Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I would echo Roosters suggestion that this would be better suited im PM. I hear you Entheo. You came here to comment and discuss the issue you are having. At this point though you and Sara are just slinging dirt at one another. We have heard your issues and she has explained her company's situation. And now we have all heard you both. Now I think it's time that you guys work on solving the problem together. I can understand completely your frustration, but wont anyone think of the plants!

That last bit was a bit of humor to try and lighten the mood.

I hope you guys can get this all sorted out.


Thank you Freakzilla, I am very happy to help every customer to solve problem about light. If their lights have problem, my first respond is to help them repair lights. But sometimes, it is hard for me to explain the reason why the lights have problem. I can ask our engineers the reason, but they have different thinking way from us and use professional term to explain, so it is difficult for me to explain it very correctly, and difficult to translate it in English.
I dont think you will ever find a company that isn't going to claim the top end of their results in the very best of conditions. That's marketing my freind. I always expect that when I read the data from any manufacturer. As well I think you will always hear unhappy customers on forum's and reviews because they (rightfully so) feel that they have been wrong if their equipment fails or fails to meet the expected results of the customer. I'm not trying to blame you or say that your anger isn't warranted , but we all know that Mars hydro is providing lower cost lighting options. And yes we are taking a bit of a risk but that's what the warranty is for, and great people like we find here on the forums who might help us fix our stuff.

Thanks for your understanding. Our company tries to offer customers competitive products with more affordable price. But we know the fact there is no brand that can make all customers happy. I work for Mars Hydro, my main job is to help customers solve problem. When they need help, I will help them as our company's policy.
I hear you man, the other guy's have with this through PM and send MH the details they need and your problem will be fixed...It would be easier for you to screengrab your receipt from your paypal than it would for Sara to search through MH's

From the picture you posted it looks to me you have enough light for your space...A helluva lot of people get wrapped up in PPFD when they should be looking at other way's of getting the result's they want:peacetwo:

I saw Entheogenerator 's purchasing record picture, I explained the reason to him, thanks for your attention and support. :thanks:
Well then why did you end up buying a mars hydro at all. At the price i paid if it only lasts a year it will have paid for its self with out question. Even Sara (I think, so don't crucify me if it wasn't her) has said that after 2 years there will be degradation and you might want to replace them. I really do look at them as I bit of a disposable item. And again at gghe price point that's kinda what I expect. As an entry level light they really seem like a decent option. For you clearly not and that's fine.

We have factory, we can produce much higher quality products, but different companies aim at different customers groups.We think more people are changing from HPS, HID.. to leds and more led entry users would like to buy more affordable lights. Yes, mars hydro is not a high end light, but it deserves the money if customers consider warranty, yield, light lifespan.. I know this is still disadvantages of Mars lights and tents, but we are improving our technology and design step by step. :thanks:
Strange..... when there is a problem with a light, all sorts off knights jump up, to minimize the problem(s)...... :hmmmm:
For me it was the same as Entheo, i read the forum and for each problem that pops, there where 5 that say how good they are and never have a problem with it.... I buyed one and was hoping that i was one of the 5.... but no, i was not... :(
When (!!!) it was working, they did there job for me and i was satisfied, but when a light is broken, you are nothing with it!!
I used my MII900 2500hours and there where 5 burned leds
I fixed them and after 2900h 1/3 of the leds where down. After a little use like this is, i find 400 dollar a lot of money.. (where MH claims they be working for 50k hours....)
Who buy a light to use customer service...?? I try to fixed it the second time but that was not working..
MH try to help and cannot say anything about them, but thats not why i buy a light for...
I bought another expensive light and the MII 900 is lying somewhere.... because i cannot fix it, but happy that i replaced it and that one is working properly, like it should be without stress!!! ;)
I didn place this on the forum before because MH was helping correctly but at the end its not correct that something quit working after less than 3000 hours of use. And see the same that happen again, now with Entheo so i wanne tell you mine because also these stories are MH.... so if your a handy guy... i was not.
No hard word about Sara or Lucy and all the others they did more than there best...

Thank you,Camelion. We realized the problem of MarsII series,so we are upgrading MarsII series lights. The new upgraded lights will have longer lifespan. Our factory is improving technology and design of lights as customers' true review. I appreciate your support. :thanks:
Lights, Temps and Rh are job 1, nutrients should be considered last. Remember the biggest enemy of LED's is heat, deal with heat and efficiency and efficacy both climb.

Thanks for sharing your opinion with us.
Growing yield is related with so many factors, so sometimes it is hard to say which product is exactly bad or good.:thanks:
I can't complain about my mars ll 900 at all. My first grow with her i pulled 11.2 oz.


:goodjob: :thumb:
My two modified (made to work correctly) mars300 enclosed in this space over two clones for 2 and a half weeks. Temps run 72 ish with 40% average humidity. I dont run the exhaust to retain my humidity and I leave the door open regularly to supply fresh air. You can feel the warm air flowing out the top over the shower curtain SINCE THE COOLING FANS ARE NOW MOVING IT IN THE CORRECT DIRECTION NOT BLOWING HEATED AIR DOWN ONTO MY PLANTS

Many failures stem from ignoring the obvious
Hello guys, im a beginner, and i have a question, that can a Mars Eco 49 grow light can grow one or two small plants?Is is enough for them?

Let me start by saying I have not used the Eco series of lights. I have used the old style 300 (which the eco is an upgrade) as well as the Mars II 400 and 900 and the Epi320. If the Eco performs as well or better then the old 300, you will be fine for 1 or 2 small plants. The problem with small plants, is they turn into big plants, and 1 may not be enough for a larger plant. :circle-of-love::peace:
Thanks, but if i use some training on it it can be good yes?

Absolutely. LST works great. I am not so 'Low Stress" I top them and then bend them to my will!!! They can take more abuse then you think. ;) Keep them low and trim them out as they flower. I usually give a good trimming around 25 days or so into flower to open up the bud site to the light. Hope this helps. :circle-of-love::peace:
We have factory, we can produce much higher quality products, but different companies aim at different customers groups.We think more people are changing from HPS, HID.. to leds and more led entry users would like to buy more affordable lights. Yes, mars hydro is not a high end light, but it deserves the money if customers consider warranty, yield, light lifespan.. I know this is still disadvantages of Mars lights and tents, but we are improving our technology and design step by step. :thanks:

I must say I've bought and tried many different leds. Have never tried extremely cheap ones yet. I must say out of most light I have grown with the mars 320 holds its own amongst them all.
I have had some problem with mars and they've always came through. Maybe not without multiply emails but that always helped me out.
No I'm not a mars hydro fan boy either trying to suck balls to get some free shit either but got to give some props for building a more affordable light which can grow some beautiful plants. And the grow tents for me have been some of the best tents I've ever bought including all the big named tents.
Has anyone here got the new Mars pendent LED????
I'm going to buy that COB led. Goto give it a try . MR wise do you think one will do my little room?????
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