the humodifier to lay eggs. Check it out I bet it moves when you shut the hunidifier off.

To get rid of fungus gnats use azamax at a slightly lower ration than it calls for and do a soil drench once a week. Eventually they’ll fade out. They lay their young in your medium so treat the medium and you’ll get rid of the problem. Good luck man

Useful suggestion :thanks:
Absolutely they do Sarah. But most home grower green house set ups are less than ideal. Which is why I don’t recommended people making greenhouses. Unless it’s the kind that you can fold the sides up. Then leave them up most of the year and close it for frost seasons.

Proper greenhouses need big ventilation and most times a spray bar.

Not to say you can’t do big things with home grower green house set ups. Just make sure you don’t all of your I’s and cross all of your T’s if you decide to go this route.

Maybe it can be used in a very good natural environment, some growers grow outdoors to save light cost and lower electricity billing
Almost every insect dies outside or has other vegetation to focus on. Outside your biggest issue is caterpillars and white mealy flies. Neither are half as annoying as getting insects inside. I deal with both worlds every year and without a shadow of a doubt growing outside is 500x easier. But 20 times more stressful.

Here is my Girl Scout cookie I'm hoping is female so I can flower her under the ECO49... She is a little yellowed but I think she's doing good considering t her grow area was down to just under 40 when I checked on them lol.
then my grow area is doing pretty good too... My girls are finally nice and happy with all that extra soil I gave them so the rootbound symptoms are gone... one of them are still slightly drooping but that's it
I may put the 2nd mars 300 back in when the eco49 makes it in tomorrow but only time will tell I may put both lights in the veg area to keep it warm idk yet.
Here is my Girl Scout cookie I'm hoping is female so I can flower her under the ECO49... She is a little yellowed but I think she's doing good considering t her grow area was down to just under 40 when I checked on them lol.
then my grow area is doing pretty good too... My girls are finally nice and happy with all that extra soil I gave them so the rootbound symptoms are gone... one of them are still slightly drooping but that's it
I may put the 2nd mars 300 back in when the eco49 makes it in tomorrow but only time will tell I may put both lights in the veg area to keep it warm idk yet.

We are waiting to see how your girls will react to ECO49. :circle-of-love:
Sara, how would the heat from reflector 48 match up to eco49?
Sara, how would the heat from reflector 48 match up to eco49?

Reflector 48 can dissipate heat better than ECO49, it uses better heat sink. Are you planing to increase a new light?
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