Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

It's like £500 tho . Alot of people are just starting and can not afford a light like the cree.
When I knew your light has problem, I PM you at once to help you repair light, I also asked you to send me payment records. Pls see the following picture.We need your purchasing records to help you better, this is our company's rule. My job is to help you repair light. I am not engineers of leds, so I can not explain very professional about products sometimes. My main job is to help you solve problem.

How will you solve the problem when you do not even know what the problem is? Can you try to translate for your engineers? I still don't understand. Thank you for PM'ing me to try to settle the issue, but I didn't PM you for warranty. I know you treat this as a customer service and advertising thread, but it does say Mars Hydro Grow Light Discussion. Not CO2 discussion, not grow tent discussion, not "post for PM support". Maybe you should add an additional person to your media team that can actually speak on your products?

To me, sending replacement LED's is not fixing the issue. How do I know the "material composition" of the replacements is even worth installing? A real fix would be selling a product that actually works through the warranty period. Warranties are there for a reason and you're plenty willing to honor the warranty which is great. I actually don't hear as many issues with the PRO series, so maybe it's just the components that are used in the older models? Can't you re-design the reflectors with Epistar chips or something more reliable?
Making this question a separate post because it's somehow been glanced over many times now. Smokesara, can you please explain, with as much detail as possible, how Mars Hydro determines the coverage footprints for their lights?

Take the Reflector192 for example. "Coverage: 4'x4'/one light" How was that coverage determined?

All the non expensive lights are terrible at coverage. But directly under the light is spot on . With any of the lights o would not recommend going 12inch past the size of the light. We all watch par tests.
Well I have a different brand!!! IV had a bollockin here for mentioning the name lol !!! But it's blue. It's basically the same light, but it's a German company run in Asia. BMW or Hyundai???
Merry Christmas everybody

thought it was about time to stop by again.

My four mars panels still going strong. they are about 1,5 years old now. only six lenses have stopped working on a total of four panels. im happy with that - i must say. i bought tree of the 48x5 reflector series and 1 mars II 400 - one happy camper!

my current plants in bloom (day 10) two ayahuasca purple from barneys farm in a 2x3ft space with a draw of just about 400w from three panels.

Thanks for supporting us. We are upgrading MarsII series. Next year, our new design MarsII will be in the market. The leds will have much longer lifespan.:thanks:
Hello guys, im a beginner, and i have a question, that can a Mars Eco 49 grow light can grow one or two small plants?Is is enough for them?

Mars ECO49 can grow 1-2 very small plants, do you use grow tent? Would you like to choose a light with bigger coverage?
Let me start by saying I have not used the Eco series of lights. I have used the old style 300 (which the eco is an upgrade) as well as the Mars II 400 and 900 and the Epi320. If the Eco performs as well or better then the old 300, you will be fine for 1 or 2 small plants. The problem with small plants, is they turn into big plants, and 1 may not be enough for a larger plant. :circle-of-love::peace:

Thanks, but if i use some training on it it can be good yes?

If you keep plants small and occupy a small grow size, no problem
Absolutely. LST works great. I am not so 'Low Stress" I top them and then bend them to my will!!! They can take more abuse then you think. ;) Keep them low and trim them out as they flower. I usually give a good trimming around 25 days or so into flower to open up the bud site to the light. Hope this helps. :circle-of-love::peace:

Very useful suggestion :thanks:
I must say I've bought and tried many different leds. Have never tried extremely cheap ones yet. I must say out of most light I have grown with the mars 320 holds its own amongst them all.
I have had some problem with mars and they've always came through. Maybe not without multiply emails but that always helped me out.
No I'm not a mars hydro fan boy either trying to suck balls to get some free shit either but got to give some props for building a more affordable light which can grow some beautiful plants. And the grow tents for me have been some of the best tents I've ever bought including all the big named tents.

:thanks: We also bought different brands led lights to study and learn from them. We will try to improve our technology and service to help growers to grow beautiful plants :circle-of-love:
I'm going to buy that COB led. Goto give it a try . MR wise do you think one will do my little room?????

COB is a good choice in a small grow size. May I know your grow size?
It's like £500 tho . Alot of people are just starting and can not afford a light like the cree.

For entry users, we recommend reflector series, it has very competitive price and we sell it for many years and have got many good feedback about this series light.
How will you solve the problem when you do not even know what the problem is? Can you try to translate for your engineers? I still don't understand. Thank you for PM'ing me to try to settle the issue, but I didn't PM you for warranty. I know you treat this as a customer service and advertising thread, but it does say Mars Hydro Grow Light Discussion. Not CO2 discussion, not grow tent discussion, not "post for PM support". Maybe you should add an additional person to your media team that can actually speak on your products?

To me, sending replacement LED's is not fixing the issue. How do I know the "material composition" of the replacements is even worth installing? A real fix would be selling a product that actually works through the warranty period. Warranties are there for a reason and you're plenty willing to honor the warranty which is great. I actually don't hear as many issues with the PRO series, so maybe it's just the components that are used in the older models? Can't you re-design the reflectors with Epistar chips or something more reliable?

All of our reflector series use Epistar chips, we will upgrade lights as customers feedback. If many customers have the same problem or have the same suggestion, we will make changes. I would like to tell you more detailed reason about your light problem if I knew that.
All of our reflector series use Epistar chips, we will upgrade lights as customers feedback. If many customers have the same problem or have the same suggestion, we will make changes. I would like to tell you more detailed reason about your light problem if I knew that.

How many more customers need to have the same chip burnout and lens melting issues before you change that? There's probably hundreds of other pictures like mine in this thread. It's frustrating that you don't know the problem.

How many more customers need to have the same chip burnout and lens melting issues before you change that? There's probably hundreds of other pictures like mine in this thread. It's frustrating that you don't know the problem.


We knew the problem and we solved it, thank you. Our upgraded model will be in the market next year.
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